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Ionic Liquid Devices

Ionic Liquid Devices

Ali Eftekhari


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Ionic liquids are attractive because they offer versatility in the design of organic salts. As ion-rich media, ionic liquids can control the systems properties by tuning the size, charge, and shape of the composing ions. Whilst the focus has mainly been on the potential applications of ionic liquids as solvents, they also provide innovative opportunities for designing new systems and devices. Limitations from the high viscosity and expensive purification of the ionic liquids are also not a barrier for applications as devices.

Written by leading authors, Ionic Liquid Devices introduces the innovative applications of ionic liquids. Whilst the first chapters focus on their characterization, which can be difficult in some instances, the rest of the book demonstrates how ionic liquids can play substantial roles in quite different systems from sensors and actuators to biomedical applications.

The book provides a comprehensive resource aimed at researchers and students in materials science, polymer science, chemistry and physics interested in the materials and inspire the discovery of new applications of ionic liquids in smart devices.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Ionic Liquid Devices i
Foreword vii
Preface ix
Contents xi
Chapter 1 - Novel Analytical Techniques for Smart Ionic Liquid Materials 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 SEM Observations with ILs 2
1.2.1 ILs as Pre-treatment Reagents 4
1.2.2 ILs as Reaction Media and Electrolytes for Microscale Reactions 6
1.3 TEM Observations with ILs 9
1.3.1 ILs Observed by TEM 9
1.3.2 ILs as Pre-treatment Reagents 10
1.3.3 ILs as Reaction Media and Electrolytes for Nanoscale Reactions 12
1.4 XPS with ILs 15
1.4.1 Bulk Composition, Interionic Interaction, and Surface Composition in ILs 16
1.4.2 In situ XPS Monitoring of Chemical Reactions in ILs 22
1.5 Conclusion 24
References 25
Chapter 2 - Electron Microscopy of Wet\rMaterials Using Ionic Liquids 30
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 EM Observation of Wet Materials Using Sample Preparation Techniques with ILs 31
2.2.1 Biological Materials 31 Animal and Plant Cells and Chromosomes 32 Microorganisms: Bacteria and Viruses 34 Plant Cells, Petals, and Pollen 35 Seaweed 37
2.2.2 Hydrated or Insulated Materials 38 Polymer 38 Mineral 40 Ceramic Green Body 42
2.3 Direct EM Observations of the Reaction Behavior 43
2.3.1 In situ SEM Observations of Electrochemical Reactions 44
2.3.2 Direct EM Observation of the Interaction Between Drugs and Target Materials 44
2.4 Optimization of IL-based EM Observation Techniques 47
2.5 Conclusions 50
References 50
Chapter 3 - Ionic Liquid-based Surfactants: A Step Forward 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 IL-based Surfactants: Synthesis and Classification 55
3.2.1 Monocationic IL-based Surfactants 59
3.2.2 Multicationic IL-based Surfactants 60
3.2.3 Functionalized IL-based Surfactants 61
3.3 Characterization of IL-based Surfactants Properties: Micellar Behaviour 61
3.4 Applications of IL-based Surfactants 68
3.5 Conclusions and Trends 71
Abbreviations 71
Acknowledgements 72
References 72
Chapter 4 - Surfactant Fluorinated Ionic\rLiquids 79
