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Polymerized Ionic Liquids

Polymerized Ionic Liquids

Ali Eftekhari


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The applications of ionic liquids can be enormously expanded by arranging the organic ions in the form of a polymer architecture. Polymerized ionic liquids (PILs), also known as poly(ionic liquid)s or polymeric ionic liquids, provide almost all features of ionic polymers plus a rare versatility in design. The mechanical properties of the solid or solid-like polymers can also be controlled by external stimuli, the basis for designing smart materials.

Known for over four decades, PILs are a member of the ionic polymers family. Although the previous forms of ionic polymers have a partial ionicity, PILs are entirely composed of ions. Therefore, they offer a better flexibility for designing a responsive architecture as smart materials. Despite the terminology, PILs can be synthesized from solid organic ionic salts since the monomer liquidity is not a requirement for the polymerization process. Ionicity can also be induced to a neutral polymer by post-polymerization treatments.

This is indeed an emerging field whose capabilities have been somehow overshadowed by the popularity of ionic liquids. However, recent reports in the literature have shown impressive potentials for the future. Written by leading authors, the present book provides a comprehensive overview of this exciting area, discussing various aspects of PILs and their applications as smart materials. Owing to the novelty of this area of research, the book will appeal to a broad readership including students and researchers from materials science, polymer science, chemistry, and physics.

A comprehensive overview of polymerized ionic liquids and their applications as smart materials.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Polymerized Ionic Liquids i
Foreword vii
Preface xi
Contents xiii
Chapter 1 - Polymerization in Ionic Liquids 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 ILs in Conventional Free Radical Polymerization 2
1.3 ILs in Controlled Free Radical Polymerizations 6
1.4 ILs in Ionic Polymerizations and Group Transfer Polymerizations 9
1.5 Ring Opening Polymerization 10
1.6 Transition Metal-catalyzed Polymerizations 11
1.7 Electrochemical Polymerization 12
1.8 Step-growth Polymerization 12
1.9 Enzymatic Polymerization 12
1.10 ILs as Solvents for Grafting from Biopolymers 13
1.11 Other Applications of ILs in Polymerization 13
1.12 Conclusions and Future Prospects 14
Acknowledgements 15
References 15
Chapter 2 - Porous Ionic Liquid Materials 23
2.1 Introduction 23
2.1.1 General Definition of Porosity 24
2.2 Porosity and Ionic Liquids 28
2.2.1 Porous Poly(Ionic Liquid)s 30 Templating Methodologies 30\rHard Templating.In hard templating methodologies, the selected templating structure is pre-formed and it is usually constituted ... 32\rSoft Templating.Soft templating methodologies rely on the use of soft matter, mainly in the form of self-assembled block copolym... 33 Templating-free Methodologies 35\rFree Radical Polymerization.Free radical polymerization is one of the most common and versatile techniques to obtain polymers, a... 36\rDirect Synthesis of Polymeric Networks.The direct synthesis of porous PILs is a flourishing method in the field of porous PIL sy... 40\rPolyelectrolyte Complexation.Previously, we introduced several methods to create porous PILs exploiting free radical and condens... 48
