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Mechanochemistry in Materials

Mechanochemistry in Materials

Yoan C Simon | Stephen L Craig


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Book Details


With tremendous growth over the last five years, mechanochemistry has become one of the most important topics in current polymer science research. With a particular focus on polymers and soft materials, Mechanochemistry in Materials looks at the subject from the application of macroscopic forces to solid systems of macroscopic dimensions.

The book has been divided according to length scale covering both experimental and theoretical considerations simultaneously. The first section of the book focuses on inspiration from nature, exploring and explaining multiple biological phenomena. The second section discusses molecular mechanochemistry, including the theoretical understanding of the transduction of mechanical force and its impact on covalent bonds cleavage and formation. The final section considers the implementation of these phenomena at the mesoscale and discusses the use of supramolecular/reversible aspects with similarities to biological systems.

The book provides a unique comparison with natural systems and contains all the important achievements in the area from the last decade. Appealing to a broad range of materials scientists, working in industry and academia, this well-presented and comprehensive title will be essential reading for researchers.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Mechanochemistry in Materials i
Preface vii
Contents xi
Chapter 1 - Mechanochemistry: Inspiration from Biology 1
1.1 Introduction and Historical Perspective 1
1.2 Biomimetism and Rationale for Emulating Mechanotransduction Pathways 3
1.2.1 Principles of Biomimetism and Strategies to Implement It 3
1.2.2 Introduction of the Importance of Mechanotransduction Pathways for Living Organisms 4
1.2.3 Adaptivity in Bones 6
1.3 Sensing 15
1.3.1 Via Protein Unfolding 15
1.3.2 Via Ion Channel Opening 21
1.4 Conclusion 30
References 31
Chapter 2 - Mechanophores for Chemical Function 36
2.1 Introduction 36
2.2 Creation of Reactive Species 37
2.2.1 Radicals 37
2.2.2 Carbon Cations 38
2.2.3 Reactive Organic Functional Groups 39
2.3 Catalyst Activation 42
2.4 Spectral Change 44
2.5 Production of Small Molecules 47
2.6 Other 48
2.7 Conclusions and Perspectives 49
References 50
Chapter 3 - Optical Sensing of Stress in Polymers 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 Bond–Isomerization Reactions 55
3.3 Covalent Bond Scission Reactions 58
3.4 Conjugated Polymers 63
3.5 Chromophore Rearrangement 64
3.6 Photonic Polymers and Cholesteric Liquid Crystals 67
3.7 Conclusion 69
Acknowledgements 70
References 70
Chapter 4 - Materials Design Principles for Mechanochemical Transduction 76
4.1 Introduction 76
4.2 Mechanics Terminology 77
4.3 Mechanophore Kinetics 79
4.4 Experimental Techniques for MCR Polymers 82
4.5 Elastomers 87
4.6 Glassy Polymers 99
4.7 Composites and Coatings 107
4.8 Mechanochemically Modified Networks 108
4.9 Conclusions 113
Abbreviations 114
Acknowledgements 115
References 115
Chapter 5 - Tailoring Mechanochemical Reactivity of Covalent Bonds in Polymers by Non-covalent Interactions 119
5.1 Introduction 119
5.2 Theoretical Background of Polymer Mechanochemistry and the Effects of Supramolecular Interactions 120
5.2.1 Coil-to-stretch Transition and Bead-rod Model 120
5.2.2 Intra-chain Non-covalent Interactions 121 Sacrificial Units to Delay Chain Extension 122 Additional Hydrodynamic Shielding to Delay Chain Extension 122 Reducing σmax at the Fully Extended State 122
5.2.3 Inter-chain Non-covalent Interactions 123 Linear Supramolecular Polymers 123 Ladder-like Polymer Aggregates 124
5.2.4 Non-covalent Interactions in the Bulk 125
5.3 Experimental Observations 125
5.3.1 Mechanical Cleavage of Covalent Bonds in Dilute Solution 125 Shear Stability of Supramolecular Polymers and Aggregates in Drag Reduction 125 Effect of Supramolecular Interactions on the Mechanochemical Reactivity of Disulfide Bond in Biomacromolecules 127
5.3.2 Effects of Strong Hydrogen Bonding Interactions on the Activation of Mechanophores in the Bulk 130 Polymers Containing Both Supramolecular Motifs and Mechanophores on the Backbone 130 Mechanochemistry of SP in Soft and Hard Segments of PU 131 Dioxetanes as Mechanoluminescent Probes in Thermoplastic Elastomers 133 Mechanical Activation Enhanced by Strong Hydrogen Bonding at Chain Ends 135
5.3.3 Effects of Van de Waals Interactions 136 Activation of SP in Triblock Copolymer Thermoplastic Elastomers 136 Tuning Non-covalent Interactions by Polymer Mechanochemistry 138
5.3.4 Effect of Metallo-supramolecular Interactions 140 Using Metal–ligand Complex as Mechanophores 140 Effect of Metallo-supramolecular Interactions on the Activation of Mechanophores 141
5.4 Non-covalent Interactions in Stress-responsive Materials 143
5.4.1 Activation of Mechanophores and Irreversible Deformation of the Matrix 143
5.4.2 Successive Mechanochemical Activation in Hydrogen-bonded Reinforced Elastomers 143
5.5 Conclusions and Outlook 146
5.5.1 Conclusions 146
5.5.2 Outlook 147
Acknowledgements 147
References 148
Chapter 6 - Mechanochemistry of Polymer Brushes 155
6.1 Introduction 155
6.2 Degrafting of Polymer Brushes 156
6.3 Summary and Conclusions 164
References 165
Chapter 7 - Coupling Mechanics to Chemical Reactions to Create “Materials that Compute” 167
7.1 Introduction 167
7.2 Modeling Self-oscillating Gels 169
7.2.1 Kinetics of the BZ Reaction in a Polymer Gel 169
7.2.2 Gel Swelling in the Presence of an External Force 171
7.2.3 Values of Parameters Used in the Calculations 172
7.3 Modeling Force-controlled Entrainment of BZ Gels 173
7.3.1 Phase Dynamics Equations for Mechanically Deformed BZ Gels 174
7.3.2 Entraining the Responsive BZ Gel 176
7.4 Self-oscillating Gels Coupled Through Piezoelectric Films 181
7.5 Conclusions 191
Acknowledgement 192
References 192
Subject Index 194