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Acute Medicine, second edition

Acute Medicine, second edition

Declan O'Kane


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Book Details


Acute Medicine 2e is a current and concise guide to hospital emergency medicine for registrars, junior doctors and medical students working on the wards. This new edition has been comprehensively revised and updated to incorporate the latest treatment guidelines. It has been substantially rewritten and streamlined to enable the reader to access the pertinent information even more quickly. 

It is not just a list of instructions, but contains pathophysiology and useful clinical pearls:

• detailed management of acute medical and surgical emergencies, including in pregnancy

• general ward management issues

• descriptions of key procedures

• normal laboratory values

• emergency drug formulary

Acute Medicine 2e is available in two formats (the content is exactly the same in both):

- A pocket-sized black and white paperback  (ISBN 9781907904912)

- A spiral bound, larger format, full colour version (ISBN 9781911510086)

From reviews of the first edition:

"This new book by Dr O’Kane is a very useful and interesting book directed towards Medical registrars but also with many positive features for anyone from Medical Student to Consultants... [It] works through groups of emergencies according to speciality and organ grouping. This is helpful as it enables the reader to link the different differentials together well.  It also tries to signpost all the different conditions in relation to the Acute Medicine and General Internal Medicine curriculums.

There is also an excellent section on fluid prescription, outlining what each fluid option contains along with potential fluid prescriptions in relation to the daily needs of the human body. Each clinical problem is presented in a clear and logical format, beginning with the things to ask or think about when receiving a referral - much as junior doctors would do in a real clinical situation. 

The book also includes an excellent 'general management’ section, which covers important aspects of the assessment of mental capacity and considerations to make when discharging a patient - things which are often poorly taught in other settings. All of the clinical procedures are described in some level of detail - not enough to learn to do the procedure but enough to signpost as well as getting the reader to think about why it is needed and any associated risks." - Journal for Acute Medicine, October 2015

"O'Kane's Acute Medicine 2015 is a fantastic text for any doctor regardless of their grade. However, it is of particular use to the junior hospital doctor. The book covers a huge array of pathology and knowledge in a succinct and accessible way with easy to use chapters with superb explanations throughout. I am currently working in A+E and have found this book invaluable. In particular the chapters covering procedures and the excellent formulary have helped me on several occasions. All of this is accentuated by the size of the book, which is genuinely pocket sized. This book is an essential text for all junior doctors." - A junior hospital doctor