2.2.2 Supported Porous Ionic Liquids 51 Ionic Liquids on Polymeric Supports 55 Ionic Liquids on Metal Catalysts 55 Ionic Liquids on Carbon-based Supports 56 Ionic Liquids on Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks 57 Ionic Liquids on Inorganic Oxide Supports 59 Porous Liquids 61
2.2.3 Hybrid Porous IL Materials 63 MOF–ILs 64 Silica–ILs 70\rSilica–ILs from Co-condensation.The first step of the co-condensation technique to create PMOs is the synthesis of the mono- or ... 72\rSilica–ILs from Self-condensation.The self-condensation methodology for the synthesis of PMOs avoids the use of TEOS in the synt... 74
2.2.4 Supramolecular Ionic Liquids 77
References 77
Chapter 3 - Cationic and Anionic Polymerized Ionic Liquids: Properties for Applications 83
3.1 Introduction 83
3.2 Comparison of the Properties of Cationic vs. Anionic PILs 84
3.2.1 Electroconductivity 84
3.2.2 CO2 Sorption 95
3.2.3 Sensors 103
3.2.4 Thermoresponsive Materials 105
3.3 Summary and Future Directions of Research 109
References 109
Chapter 4 - Switchable Hydrophobicity and Hydrophilicity 117
4.1 Introduction 117
4.2 Ionic Liquids with Switchable Hydrophobicity and Hydrophilicity Depending on the Temperature 118
4.3 Thermoresponsive Poly(ionic liquid)s with Switchable Hydrophobicity/Hydrophilicity 125
4.4 Potential Applications of Thermoresponsive Ionic Liquid-based Materials 134
4.5 Conclusion 139
Acknowledgements 140
References 140
Chapter 5 - Switchable Polarity Liquids 143
5.1 Introduction 143
5.2 Preparation and Characterization 145
5.2.1 Two-component Switchable Polarity Solvent/Ionic Liquids for CO2/SO2 Capture 145
5.2.2 Switchable Ionic Liquids from DBU, Alcohols and CO2 146
5.2.3 Switchable Ionic Liquids from TMG, Alcohols and CO2 147
5.2.4 CO2 Release and Recyclability of SPSs 149 CO2 Release 149 Recyclability of SPSs 150 Switchable Ionic Liquids from DBU, Glycerol, and Acid Gas (CO2 or SO2) 151
5.2.5 DBU Bicarbonate 153
5.2.6 One-component Switchable Polarity Solvents/Ionic Liquids for CO2 Capture 155 (Trialkoxysilyl)propylamines and CO2 156 (Aminopropyl)trialkylsilane + CO2 157 ATR-FTIR Analysis 157 Henry’s Constant (HCO2) Measurement 158 NMR Analysis 159
5.2.7 Regeneration of Silylamines from ILs 161
5.2.8 Recyclability of Silylamine SPSs/ILs 161
5.3 Applications 162
5.3.1 CO2 Capture with Switchable Ionic Liquids 162
5.3.2 Fractionation of Alga with Switchable Ionic Liquids 166
5.3.3 Wood Fractionation 167 Switchable Ionic Liquids for Selective Extraction of Hemicelluloses 167 SO2 vs. CO2 Switched Ionic Liquids for Wood Treatment 168 Influence of Treatment Time for Wood Treated with a SIL 170 Selective Extraction of Components by SILs from Wood 171 SILs for Fractionation of Fast Growing Biomass: Grass, Agricultural Residues and Eucalyptus Bark 171 Toward Industrial Utilization of SILs as Fractionation Solvents for Biomass 173 Deconstruction of Hardwood in SILs and Acylation of the Dissolved Cellulose 174
5.3.4 Switchable Ionic Liquids as Reaction and Separation Media 174
5.4 Conclusions 176
Acknowledgements 176
References 176
Chapter 6 - Stimuli Responsive Smart Fluids Based on Ionic Liquids and Poly(ionic liquid)s 180
6.1 Introduction 180
6.2 Electro/magneto-responsive Smart Fluids 182
6.3 Electro-responsive Electrorheological Fluids 184
6.3.1 Electrorheological Fluids Based on Ionic Liquids 187
6.3.2 Electrorheological Fluids Based on Poly(ionic liquid)s 191
6.4 Summary 198
Acknowledgements 199
References 199
Chapter 7 - Thermo-responsive Poly(ionic liquid) Nanogels Prepared via One-step Cross-linking Copolymerization 202