4.1 Introduction 79
4.2 Nanosegregation in Fluorinated Ionic Liquids 81
4.3 Influence of Nanosegregation on the Surface, Phase and Aggregation Behaviour 83
4.3.1 Surface Properties 83
4.3.2 Phase Behaviour 85
4.3.3 Aggregation Behaviour 87
4.3.4 Binary Mixtures of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids 89
4.4 Applications of Fluorinated Ionic Liquids 93
4.4.1 Artificial Blood Substitutes 93
4.4.2 Drug Delivery Systems (DDSs) 94
4.4.3 Separation Processes 96
4.5 Conclusion 97
Acknowledgements 97
References 97
Chapter 5 - Ion Solvation and Transport in Ionic Liquids and Ionogels 103
5.1 Introduction 103
5.2 Results and Discussion 106
5.2.1 Solvation of Molecular Cosolvents and Inorganic Salts in Ionic Liquids 107
5.2.2 Ionogels: Preparation and Phase Diagrams 114
5.2.3 Optical Properties 119 Thermochromism 120 Electrochromism 122
5.2.4 Magnetic Properties 123
5.2.5 Ionic Liquids Doped with Nanoparticles 124
5.3 Mass and Charge Transport in Mixtures of Ionic Liquids 127
5.4 Conclusions 129
Acknowledgements 129
References 130
Chapter 6 - Laser Deposition of\rNano-ionic Liquids and Their\rProcess Applications in a\rVacuum 136
6.1 Introduction 136
6.2 Laser Deposition of Ionic Liquids 139
6.2.1 Continuous-wave Infrared Laser Deposition Method 139
6.2.2 Fabrication of Various Micro- and Nano-ILs 143 Micro- and Nano-IL Droplets23,35 145 Nano-IL Thin Films 148
6.2.3 Evaporation Process of IL in Vacuum 150
6.2.4 Thermal Stability of Deposited ILs in Vacuum 152
6.3 Process Applications of ILs in Vacuum 152
6.3.1 A New Concept of IL-assisted Vapor Synthesis and Growth in a Vacuum 153
6.3.2 Growth of Pentacene Single Crystals and Films via ILs50,75,76 154 Growth of Bulk Pentacene Single Crystals in an IL Macro-droplet75 155 Confined Growth of Pentacene within a Nano Thin Film-IL50 157
6.3.3 Epitaxial Growth of High-quality C60 Films via IL78 158
6.3.4 Stabilization of a Flat (111) Polar Surface of KBr Films Grown via IL33,54 159
6.3.5 Reactive Vapor Synthesis and Growth via IL 160 DBTTF-TCNQ Complex Organic Crystals79 161 Direct Synthesis of Porous Polyurea Films80 161
6.4 Conclusions 163
Acknowledgements 163
References 164
Chapter 7 - Smart Design of Sustainable\rand Efficient ILs 168
7.1 Investigating the ILs Chemical Space: A Complex Task 168
7.2 The Multivariate Statistical Approach 169
7.2.1 Data Collection and Data Analysis 169
7.2.2 Comparison Between MRA and PLS 169
7.3 ILs QSPR 175
7.3.1 Theory-driven and Data-driven Approaches 176
7.3.2 New VolSurf+ In silico Descriptors for ILs Cationic and Anionic Counterparts 177
7.3.3 Multivariate Design in Principal Properties 179
7.3.4 Balancing Simplicity and Complexity: A Real Challenge 186 PLS Modelling with Few VolSurf+ PPs 187 PLS Modelling with Nine VolSurf+ PPs 188 PLS Modelling with the Full Set of VolSurf+ Descriptors 189 OPLS Modelling with the Full Set of VolSurf+ Descriptors 190
7.4 Further Extension of the Approach for Smart ILs and Materials Design 191
7.5 Conclusions and Outlook 191
References 192
Chapter 8 - Applications of Ionic Liquids in\rOrganic Electronic Devices 196
8.1 Introduction 196
8.2 Applications of ILs in Organic Electronic Devices 198
8.2.1 Light-emitting Devices 198 OLEDs 199 LECs 207
8.2.2 Solar Cells 212 OSCs 212 DSSCs and PeSCs 215
8.2.3 OFETs 219
8.3 Outlook for the Future 225
References 226
