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Fast Facts: Pancreas and Biliary Tract Diseases

Fast Facts: Pancreas and Biliary Tract Diseases

Manoop S Bhutani | Peter Vilmann | Adrian Saftoiu


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This book is an invaluable resource for primary care providers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, medical students, medical residents, interns, house physicians and all other health professionals faced with the challenge of caring for patients with diseases of the pancreas and biliary tract. It provides a clear and concise guide to diagnosis and management. You will first gain an anatomic understanding of the systems involved, and will then be introduced to the evaluation of pancreaticobiliary diseases by means of history taking, clinical evaluation, and common laboratory tests and imaging modalities. Subsequent chapters rapidly build upon these principles, to equip you with the knowledge to recognize symptoms and signs, and select the appropriate laboratory tests and imaging modalities for accurate diagnosis.
“A very well-written consensus, useful for both postgraduates and practicing gastroenterologists. I strongly recommend this book to all clinicians seeing patients with gastrointestinal problems.”
Dr D Nageshwar Reddy, Chairman and Chief of Gastroenterology, Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, India

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Fast Facts: Pancreas and Biliary Tract Diseases, 2nd edn 1
Title Page 2
List of abbreviations 5
Introduction 6
CHAPTER 1: Anatomy, physiology and epidemiology 8
CHAPTER 2: Evaluation of pancreaticobiliary diseases 11
CHAPTER 3: Diseases of the gallbladder 19
CHAPTER 4: Bile duct stone disease (choledocholithiasis) 40
CHAPTER 5: Bile duct tumors 48
CHAPTER 6: Unusual diseases of the biliary tree 57
CHAPTER 7: Dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi complex and gallbladder 66
CHAPTER 8: Acute pancreatitis 72
CHAPTER 9: Chronic pancreatitis 90
CHAPTER 10: Hereditary pancreatitis 107
CHAPTER 11: Pancreatic adenocarcinoma 116
CHAPTER 12: Unusual tumors of the pancreas and ampulla of Vater 130
Useful resources 145
Index 147