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Edible Oil Structuring

Edible Oil Structuring

Ashok R Patel


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Book Details


Driven both by real industrial needs and curiosity for fundamental research, edible oil structuring has emerged as a subject of growing interest with applications in real food systems. With contributions from leading research groups around the world, this book provides a comprehensive and concise overview of the field with special emphasis on the updates from the last 5 years. New insights into the mechanism of gelation in mono- and multicomponent gels are discussed for several categories of previously known structuring agents along with the potential food applications of some of these systems. In addition, use of alternative methods to explore structuring properties of hydrophilic biopolymers are presented with illustrative examples. Some new concepts such as bio-based synthesis of supergelators, foamed oleogels and use of innovative dispersion techniques give a broader picture of the current research in edible oil structuring.
This book will be of interest to students, academics and scientists involved in the research of edible oil structuring. It will be an important reference as it provides current information on the state-of-the-art of the field.
Prof. Ashok Patel is an Associate Professor in Biotechnology and Food Engineering at Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Shantou, China where he is currently setting-up a state-of-the-art Food Innovation Lab. He prides himself in being an internationally mobile researcher who has been active in the field of food colloids within different sectors including industry (Unilever R and D Vlaardingen, Netherlands), University (Ghent University, Belgium) and research organization (International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal). His past and current research is focused on using food-grade ingredients to create novel structured systems including oleogels, foams, colloidal particles and complex emulsions to solve formulation issues in food product development. He has published more than 50 ‘first-authored’ publications in the area of applied colloid science including original research papers, reviews, book chapters and patents. For his research in applied colloid science, he has received prestigious and highly competitive individual funding from the European Commission and other Young Scientist Awards and nominations. In 2015, he was selected for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate at the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting as a visiting scientist.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Edible Oil Structuring: Concepts, Methods and Applications i
Foreword v
Preface ix
Contents xi
Section I - Introduction 1
Chapter 1 - Oil Structuring: Concepts, Overview and Future Perspectives 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Oleogelation: Concepts 4
1.2.1 Oleogelation from a Colloidal Gel Perspective 5 Oleogelators and Monocomponent Gels 5 Oleogelators and Multi-component Gels 8 Oleogelators and Polymer Gels 11
1.3 Oleogelation: Overview 12
1.4 Oleogelation: Future Perspectives 15
1.5 Conclusions 17
References 18
Section II - Structuring Units 23
Chapter 2 - Biobased Molecular Structuring Agents 25
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 Vegetable Oil Structuring: Chemical Methods 28
2.2.1 Hydrogenation 28
2.2.2 Interesterification 29
2.2.3 Fractionation and Fat Blending 30
2.3 Vegetable Oil Structuring: Biobased Methods 33
2.3.1 Molecular Gelators or Low Molecular Weight Gelators (LMWGs) 33 Oleogelators with Self-assembly Mechanism 35 Oleogelators with Crystal Particles System 39
2.3.2 Polymeric Gelators (Cellulose Derivatives) 43
2.4 Multifunctional Molecular Gelators as Next-generation Oil Structuring Agents: Design, Synthesis and Self-assembly 44
2.5 Conclusions 48
Acknowledgements 48
References 48
