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Global Academic Publishing

Global Academic Publishing

Mary Jane Curry | Dr. Theresa Lillis



This book reports on the state of academic journal publishing in a range of geolinguistic contexts, including locations where pressures to publish in English have developed more recently than in other parts of the world (e.g. Kazakhstan, Colombia), in addition to contexts that have not been previously explored or well-documented. The three sections push the boundaries of existing research on global publishing, which has mainly focused on how scholars respond to pressures to publish in English, by highlighting research on evaluation policies, journals’ responses in non-Anglophone contexts to pressures for English-medium publishing, and pedagogies for supporting scholars in their publishing efforts.

Mary Jane Curry is an Associate Professor in the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, USA. Theresa Lillis is a Professor in the School of Languages and Applied Linguistics, The Open University, UK. They are the authors of A Scholar’s Guide to Getting Published in English: Critical Choices and Practical Strategies (Multilingual Matters, 2013) and Academic Writing in a Global Context: The Politics and Practices of Publishing in English (Routledge, 2010).

The co-editors have done an excellent job of editing, organizing, and arranging the four parts [of the book] into logical and cohesive subdivisions. The issues related to the dominance of English as the language of knowledge production is dealt with directly...Curry and Lillis make it clear that there is a conspiracy of factors that have led to this situation and they point how it is being addressed in positive ways. This book should be recommended reading for professors who teach in a graduate program and for their students.

Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville, USA

This timely collection sheds light on how publishing policies and practices are shaping global academic knowledge-making. Its impressive geolinguistic reach, with attention to a wide range of contexts and many contributions from beyond the Anglophone centre, brings a richness and nuance that make it a powerful inaugural text for the new Studies in Knowledge Production and Participation series.

This book consistently provides new and valuable insights into the various causes and consequences of the growing dominance of English in research publishing. To the best of my knowledge there are no other publications currently available that do as much or do it as well.

I recommend this book for anyone who is interested in understanding the contemporary world of academic publishing, whether as a writer who is seeking to disseminate knowledge, or as a research educator supporting novice scholars as they navigate the complexities of publication. The pressure to publish high-level research in English is not likely to disappear soon, but it is books like this that push us to recognise the power relations at play in global knowledge production. There is much to look forward to in this new series.

Cally Guerin, University of Adelaide, Australia

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
DOI 10.21832/CURRY9238 iv
Contents vii
Figures xi
Tables xiii
Contributors xv
Acknowledgments xxi
Preface xxiii
1 Problematizing English as the Privileged Language of Global Academic Publishing 1
Part 1 Evaluation Practices Shaping Academic Publishing 21
2 Lost in Quantification: Scholars and the Politics of Bibliometrics 23
3 PhD Publication Requirements and Practices: A Multidisciplinary Case Study of a Hungarian University 37
4 Chinese Business Schools Pursuing Growth through International Publishing: Evidence from Institutional Genres 50
Part 2 Scholars’ Practices and Perspectives 71
5 Issues of Identity and Voice: Writing English for Research Purposes in the Semi-periphery 73
6 Language Policy and the Disengagement of the International Academic Elite 88
7 Publishing in Pursuit of an Academic Career: The Role of Embedded and Encultured Knowledge in National Job-market Entry Strategies of Elite Early Career European Scholars 103
Part 3 Academic Journal Policies and Practices 119
8 The Reaction of Scholarly Journals to Impact-factor Publication Requirements in Kazakhstan 121
9 Blind Peer Review at an English Language Teaching Journal in Taiwan: Glocalized Practices within the Globalization of Higher Education 136
10 Publishing from the ELT Periphery: The Profile Journal Experience in Colombia 151
11 The Rise of Multimodality in Academic Publishing 166
12 Open Access: The Next Model for Research Dissemination? 184
13 Reconsidering ‘Predatory’ Open Access Journalsin an Age of Globalised English-language Academic Publishing 200
Part 4 Pedagogies for Global Academic Publishing 215
14 Teaching Writing for Publication in English to Engineering Students: Implications from a Collaborative Course in Taiwan 217
15 The Potential and Limitations of an Intensive English for Research Publication Purposes Course for Mexican Scholars 233
16 Emerging Academics: Using WhatsApp to Share Novice and Expert Resources in a Postgraduate Writing Group 249
Index 264