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Engagement in 21st Century French and Francophone Culture

Engagement in 21st Century French and Francophone Culture

Helena Chadderton | Angela Kimyongür


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Book Details


In the face of the contested legacy of engagement in the Francophone context, this interdisciplinary collection demonstrates that French and Francophone writers, artists, intellectuals and film-makers are using their work to confront unforeseen and unprecedented challenges, campaigns and causes in a politically uncertain post-9/11 world. Composed of eleven essays and a contextualising introduction, this volume is interdisciplinary in its treatment of engagement in a variety of forms, as it reassesses the relationship between different types of cultural production and society as it is played out in the twenty-first century. With a focus on both the development of different cultural forms (Part 1) and on the particular crises that have attracted the attention of cultural practitioners (Part 2), this volume maps and analyses some of the ways in which cultural texts of all kinds are being used to respond to, engage with and challenge crises in the contemporary Francophone world.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Title Page iii
Copyright Page iv
Contents v
Series Editors’ Preface vii
List of illustrations ix
Notes on contributors xi
Introduction: Engagement in Twenty-first-century French and Francophone Culture: Countering Crises 1
Part 1: Culture in Crisis? Evolving Cultural Forms in the Twenty-first Century 11
Chapter 1: Engagement in la fiction d’affaires: François Bon and Thierry Beinstingel 13
Chapter 2: Evolutions of engagement: Renaud and la chanson engagée in Twenty-first-century France 28
Chapter 3: ‘Radical’ Independent Presses in France at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century: A New Form of Political and Intellectual engagement? 48
Chapter 4: Charity Engagements: Television Coverage of Les Restos du Coeur and Les Enfoirés 67
Chapter 5: Plantu and the 2012 presidential election: un caricaturiste engagé? 85
Chapter 6: Dominique Manotti and the Politics of Crime Writing 107
Part 2: New Responses to New Crises: France and the Francophone World in the Twenty-first Century 127
Chapter 7: Crime and Comedy: Dominique Sylvain’s Ingrid Diesel and Lola Jost Series Post-9/11 129
Chapter 8: Michel Houellebecq, Masculinity and the Manipulation of Crisis 152
Chapter 9: Voicing the Silence: Exposing French Neo-colonial History and Practices in Mathieu Pernot’s Les Migrants 171
Chapter 10: Engagement au marteau: Michel Onfray’s Université Populaire 195
Chapter 11: New Aesthetics of Engagement: Fatou Diome’s Kétala 214
Index 231
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