Chapter 9 - Applications of Ionic Liquid\rMaterials in Microfluidic\rDevices 234
9.1 Introduction 234
9.2 Ionic Liquids Materials as Actuators 237
9.2.1 Microvalves 237
9.2.2 Passive Pumps 244
9.3 Ionic Liquids for Sensing 245
9.3.1 Chemical Sensing 246
9.3.2 Physical Sensing 250
9.4 Ionic Liquids for Reagent Storage 252
9.5 Ionic Liquids in Segmented Flow Microfluidics 253
9.5.1 Electrowetting on Dielectric (EWOD) Based Microfluidics 254
9.5.2 Chemotactic Ionic Liquids 256
9.5.3 Ionic Liquids as Microreactors 258
9.6 Ionic Liquids for Separation in Microfluidics 261
9.7 Other Applications in Microfluidics 263
9.7.1 Ionic Liquids for Nanoparticle Synthesis in Microfluidics 264
9.7.2 Ionic Liquids for Building Microfluidics-based Power Generators 265
9.7.3 Ionic Liquids for Precise Temperature Control in Microfluidics 265
9.8 Conclusions 266
Acknowledgements 266
References 266
Chapter 10 - Recognition-based Smart Ionic\rLiquids 272
10.1 Introduction 272
10.2 Bicyclic Imidazolium Ionic Liquid for Affinity Purification 276
10.3 Crowned 1,2,3-Triazolium Ionic Liquid for Biomolecular Recognition 281
10.4 Bicyclic 1,2,3-Triazolium Ionic Liquid for Chemoselective Extraction 286
10.5 Conclusion 292
Acknowledgements 294
References 294
Chapter 11 - Ionic Liquid-based Physical\rSensors 296
11.1 Introduction 296
11.2 Ionic Liquid Capacitive Sensors 297
11.2.1 Operation Principle 297
11.2.2 Applications 298 Pressure Sensor 298 Tactile Sensor 299
11.3 Ionic Liquid Resistive Sensors 302
11.3.1 Operation Principle 302 Constant Electrofluidic Resistor 303 Pressure Regulated Electrofluidic Variable Resistor 303 Pressure Controlled Electrofluidic Switch 305
11.3.2 Applications 305 Pressure Sensor 305 Flexible Key Pad 313
11.4 Conclusion 318
References 318
Chapter 12 - Aspects of Recent Advances\rin Smart Ionic Liquid Based\rSensors 321
12.1 An Overview on Ionic Liquids 321
12.1.1 Cations 322 Five-membered Heterocyclic Cations 322 Six-membered Heterocyclic Cations 323 Ammonium, Phosphonium and Sulphonium Based Cations 323
12.1.2 Anions 324
12.1.3 General Properties of ILs 325
12.2 Applications of ILs in the Sensory Field 326
12.2.1 IL Mediated Enantio-specific Chiral Sensor for DOPA 328
12.2.2 IL Based Strain Sensor for Tendon Measurements 328
12.2.3 IL-based Actuator as a Humidity Sensor 328
12.2.4 Biosensor for Bisphenol-A 329
12.2.5 Simultaneous Determination of Bioactive Compounds 331
12.2.6 Electrochemical Sensor for Metal Ion Detection 331
12.2.7 Optoelectronic Sensor for Chemical Detection 331
12.2.8 IL-based Ethylene Sensor for Fruit and Vegetable Monitoring 333
12.2.9 IL-based Electrochemical Sensor for Ascorbic Acid in Foods and Pharmaceuticals 334
12.3 Conclusions 334
Acknowledgements 335
References 335
13 - Smart Ionic Liquids-based\rGas Sensors 337
13.1 Introduction 337
13.2 Electrochemical Gas Sensors 339
13.2.1 Introduction 339
13.2.2 IL-based Electrochemical Oxygen Sensors 340
13.2.3 IL-based Electrochemical Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Sensors 342
13.2.4 IL-based Electrochemical Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Sensors 346
13.3 Optical Gas Sensors 346
13.3.1 Introduction 346
13.3.2 IL-based Optical Oxygen Sensors 348
13.3.3 IL-based Optical Carbon Dioxide Sensors 349
13.3.4 IL-based Optical Ammonia Gas Sensors 350
13.3.5 IL-based Optical Volatile Organic Compound Sensors 351