Chapter 3 - Biomimicry: An Approach for Oil Structuring 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 The Stratum Corneum 54
3.3 Ceramides 55
3.3.1 Health Aspects of Ceramides 56
3.3.2 Ceramide Oleogels 57
3.4 Mimicking the Stratum Corneum Lipid Domains 61
3.5 Conclusions 65
Acknowledgement 65
References 65
Section III - Structuring Units: Crystalline Particles and Self-assembled Structures 69
Chapter 4 - New Insights into Wax Crystal Networks in Oleogels 71
4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Natural Waxes 72
4.3 The Gelation of Oil by Waxes 74
4.4 Wax Crystal Network Microstructure 79
4.5 Types of Natural Wax Gelators 82
4.5.1 Rice Bran Wax (RBX) 82
4.5.2 Sunflower Wax (SFX) 84
4.5.3 Candelilla Wax (CLX) 84
4.5.4 Carnauba Wax (CRX) 85
4.5.5 Other Natural Wax Gelators 85
4.6 Oil Binding Capacity of Wax Crystal Networks 86
4.7 Rheological Profiling of Wax Crystal Networks 88
4.8 The Effect of Cooling Rate on the Properties of Wax Crystal Networks 90
4.9 The Effect of Shear on the Properties of Wax Crystal Networks 91
4.10 Conclusions 92
References 92
Chapter 5 - Structuring Edible Oil Phases with Fatty Acids and Alcohols 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 Fatty Acids (FA) 97
5.3 Fatty Alcohols 98
5.4 Fatty Acids + Fatty Alcohols 98
5.5 Potential Applications 101
5.6 Conclusions 104
References 104
Chapter 6 - Gelation Properties of Gelator Molecules Derived from 12-Hydroxystearic Acid 106
6.1 Introduction 106
6.2 Molecular Structure and Mechanism for Self-assembly of HSA 110
6.3 Shear Rate and Cooling Rate Effect on the Microstructure, Self-assembly, and Rheological Properties of Organogels 112
6.3.1 Independent Effect of Shearing and Cooling Rate on the Formation of Organogels with Vegetable Oil 112
6.3.2 Combined Effect of Shearing and Cooling Rate on the Formation of Organogels Developed with HSA, HOA, and OHOA in Vegetable ... 116
6.4 Organogels Developed by “Polar” Gelator Molecules Derived from HSA 123
6.4.1 The Self-assembly Mechanism of Ammonium Chloride Salt Derivatives of HSA 124
6.4.2 Rheological Behavior of Organogels Developed with Ammonium Chloride Salt Derivatives of HSA 124
6.5 Conclusions 129
References 129
Section IV - Structuring Units: Polymeric Strands and Network 133
Chapter 7 - Thermo-gelation of Ethyl-cellulose Oleogels 135
7.1 Introduction 135
7.2 Ethyl-cellulose Characteristics 136
7.3 Thermo-gelation of Ethyl-cellulose Oleogels 138
7.4 Ethyl-cellulose Gelation Mechanism 140
7.5 Ethyl-cellulose Gel Properties 141
7.5.1 The Effect of Polymer Concentration and Molecular Weight on the Gel Properties 142
7.5.2 The Effect of Oil Type on the Gel Properties 142
7.5.3 The Effect of Surface-active Molecule Addition on Gel Properties 144
7.5.4 The Effect of Thermal Treatment on Gel Properties 145
7.5.5 Ethyl-cellulose Oleogel Fractionation 146
7.6 Summary and Conclusion 146
References 147
Chapter 8 - Proteins as Building Blocks for Oil Structuring 150
8.1 Introduction 150
8.2 Solvent Exchange Route 152
8.3 Protein Oleogels Prepared from Protein Hydrogels 153
8.4 Protein Oleogels Prepared from Protein Aggregates 156
8.5 Effect of Oil Type 160
8.6 Suitable Protein Building Blocks 164
8.7 Role of Capillary Interactions 165
8.8 Potential Applications: First Trials 169
8.9 Conclusion 171
References 172
Chapter 9 - Oleogels from Emulsion (HIPE) Templates Stabilized by Protein–Polysaccharide Complexes 175
9.1 Introduction 175
9.2 Formation of Biopolymer Complexes 178
9.2.1 Preparation of Complexes: Effect of pH and Concentration 178
9.2.2 Properties of Complexes 179
9.3 HIPEs Stabilized by Biopolymer Complexes 181
9.3.1 Preparation and Microstructure of HIPE 181
9.3.2 Properties of HIPEs 182 Particle Size Distribution 182 Rheology 183
9.4 HIPE-templated Oleogels 186
9.4.1 Preparation of Oleogels 186
9.4.2 Properties of Oleogels 188 Oleogels of WPI–LMP and SC–LMP 188 Oleogels of SC–ALG 189
9.5 Potential Food Applications of Biopolymer-based Oleogels: Where Can We Use Them 191
