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Foreign Language Input

Foreign Language Input

Dr. Rebekah Rast


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Book Details


Foreign Language Input: Initial Processing presents the most comprehensive study to date of the starting point of second language acquisition. Its focus is on the language input that learners receive and what they actually do with this input. The empirical study detailed in the book follows a methodology in which all of the language input provided to the learners from the moment of first exposure is controlled, recorded and transcribed. This input is then quantitatively compared to the learners’ performance on language tasks administered at various time intervals up to 8 hours after first exposure. This in-depth analysis of the input and the learners’ performance sheds light on questions still unanswered in second language acquisition literature, such as what knowledge is brought to the acquisition process and how learners use this knowledge to process new linguistic information.

Rast’s highly original study charts the first few hours of L2 acquisition in both comprehension and production, providing a richer and more complex view of the earliest stages of acquisition than anything hitherto available. Essential reading for acquisitionists!

Clive Perdue, Structures formelles du langage, CNRS & Université Paris 8

The core matter of this book is central to all theories of acquisition: it explores the relationship between input, intake, and L2 acquisition at the initial state of learning. It will be of top interest to all concerned with the nature of early L2 acquisition.

Marianne Gullberg, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen

Rast’s book answers the call for research on the initial stages of SLA while distinguishing itself from previous studies in which artificial languages were used. This book makes an important contribution to our understanding of the initial stages of SLA. On a theoretical level, this work is relevant and timely given the detailed discussions of intake, saliency and frequency.

Eve Zyzik University of California, Santa Cruz

Rebekah Rast teaches English and Linguistics at The American University of Paris. She has published in the field of second and third language acquisition and conducts research in collaboration with the interdisciplinary CNRS research team Language, Cognition et Développement (UMR 7023), based at the Université Paris VIII. Her research interests include second and additional language acquisition, as well as the interface between language acquisition and teaching.

Rast's clearly written exploration of input variables illuminates the nature of word and sentence repetition and word- and sentence-translation tasks for learners given minimal L2 exposure. This work will undoubtedly inspire further studies of first exposure.

Susanne Carroll, University of Calgary

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Acknowledgements ix
Abbreviations xi
Introduction xiii
Part 1 Theoretical Preliminaries 1
Chapter 1 Input and Intake Revisited 3
Chapter 2 First Exposure Studies 29
Part 2 The Study 45
Chapter 3 Polish–French Contrastive Analysis 47
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 66
Chapter 5 The Adult’s Available Knowledge at First Exposure to an Unknown Language 83
Chapter 6 Case Studies: Two Learners with Similar Linguistic Profiles 108
Chapter 7 Speech Perception 143
Chapter 8 Speech Comprehension 166
Chapter 9 Grammatical Analysis 192
Chapter 10 Concluding Remarks 226
Appendix 1 238
Appendix 2 240
Appendix 3 241
Appendix 4 242
Appendix 5 245
References 246
Index 258