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Alterity and Criticism

Alterity and Criticism

William D. Melaney


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How does the theme of the other–-as person, experience or alternative conceptual scheme—allow us to reassess the role of the self in literary texts? This book employs phenomenology and semiotics to argue that modern literature is strongly concerned with the role of time in the construction of the self.

Alterity and Criticism: Retracing Time in Modern Literature argues that the role of time in canonical literature underlies the experience of alterity and requires a new hermeneutic to clarify how the self emerges in literary texts. Romantic poetry from Goethe to Shelley and the modern prose tradition from Flaubert to Butor constitute different traditions but also indicate, on a textual basis, how alterity performs a crucial role in reading, thus encouraging us to interpret literary texts in terms of the related concerns of self, other and time. The author examines the phenomenology of Emmanuel Lévinas and Wolfgang Iser, as well as the cultural semiotics of Julia Kristeva, to argue that modern literature provides the occasion for a new understanding of the self in time and, in this way, addresses some of the pressing literary problems of our own period.
Melaney’s book is a welcome addition to ethical criticism because it eschews the danger of merely stating the alterity of the Other. The strength of Melaney is his philosophical rigor allied with an attention to textual detail, historical context, and theoretical conversations that illuminate the texts discussed, from Goethe to Joyce, from the Romantics to Eliot and Butor. Alterity appears here less as a recurrent theme than as a question posed to literature so as to prevent semiotic closure: texts are shown to be irreducibly open to the time of the Other.
Jean-Michel Rabaté, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Pennsylvania
William D. Melaney is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the American University in Cairo. He is the author of After Ontology: Literary Theory and Modernist Poetics and Material Difference: Modernism and the Allegories of Discourse.
Melaney intricately connects the dissolution of subject-centered consciousness, interrupted by "alterity" as audaciously expressed in modern literature, to reflections of phenomenology, semiotics, hermeneutics, and psychoanalysis. He highlights broken circuits of reflexivity as key to reading in the mode that in the modern period gives us "literature" – provocatively presented as a creation of criticism.
William Franke, Vanderbilt University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Alterity and Criticism Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction: Alterity as a Literary Problem xi
Part I: Romanticism as Beginning Alterity 1
1 Time in Goethe’s Faust I: A Poetics of Disruption 3
Faust I and Romanticism 3
Goethe’s Allegorical Text 6
Faust in Literary History 11
Time in Late Phenomenology 13
2 Reassessing the Byronic Sublime: A Critique of Pure Autonomy 19
Manfred and Sublime Aesthetics 19
Byron and the Problem of Memory 23
A Poetics of Ruptured Time 27
Alterity and the Byronic Text 30
3 Coleridge as Poet-Critic: Imagination and Other Life 33
Coleridge, Nature, and Subjectivity 33
Temporality and the Self 37
Poetry and the Emergent Other 41
4 Shelley and the Myth of Poetry: The “Return” of Metaphor 45
Poetry and the Origins of Language 45
Metaphor in Prometheus Unbound 49
Time and the Myth of Prometheus 53
Part II: Alterity and the Prose Tradition 59
5 Flaubert’s Dislocations: Rethinking a Crisis in Reading 61
Secular and Sacred Time 61
Aesthetics and the Semiotic Turn 65
Flaubert’s Crisis and Criticism 67
Rethinking Historical Repetition 72
Time in Madame Bovary 75
6 Eliot and the Uses of Dante: Thresholds of the Unsayable 83
A Narrative of Decline 83
Plurality in Literary Response 86
Romantic Irony in a New Context 89
Tradition as Disturbance 91
7 Joyce and Metaphor in Excess: Art, Encounter, Semiosis 97
Joyce and the Uses of Writing 97
Ulysses as a Poetics of Encounter 100
Ethics and the “Return” of History 105
Khōra and Aesthetic Form 108
8 Butor’s Rite of Passage: Reference and Repetition 113
Descartes in Question 113
A Semiotics of the Virtual 116
Self and Interpretation 120
Part III: Critical Discourses of Alterity 125
9 Lévinas and Kristeva: Signifying Alterity in Language 127
Lévinas and Early Husserl 127
Languages of Ethical Encounter 131
Alterity and Psychoanalysis 134
Kristeva and Semiotic Alterity 136
10 Iser’s Aesthetic Phenomenology: Reading, Time, and World 141
Culler at the Limits of Structuralism 141
Iser’s Phenomenology of Reading 146
Temporality and the Literary Text 152
Conclusion: Alterity and Modern Time 157
The Moment That Does Not Abide 157
Hamlet and New Criticism 161
A Phenomenology of the Witness 164
Alterity and World Literature 168
Notes 173
Bibliography 203
Index 215
About the Author 221