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Special_cases_in_resuscitation 9
Return_of_spontaneous_circulat 10
Bradycardia_Management 11
Tachycardia_Management 12
Emergency_DC_cardioversion 14
Implantable_cardioverter_defib 14
Emergency_Pericardiocentesis 14
Adult_choking_algorithm 16
Levels_of_care 17
National_Early_Warning_Scores 17
ABCDE_Assessment 18
Getting_Senior_Help_Advice_bef 19
Advanced_airways_management 20
TracheostomyLaryngectomy_Emerg 21
Assessing_and_Managing_fluid_b 21
Potassium_replacement 25
Venous_access_Choosing_a_Venou 25
AcidBase_Balance_and_Blood_gas 25
Assessment_of_Shocked_patient 27
Immediate_actions_in_a_Shocked 28
Quick_review_different_forms_o 28
Cardiogenic_Shock 29
Vasopressors_and_Inotropes 33
AnaphylacticAnaphylactoid_Shoc 34
Hypovolaemic_Shock 36
Haemorrhagic_Shock 41
Massive_transfusion_protocol 42
Acute_Coronary_syndrome 54
Stable_Angina_ 63
Arrhythmias 64
Ventricular_tachycardia 66
Torsades_de_pointes_Polymorphi 67
Symptomatic_bradycardia 69
Atrial_fibrillation 72
Aortic_dissection 74
Acute_Myocarditis 76
Acute_Pericarditis 78
Pericardial_effusion_tamponade 79
Severe_malignant_hypertension 81
Infective_endocarditis 83
Cardiomyopathy_CMP 85
Pathophysiology 87
Oxygen_delivery_devices 89
Acute_Breathlessness 90
Acute_Stridor 93
Acute_Respiratory_Failure 94
Invasive_ventilation 98
Massive_haemoptysis 99
Acute_Respiratory_distress_syn 100
Pneumothorax 106
Pleural_effusion 109
Pneumonia 110
Pneumocystis_pneumonia 113
Empyema 114
Pulmonary_embolism_and_Deep_Ve 114
Lung_White_out 119
Lung_abscess 120
Endocrine_and_Diabetic_Emergen 121
Introduction 121
Primary_hypoadrenalism_Addison 121
Hypoglycaemia 121
Hyperkalaemia 121
Hypokalaemia 125
Hypercalcaemia 126
Hypocalcaemia 121
Myxoedema_coma 121
Thyroid_storm_thyrotoxic_crisi 129
Pituitary_apoplexy 131
Hyponatraemia 132
Hypernatraemia 134
Hypophosphataemia 135
Hyperphosphataemia 135
Hypomagnesaemia 135
Hypermagnesaemia 135
Lactic_acidosis 136
Acute_porphyria 136
Diabetic_ketoacidosis 121
Hyperosmolar_hyperglycaemic_st 141
Diabetes_and_surgery 142
Variable_rate_intravenous_insu 143
Diabetes_care_in_emergencies 121
Acute_Diarrhoea_ 147
Constipation 148
Dyspepsia 147
Upper_Gastrointestinal_bleedin 151
Lower_Gastrointestinal_bleedin 156
Acute_Abdomen 158
Gastric_outlet_obstruction_pyl 161
Acute_Severe_Colitis 147
Clostridium_difficile_colitis 164
Intestinal_Obstruction 165
Acute_Colonic_Pseudoobstructio 166
Acute_Bowel_Ischaemia 166
Acute_Diverticulitis 167
Refeeding_syndrome 167
Ingested_foreign_bodies_and_fo 168
Hepatobiliary_Emergencies 171
Jaundice 171
Acute_Liver_Failure_ 171
Viral_Hepatitis 174
Alcoholic_hepatitis 175
Alcoholic_ketoacidosis 176
Alcohol_abuse 176
Delirium_tremensAlcohol_Withdr 178
Decompensated_Cirrhosis_and_As 179
Hepatorenal_syndrome 180
Hepatic_encephalopathy 181
Chronic_Liver_Disease_CLD 183
Gallstone_Disease_and_local_co 184
Acute_Cholangitis 185
Acute_Pancreatitis 186
Anaemia 191
Severe_thrombocytopenia 192
Heparininduced_thrombocytopeni 194
Disseminated_intravascular_coa 195
Sickle_cell_crisis 195
Haemolytic_uraemic_syndrome 197
Thrombotic_thrombocytopenic_pu 199
Bleeding_Disorders_and_Reversa 200
Bleeding_on_Direct_Oral_Antico 202
Blood_Transfusion_and_blood_pr 202
Acute_Transfusion_Reactions_AT 205
Immunocompromised_Patients 206
PlasmapheresisPlasma_Exchange_ 207
Assessment_of_the_Febrile_Trav 210
Falciparum_Malaria 212
African_tick_typhus 214
Katayama_fever_acute_schistoso 215
Dengue_fever_ 215
Viral_haemorrhagic_fever 215
Plague 216
Brucellosis 216
Q_fever_ 217
Anthrax 217
Leptospirosis 217
Listeriosis 218
Botulism 218
Clostridial_Infection 219
Acute_bacterial_sepsis 219
Measles 219
Chicken_poxvaricella_zoster_vi 219