7.1 Introduction 202
7.2 Thermo-responsive Systems Comprising ILs 204
7.3 Thermo-responsive PIL Nanogels Prepared via One-step Cross-linking Copolymerization 206
7.4 Summary and Outlook 222
References 222
Chapter 8 - Redox-active Immobilized Ionic Liquids and Polymer Ionic Liquids 225
8.1 Introduction 225
8.2 Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids 226
8.2.1 Electrodeposition of Metals, Metal Alloys and Semiconductors 226
8.2.2 Electropolymerization of Conducting Polymers 227
8.3 Redox-active Ionic Liquid 228
8.4 Immobilization of Ionic Liquids and Redox-active Ionic Liquids 230
8.4.1 Introduction 230
8.4.2 Approaches to form Thin Layers of Ionic Liquids 231
8.5 Approaches for Polymer Ionic Liquids 238
8.5.1 Synthetic Route and Structure of PILs 238
8.5.2 Physicochemical Properties 241
8.6 Applications of Poly(ionic liquid)s 243
8.6.1 Nanostructuration 243
8.6.2 Switchable Devices 245
8.6.3 Energy Applications 247 Supercapacitors 247 Li-batteries 248 Fuel Cells 250 Solid State Dye-sensitized Solar Cells (SS-DSSCs) 251 Actuators 251
8.6.4 Sensors 252
8.7 Concluding Remarks 255
References 256
Chapter 9 - Doping Polymers with Ionic Liquids to Manipulate Their Morphology and Membrane Gas Separation Properties 262
9.1 Introduction 262
9.2 Background 264
9.3 Effect of IL Doping on the Tg of Blends 265
9.3.1 Tg Depression and Modeling Using the Gordon–Taylor Equation 265
9.3.2 Estimation of the Tg for ILs 266
9.4 Effect of IL Doping on Polymer Crystallization 267
9.4.1 Effect of IL Doping on Tm Depression 267
9.4.2 Effect of IL Doping on Polymer Crystallinity 268
9.4.3 Effect of ILs Doping on Dissolution of Cellulose Acetate 268
9.5 Effect of IL Doping on Gas Permeation Properties 270
9.5.1 Gas Solubility in ILs 270
9.5.2 Effect of IL Doping on Gas Solubility in Polymer/IL Blends 271
9.5.3 Effect of IL Doping on Gas Diffusivity in Polymer/IL Blends 272
9.5.4 Effect of IL Doping on Gas Separation Properties 274
9.6 Conclusion 275
Acknowledgements and Disclaimer 276
References 276
Chapter 10 - Ionic Liquid-modified Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride): from High Performance Anti-static Materials to Flexible Dielectric Materials 280
10.1 Introduction 280
10.2 Anti-static PVDF/IL Composites 281
10.2.1 Anti-static Miscible PVDF/IL Films 281
10.2.2 Anti-static PVDF/IL Nanofibrous Films 284
10.2.3 Anti-static PVDF/IL–CNT Nanocomposites 286
10.3 Dielectric PVDF/IL Composites 288
10.3.1 Formation of PVDF-g-IL Films 288
10.3.2 Dielectric PVDF/IL Nanostructured Composites 290
10.3.3 Block-like Copolymers of PVDF-g-IL Chains and Their Microphase Separation Behaviours 291
10.3.4 Dielectric PVDF/IL–CB Nanocomposites 296
10.4 Conclusion and Outlook 300
References 300
Chapter 11 - Ionic Liquids as Tools in the Production of Smart Polymeric Hydrogels 304
11.1 Introduction 304
11.2 Polymeric Hydrogels Using Ionic Liquids 305
11.2.1 Agarose 306
11.2.2 Cellulose 307
11.2.3 Chitin and Chitosan 308
11.2.4 Silk Fibroin 310
11.2.5 Xanthan Gum 311
11.3 Smart Polymeric Hydrogels 311
11.4 Conclusions 314
List of Abbreviations 315
Acknowledgements 315
References 315
Chapter 12 - Preparation of Functional Polysaccharides and Related Materials Combined with Ionic Liquids 319
12.1 Introduction 319
12.2 Polysaccharide Ion Gels 321
12.2.1 Ion Gels of Abundant Polysaccharides with Ionic Liquids 321
12.2.2 Ion Gels of Hydrocolloid Polysaccharides with Ionic Liquids 327
12.3 Polysaccharide–Polymeric Ionic Liquid Composite Materials 332
12.3.1 Polymeric Ionic Liquids 332
