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In October 2014, huge protests across Burkina Faso succeeded in overthrowing the long-entrenched regime of their authoritarian ruler, Blaise Compaoré. Defying all expectations, this popular movement went on to defeat an attempted coup by the old regime, making it possible for a transitional government to organize free and fair elections the following year. In doing so, the people of this previously obscure West African nation surprised the world, and their struggle stands as one of the few instances of a popular democratic uprising succeeding in postcolonial sub-Saharan Africa.

For over three decades, Ernest Harsch has researched and reported from Burkina Faso, interviewing subjects ranging from local democratic activists to revolutionary icon Thomas Sankara, the man once dubbed ‘Africa’s Che Guevara.’ In this book, Harsch provides a compelling history of this little understood country, from the French colonial period to the Compaoré regime and the movement that finally deposed him.

‘A major achievement. Taking us from independence to the 2014 popular revolution, this brilliant book enriches our understanding of both revolutions and African history.’
Jack A. Goldstone, George Mason University

‘Few outsiders understand Burkina Faso better than Harsch, and nobody has written about it with more clarity and elegance. This is a sympathetic yet rigorous introduction to Burkina’s political history, the best there is in English.’
Pierre Englebert, Pomona College

‘A riveting and accessible account of the insurgent actions of ordinary citizens in Burkina Faso, and of the righteous anger that fuels them. Provides excellent insights into the power of popular protest in Africa and beyond.’
Zachariah Mampilly, co-author of Africa Uprising: Popular Protest and Political Change

‘A must-read for anyone interested in popular protests in Africa. Harsch provides a compelling history of the making of modern Burkina Faso, based on decades of research and an intimate knowledge of the country.’
Maggie Dwyer, University of Edinburgh

‘A fascinating journey through the turbulent history of Burkina Faso. This book shows how the 2014 uprising was both a remarkable and original episode in the country’s long tradition of protests and political inventiveness.’
Marie-Soleil Frère, Université libre de Bruxelles

‘Smart, accessible, and essential reading for all who are interested in African politics. It provides new insight into Burkina Faso’s fascinating political history, from Sankara to the 2014 uprising.’
Laura Seay, Colby College

‘Burkina Faso finds itself at the heart of the current Sahelian crisis, while simultaneously navigating its own revolutionary democratic transition. Harsch’s insightful and lively account offers keen insights into the political history of a fascinating – yet unfortunately understudied – country.’
Leonardo A. Villalón, University of Florida

'A superb introduction to this small, landlocked country.'
Foreign Affairs

'Rich with detail of Burkinabé society and the complex relationships of power, patronage and social class … riveting and informative.'
Africa at LSE

‘An easy read that students of history and politics will find invaluable.’
Africa Renewal

Ernest Harsch is an academic and freelance journalist who has written extensively on Africa since the 1970s. He is a research scholar affiliated with Columbia University’s Institute of African Studies and previously served as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the university’s School of International and Public Affairs. He is a regular contributor on Burkina Faso to the Economist Intelligence Unit, and his writing has featured in publications ranging from Le Monde diplomatique to Africa Today. His previous books include Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary (2014).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
About the Author ii
Title Page\r iii
Copyright\r iv
Contents\r v
Acknowledgments vii
Acronyms ix
1. Insurgent Citizens and the State 1
Citizen Awakening\r 6
2. Uneasy Colonial Roots 9
Colonial Conquest and State-Making 12
Decolonization 17
3. Ministries of Plunder 22
Officers at the Helm 25
Politicians Back at the Trough 28
“Lies and Deceit” 32
Colonels’ “Discipline”\r 34
4. From Crisis to Revolution 38
The Conseil Du Salut Du Peuple 39
Power in the Balance\r 46
The Conseil National De La Révolution 49
5. Refashioning the State 51
Localization of the State 52
Transforming the Civil Service 54
New Courts to “Fry Big Fish”\r 56
An Army of the People? 63
6. On Fragile Ground 68
Budget Cutting in Public View 68
State Enterprises under a Microscope 69
Reinforcing Tax Collection 70
Home-Cooked\" Rigour 71
Seeking New Social Alliances 73
Nation-Building 78
7. Mobilization from Above and Below 81
Confronting Rural Complexities 85
Social Mobilization 87
Village and Farmers’ Associations 89
Women’s Organization 91
Labour 93
Despots, Gangsters, and Imposters 96
8. Coup and “Rectification” 99
Between Conciliation and Coercion 100
Social Tensions and Infighting 101
The October 1987 Coup 105
Flexible Helmsman for a Contradictory Course 108
In Search of New Allies 110
Political Adaptation 112
9. “Democracy” with a Heavy Hand 115
Controlled Constitutionalization 116
Bitter Elections 119
An Encompassing “Party-State” 122
Patronage under Arms 129
Harvesting Votes 130
A Fragmented Opposition 135
Change Impossible? 138
10. Enrichment in a Land of Poverty 140
Adjustment, Aid, and Conditionality 141
From Public to Private 142
Rural Inequities 143
Not All Glitter 146
Cronies, Fraudsters, and the Corrupt 148
A Tainted Military 153
Persistent Poverty 156
11. Tug of War within the State 159
Pockets of Reform 160
Local Government and Contestation 163
Battling for Justice 166
“Kalashnikov Concerts” and Coup Plots 169
12. Contention in the Streets 174
Local and National 176
Culture of Protest 180
“Burkina Will Have Its Egypt!” 184
13. From Confrontation to Insurrection 190
Recomposition, Above and Below 192
Burying a Senate 195
“Battle of the Stadiums” 199
Countdown to an Uprising 203
“Uprooted By the People” 205
14. A Troubled Transition 211
Contradictory Pressures 214
Another Showdown 217
Rush to Reform 220
Towards Electoral Legitimacy 223
No \"Honeymoon 227
15. A New Burkina Faso? 230
Unfinished Reforms, New Challenges 231
Beyond Borders 236
Notes 239
References 263
Index 279