13.4 Piezoelectric Gas Sensors 353
13.4.1 IL-based Quartz-crystal Microbalance Sensors 353
13.4.2 Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors 354
13.5 Trends and Future Directions 355
13.5.1 Overview 355
13.5.2 Extreme Environments and Environmental Sensitivity 356
13.5.3 Designer Solvents and Task-specific Ionic Liquids 357
13.5.4 ILs on Screen-printed (Disposable) Substrates 357
13.5.5 Miniaturized Gas Sensors and Arrays of Gas Sensors 357
13.6 Conclusions 357
References 358
Chapter 14 - Design and New Energy\rApplication of Ionic Liquids 365
14.1 Introduction 365
14.2 General Physical Properties of ILs 366
14.2.1 Volume Property 366
14.2.2 Refractive Index 368
14.3 Special Physical Properties of ILs 370
14.4 Electrochemical Properties of ILs 372
14.4.1 Lithium Batteries 372
14.4.2 Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors 374
14.4.3 New Applications for Electrical Devices 377
14.5 New ILs: Solvate ILs 378
14.6 Conclusion 385
Acknowledgements 385
References 385
Chpater 15 - Ionic Liquid Based\rNanocarriers for Topical and\rTransdermal Drug Delivery 390
15.1 Introduction 390
15.2 Experimental 392
15.2.1 Materials 392
15.2.2 Preparation of IL/o MEs 393
15.2.3 Determination of the Drug Solubility in the MEs 393
15.2.4 Characterization of the ME Systems 394
15.2.5 Physical Stability of the MEs 394
15.2.6 Skin Permeation Studies 394
15.2.7 Analysis Assay 394
15.2.8 Data Analysis 395
15.2.9 In vitro Cytotoxicity Studies 395
15.3 Results and Discussion 395
15.3.1 Selection of the Components for ME Formation 395
15.3.2 Effect of the Surfactant on the Solubility of ACV in the IL/o ME 396
15.3.3 Characterization of MEs Loaded with ACV 397
15.3.4 Physical Stability of the MEs 397
15.3.5 Skin Permeation Studies 398
15.3.6 In vitro Cytotoxicity Studies 401
15.4 Conclusion 401
Acknowledgements 402
References 402
Chapter 16 - Bioactivity of Ionic Liquids 404
16.1 Introduction 404
16.2 Ionic Liquids as Antimicrobial Agents 406
16.2.1 Anti-biofilm Ionic Liquids 408
16.3 Ionic Liquids as Anti-tumor Agents 409
16.4 Modes of Action and Structure–Activity Relationships of Bioactive Ionic Liquids 412
16.4.1 Modes of Antimicrobial Action 412
16.4.2 Structure–Activity Relationships 413 Effect of Cation Side-chain Length and Functionalization 413 Effects of Specific Cations or Anions 414
16.5 Ionic Liquids as Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) 414
16.6 Conclusions and Challenges 416
Acknowledgements 417
References 418
Chapter 17 - Functional DNA in Ionic Liquids 423
17.1 Functional DNA 423
17.1.1 Introduction 423
17.1.2 Aptamers 425
17.1.3 DNAzymes 426
17.1.4 Other Functional Nucleic Acids 428
17.2 DNA Stability and Function in Non-conventional Environments 429
17.2.1 Aqueous Buffer Solutions 429
17.2.2 Effect of Ions 429
17.2.3 Organic Solvents as Non-conventional Environment 430
17.2.4 Polymers as Non-conventional Environment 432
17.2.5 Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents as Non-conventional Environment 433
17.3 Functional DNA in Ionic Liquids 434
17.3.1 Understanding the Molecular Interactions Between DNA and Ionic Liquids 434
17.3.2 Potential Application and Sustainability of Choline Based Ionic Liquids 435
17.3.3 Molecular DNA-aptamer Beacons as Molecular Recognition Sensors in Ionic Liquids 436
17.4 Conclusions 440
Acknowledgements 440
References 440
Subject Index 445