12.3.2 Preparation of Polysaccharide Films Reinforced by Polymeric Ionic Liquids 334
12.3.3 Preparation of Polysaccharide–Polymeric Ionic Liquid Composites 335
12.4 Conclusion 338
Acknowledgements 338
References 339
Chapter 13 - Tailoring Transport Properties Aiming for Versatile Ionic Liquids and Poly(Ionic Liquids) for Electrochromic and Gas Capture Applications 342
13.1 Introduction 342
13.2 Physicochemical Properties of ILs and PILs and the Effect on Transport 346
13.2.1 Density of ILs 347
13.2.2 Transport Properties of ILs and PILs 348
13.3 Ionic Liquids, Polymeric Ionic Liquids and Electrochromism 357
13.4 Transport of Gases by Ionic Liquids and Poly(ionic liquid)s: CO2 Separation 363
13.4.1 Why Can Ionic Liquids Selectively Dissolve CO2 364
13.4.2 Factors Affecting CO2 Solubility in Ionic Liquids 365
13.4.3 Supported Ionic Liquids for CO2 Separation 368 Poly(ionic liquid)s as Active Solid Supports 371
13.5 Concluding Remarks 372
Acknowledgements 373
References 373
Chapter 14 - Wearable Energy Storage Based on Ionic Liquid Gels 381
14.1 Introduction 381
14.1.1 Wearable Technology 381
14.1.2 Energy Storage for Wearable Applications 382
14.2 Ionic Liquid Gels for Energy Storage 384
14.2.1 Ionic Liquid Gels Overview 384 Formulations and Synthesis Methods 385\rMacromolecular Scaffolds (Polymers) 385
Linear or Chemically Cross-linked Polymers. Polymers represent a highly versatile set of scaffold materials from which to create... 385
Triblock Copolymers. ABA triblock copolymer scaffolds have also been employed to created ionic liquid gels; this approach has la... 386
Other Polymer Scaffolds and Lithium Ion-containing Electrolytes. Fujii et al. utilized a mixture of two different tetrafunctiona... 386\rColloidal Scaffolds.In contrast to polymer supporting scaffolds, colloidal (nanoparticle)-based scaffolds are typically inorgani... 387\rMolecular Scaffolds.The addition and self-assembly of low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) to ionic liquids has been used to cr... 388 Gel Properties 388\rIonic Liquid Gel Deposition Methods.In order to measure their material properties, ionic liquid gel samples or thin gel films ca... 388\rIonic Conductivity.The ionic conductivity of ionic liquid gels is typically measured via electrical impedance spectroscopy, with... 388\rMechanical Properties/Gel Rheology.Ionic liquid gel mechanical responses are generally probed using either tensile42,66 or compr... 389\rElectrochemical Stability Window.For both supercapacitor and battery applications, a wide potential window of electrochemical st... 389
14.2.2 Ionic Liquid Gel Electrolytes for Battery Applications 389 Physically Cross-linked Polymer Scaffolds 390 Chemically Cross-linked Polymer Scaffolds 392 Inorganic Colloidal Scaffolds 393
14.2.3 Ionic Liquid Gel Electrolytes for Supercapacitors 394
14.3 Fabrication Techniques for Ionic Liquid Gel Integration into Wearable Systems 395
14.3.1 Device Assembly Techniques 395 Polymer-supported Ionic Liquid Gels Integrated into Wearable Energy Storage Devices 395 Colloidal Ionic Liquid Gels Integrated into Potential Wearable Energy Storage Devices 400 Ionic Liquid Gels in Textile Energy Storage 402\rFiber and Yarn Production.Examples of fiber and yarn energy storage devices have been reported in the literature (ref. 126 inclu... 402\rTextile Printing.Printing onto textiles involves incorporating inks physically adsorbed onto the surface and into the bulk of th... 403\rFreestanding Device Incorporation.Lastly, as outlined in this section, researchers have developed freestanding ionic liquid gel-... 404