9.6 Conclusion 193
Acknowledgements 194
References 194
Chapter 10 - Cereal Protein-based Emulsion Gels for Edible Oil Structuring 198
10.1 Introduction 198
10.2 Zein 200
10.3 Kafirin 205
10.4 Gliadin 206
10.5 Wheat Gluten 208
10.6 Conclusions and Outlook 210
Acknowledgements 211
References 211
Section V - Edible Applications 215
Chapter 11 - Edible Applications of Wax-based Oleogels 217
11.1 Introduction 217
11.2 Wax Oleogels in Margarine and Spread Production 218
11.3 Wax Oleogels in Bakery Products 225
11.4 Wax Oleogels in Chocolate and Confectionery Products 233
11.5 Wax Oleogels in Dairy Products 237
11.6 Wax Oleogels in Comminuted Meat Products 242
11.7 Wax Oleogels in Other Food Applications 244
11.8 Conclusions and Recommendations 246
References 247
Chapter 12 - Edible Applications of Ethylcellulose Oleogels 250
12.1 Introduction 250
12.2 Ethylcellulose Oleogels 251
12.3 Physical Properties of Ethylcellulose Oleogels 252
12.3.1 Techniques for the Analysis of Oleogel Physical Properties 253
12.3.2 Parameters Affecting the Physical Properties of Oleogels 254
12.4 Health Implications of Ethylcellulose Oleogel Consumption 255
12.4.1 In Vitro and In Vivo Digestion of Ethylcellulose Oleogels 255
12.4.2 Ethylcellulose Oleogels for the Controlled Release of Bioactive Molecules 258
12.4.3 In Vitro Bioaccessibility of β-carotene in Ethylcellulose Oleogels 259
12.5 Considerations and Practicality of Ethylcellulose Oleogels in Food Systems 260
12.6 Edible Applications of Ethylcellulose Oleogels 263
12.6.1 Cream Cheese 263
12.6.2 Frankfurters or Comminuted Meats 264
12.6.3 Sausages 265
12.6.4 Laminating Shortenings 267
12.6.5 Ethylcellulose for the Reduction of Oil Migration 268
12.6.6 Heat-resistant Chocolate 270
12.7 Conclusion 271
References 272
Section VI - Functional Colloids from Structured Oils 275
Chapter 13 - Non-aqueous Foams Based on Edible Oils 277
13.1 Introduction 277
13.2 Aqueous Foam 278
13.2.1 Formation of Aqueous Foam 278
13.2.2 Classification of Aqueous Foams 278
13.2.3 Aqueous Foam: A Multiscale System 279
13.2.4 Methods of Aqueous Foam Production 279
13.2.5 Mechanisms of Aqueous Foam Destabilization 280
13.2.6 Mechanisms of Aqueous Foam Stabilization 280
13.2.7 Importance of the Surface Tension and Viscoelastic Properties 281
13.2.8 Main Differences Between Aqueous and Non-aqueous Foams 282
13.3 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Surfactants 283
13.3.1 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Hydrocarbon-type Surfactants 283
13.3.2 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Polymethylsiloxane-type Surfactants 284
13.3.3 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Fluoroalkyl-type Surfactants 284
13.3.4 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Asphaltenes and Resins 285
13.4 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Solid Particles 285
13.4.1 Wettability of Solid Particles 285
13.4.2 Formation and Properties of Non-aqueous Foams Obtained from Solid Particles 287
13.4.3 Modification of the Contact Angle by the Non-aqueous Liquid Surface Tension 289
13.4.4 Modification of the Contact Angle by the Surface Chemistry 291
13.5 Non-aqueous Foams Based on Oleogels 293
13.5.1 Formation of Oleogel Systems to Produce Non-aqueous Foams 293
13.5.2 Production of Non-aqueous Foams Based on Oleogels 294
13.5.3 Properties of Non-aqueous Foams Based on Oleogels 297
13.5.4 Foamability and Solubility Boundary of Oleogel Systems 298
13.5.5 Foam Stability and Solubility Boundary of Oleogel Systems 299
13.5.6 Rheological Properties of Non-aqueous Foams Based on Oleogels 301
13.5.7 Responsive Non-aqueous Foams Based on Oleogels 301
13.6 Conclusion and Outlook 303
References 305
Chapter 14 - Innovative Dispersion Strategies for Creating Structured Oil Systems 308
14.1 Introduction 308
14.2 Structured O/W/O Double Emulsions 309
14.3 ‘Arrested’ Oil Foams 316
14.4 Polymer-coated Crystalline Microcapsules 321
14.5 Conclusion 326
References 327
Subject Index 331