Herpes_Simplex_1_and_2 220
Infectious_Mononucleosis 220
Cytomegalovirus 221
Influenza 221
Severe_Acute_Respiratory_Syndr 221
Middle_Eastern_Respiratory_Syn 222
Tuberculosis_Mycobacterium_tub 223
HIVAcquired_immunodeficiency_s 224
Oropharyngeal_Bacterial_infect 227
Diphtheria 228
Lemierres_syndrome 228
Meticillin_SensitiveResistant_ 229
Bacterial_resistance_VRE_ESBL_ 229
Gastroenteritis_and_similar_in 230
Escherichia_coli_infections 230
Shigella_dysenteriae 231
Enteric_fever_typhoid_paratyph 231
Bacillus_cereus 231
Cholera 231
Giardiasis 232
Amoebic_dysentery 232
Neurocysticercosis 232
Tetanus 232
Lyme_Disease 233
Osteomyelitis 313
Reactive_Arthritis 313
Acute_Gout_and_Pseudogout 313
Flare_of_Rheumatoid_Arthritis 315
Trauma_and_Fractures_in_Elderl 316
Neuroophthalmology 321
Giant_cell_temporal_arteritis 322
Actions_to_Reduce_absorptionin 325
Supportive_Management 326
Determine_History 327
Specific_Clinical_Signs 328
Toxidromes 329
Investigations_for_Overdose 329
Intralipid_therapy 330
High_dose_Insulinglucose_eugly 330
Amfetamine_Speed_and_3_4_MDMA_ 331
Betablocker_toxicity 331
Benzodiazepine_toxicity 331
Calcium_channel_blocker_toxici 332
Sodium_Valproate_toxicity 332
Carbon_monoxide_toxicity 333
Cocaine_toxicity 333
Cyanide_toxicity 334
Digoxin_toxicity 334
Ethanol_C2H5OH_toxicity 335
Ethylene_Glycol_EG_toxicity 335
Methanol_toxicity 326
Gamma_hydroxybutyrate_GHB_toxi 336
Insulin_toxicity 337
Iron_ferrous_sulphate_toxicity 337
Lithium_toxicity 337
Monoamine_oxidase_inhibitors_t 338
Neuroleptics_toxicity 338
Direct_oral_anticoagulants_DOA 338
Nonsteroidal_antiinflammatory_ 338
OpioidOpiate_toxicity 339
OrganophosphateCarbamates_toxi 339
Paracetamol_acetaminophen_toxi 340
Paraquat_toxicity 342
ChloroquineQuinine_toxicity 342
Salicylate_toxicity 343
SSRISNRI_toxicity 343
Tricyclic_antidepressant_toxic 344
Theophylline_toxicity_ 344
Body_Packers_Mules 344
Cannabis_toxicity 345
Sulphonylurea_toxicity 345
Methaemoglobinaemia 345
Phenobarbital_toxicity 346
Carbamazepine_toxicity 346
Acute_Heavy_metal_ingestion_in 346
Hypertension_in_pregnancy 348
Eclampsia_and_preeclampsia 349
Diabetes_in_pregnancy 350
Acute_hepatobiliary_disease_in 350
Pulmonary_Embolism_and_pregnan 352
Acute_Severe_Asthma_in_Pregnan 353
Status_Epilepticus_in_pregnanc 353
Cardiac_disease_in_pregnancy 354
Inflammatory_Bowel_Disease_and 354
Tumour_lysis_syndrome 355
Hyperviscosity_syndrome 355
Brain_tumour 356
Neutropenic_sepsis 357
Malignant_superior_vena_caval_ 358
Severe_Nausea_and_Vomiting 359
Malignant_spinal_cord_compress 359
Fat_embolism 362
Air_embolism 363
Refeeding_syndrome-1 363
Accidental_Hypothermia 363
Malignant_hyperpyrexia 365
Acute_rhabdomyolysis 365
Painful_leg 366
Acute_limb_ischaemia 367
Abdominal_Aortic_Aneurysm 368
Dermatological_Emergencies 369
Toxic_epidermal_necrolysisStev 369
CellulitisErysipelas_bites_sur 370
Erythroderma_exfoliative_derma 370
Necrotising_fasciitis 371
Nutritional_support_and_feedin 374
Pain_Managemenet 374
Venous_thromboembolism_prevent 377
Duties_of_a_doctor 378
Medical_errors_harm_and_duty_o 379
Discharging_patients_safely 380
Selfdischarge 382
Suicidal_patients 382
Common_law_and_Best_Interests 383
Mental_capacity 384
Managing_Opiate_addicts 384
Driving_and_disease 385
End_of_life_care 387
Palliative_Care_Drugs 389
Roles_and_responsibilities_aft 391
Managing_Inpatients_with_Press 395
Rehabilitation_Function_and_Di 395
Drains_and_Tubes 396
Venepuncture 399
Chest_drain_insertion 400
Central_venous_line_insertion 404
Lumbar_puncture 407
Abdominal_paracentesis 409
Arterial_blood_gas 410
Nasogastric_tube_insertion 411
Haematology_values 415
Emergency_Drugs_ 417
Potentially_fatal_drug_errors 417
Warfarin 440
Steroids 441
_GoBack 445