14.3.2 Considerations for Integrating Ionic Liquid Gel-based Energy Storage into Wearable Systems 404 Device Selection Based on Electrical Properties 405 Device Development Towards Wearability 405\rDurability and Comfort.When making electronics wearable, durability and comfort are two properties to be maintained.133 Body wor... 405\rSafety.Protection for flexible energy storage is also crucial not only for electrical insulation, but also for preventing the we... 407
14.4 Conclusions 408
References 410
Chapter 15 - Ionic Liquids in Wearable Chemical Sensors† 416
15.1 Introduction 416
15.2 Sensing with Wearable Technologies 417
15.3 The Benefits of Ionic Liquids for Use in Wearable Chemical Sensors 418
15.4 Exploiting the Selective Solvation of Ionic Liquids in Sensor Systems 419
15.4.1 Towards Selective Sampling Using Ionic Liquid Solvents 420
15.4.2 Improved Selectivity and Specificity of Sensing Strategies Achieved Using Ionic Liquids 423
15.5 Progression of Ionic Liquid Sensors Towards Viable Wearable Sensor Options 427
15.5.1 Optical Systems 428
15.5.2 Electrochemical Sensors 430 Integration of Ionic Liquids into Miniaturised Electrochemical Devices 431 Integration of Ionic Liquids with Flexible Substrates 434
15.5.3 Skin-worn Chemical Sensors 438
15.5.4 In situ Environmental Detection Using Paper-based Sensors 443
15.5.5 Environmental Detection of Vapours 446
15.6 Prospects for the Future of Ionic Liquids in Smart Chemical Sensors 446
References 448
Chapter 16 - Ionic Electrochemical Actuators 456
16.1 Introduction 456
16.1.1 Ionic Gels 457
16.1.2 Ionic Polymer–Metal Composites 458
16.1.3 Carbon Nanotubes 460
16.1.4 Conducting Polymers 461
16.2 Volume Change in Ionic Conducting Polymers 461
16.3 Synthesis of Conducting Polymers 462
16.4 Ionic Electromechanical Actuators Based on Conducting Polymers 465
16.4.1 Actuators Immersed in an Electrolyte: Linear Deformation 466
16.4.2 Bilayer Bending Actuators 468
16.4.3 Trilayer Bending Actuators: Use of Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes for Air Working Actuators 468
16.4.4 Creeping Effects 473
16.5 Interfacing and Actuation 474
16.6 Applications 475
16.7 Conclusions and Challenges 479
References 481
Chapter 17 - Capturing CO2 with Poly(Ionic Liquid)s 489
17.1 Introduction 489
17.2 Carbon Capture Technologies 490
17.3 Ionic Liquids (ILs) 492
17.4 Poly(Ionic Liquid)s 493
17.4.1 Poly(Ionic Liquid) Syntheses 493 Via IL Monomer Radical Polymerization 493 Via Condensation Polymerization and Polymer Modification 495
17.5 Performance of PILs Synthesized by Direct Radical Polymerization of IL Monomers in CO2 Capture and Separation 498
17.5.1 The Effect of the Cation, Anion and Backbone Structure on CO2 Sorption 499
17.6 Performance of PILs Synthesized by Condensation Polymerization and Polymer Modification in CO2 Capture and Separation 505
17.7 Composites (PIL–ILs) 509
Acknowledgements 511
References 512
Chapter 18 - Ionic Liquid-based Polymers and Crystals for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells 515
18.1 Introduction to Solar Energy & Dye-sensitized Solar Cells 515
18.2 Toward All/Quasi-solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells via Ionic Liquid Electrolytes 517
18.2.1 Polymeric Ionic Liquids for Solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells 518
18.2.2 Ionic Liquid Crystals for Solid-state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells 522
18.3 Summary 527
Acknowledgement 528
References 528
Subject Index 531