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Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe

Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe

Roman Kuhar | David Paternotte


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Book Details


After decades of steady progress in terms of gender and sexual rights, several parts of Europe are facing new waves of resistance to a so-called ‘gender ideology’ or ‘gender theory’. Opposition to progressive gender equality is manifested in challenges to marriage equality, abortion, reproductive technologies, gender mainstreaming, sex education, sexual liberalism, transgender rights, antidiscrimination policies and even to the notion of gender itself.

This book examines how an academic concept of gender, when translated by religious organizations such as the Roman Catholic Church, can become a mobilizing tool for, and the target of, social movements. How can we explain religious discourses about sex difference turning intro massive street demonstrations? How do forms of organization and protest travel across borders? Who are the actors behind these movements? This collection is a transnational and comparative attempt to better understand anti-gender mobilizations in Europe. It focuses on national manifestations in eleven European countries, including Russia, from massive street protests to forms of resistance such as email bombarding and street vigils. It examines the intersection of religious politics with rising populism and nationalistic anxieties in contemporary Europe.
The co-edited collection makes a valuable contribution to understand the ways the Christian right in Europe operates, and how the Catholic Church ideologically pushed an anti-gender discourse in different countries.
In this well-documented comparative study, the authors offer country by country analyses and evidence of international collaborations in campaigns against gender equality. They provide striking new insight into the way the epithet “gender ideology” has become a powerful instrument on the European political scene, wielded by coalitions of right-wing Catholics, Protestant evangelicals, and populists to protect “traditional” sex roles and to challenge the institutions of democracy.
Joan W. Scott, Institute for Advanced Study
An essential reading to better understand the widespread reactionary backlash in today’s Europe. This book is a much-needed wake-up call. While anti-gay marriage movements have long been regarded as anecdotical, the authors show how deep their cultural and religious roots are. This meticulous account is an important step towards reinventing minority rights across European borders.
Bruno Perreau, Cynthia L. Reed Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roman Kuhar is Associate Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

David Paternotte is Lecturer at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
What fuels the success of authoritarian populism around the globe and how does the extreme right manage to hijack public debate? We know that ‘sex sells’, but we also need to learn how ‘gender’ turns the tables in this context, and Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe is an excellent place to start. … Kuhar and Patternotte’s anthology provides an encouraging methodological example as to how sociological research into pressing political issues can be conducted. In their sober, account-taking style, the essays provide maximum enlightenment.
‘Gender Ideology’ fracases now erupting in Europe and Latin America constitute key sites in which to examine how the ‘said return of the religious’, sexual politics and the crisis of democracy are deeply imbricated today. Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe is a superb cartography of these imbrications in twelve Western and Eastern European countries. It finely charts contextual differences without losing sight of the significant transnational implications of these politics, particularly in what concerns the role of the Catholic Church.
Sonia Correa, Research Associate at the Brazilian Interdisciplinary Association for AIDS and co-chair of Sexuality Policy Watch, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The book examines how an academic concept of gender, when translated by religious organizations such as the Roman Catholic Church, can become a mobilizing tool, but also the target of social movements. The authors whose texts are included in the book analyze the situation in 12 European countries in an effort to understand the sources of these mobilizations, their specific manifestations in different countries and their dissemination beyond national borders. .. The book provides a comparative overview of anti-gender movements and discussed their strategies and rhetorical tropes.
Tihana Bertek, Vox Feminae

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe Cover
Contents v
Abbreviations ix
1 “Gender ideology” in movement: Introduction 1
“Gender ideology” as a discourse 4
“Gender ideology” as a strategy 8
“Gender ideology” as a national phenomenon 16
References 17
2 “Gender ideology” in Austria: Coalitions around an empty signifier 23
The Austrian context and the emergence of the anti-gender discourse 24
Actors of the “gender ideology” alliance 27
Discursive analysis: What’s the problem with “gender ideology”? 29
Conclusion 36
References 38
3 “No prophet is accepted in his own country”: Catholic anti-gender activism in Belgium 41
Marching for the family 42
A strongly minorized movement in Flanders 44
Francophone Belgium: Activists with a French touch 46
Why are they not influential? 48
Conclusion 53
References 56
4 Embryo, teddy bear-centaur and the constitution: Mobilizations against “gender ideology” and sexual permissiveness in Croatia 59
Background 60
A chronology of main activities and targets 62
The defining characteristics of the movement 64
Conclusion 70
References 73
5 Resisting “gender theory” in France: A fulcrum for religious action in a secular society 79
Anti-gender mobilization in the 2010s 81
Explaining the emergence of the anti-gender cause 82
France’s “anti-gender” pipeline to the Vatican 84
Translating the “anti-gender” cause for the 2010s: Reframing for a new context 85
The religious, political and social backgrounds of activists: An organizing advantage with a communications liability 88
Broadening the appeal of the anti-gender movement: Neutralizing the religious and social characteristics of the activists 89
The effects of anti-gender mobilization on inter- and intra-religious political dynamics 91
Conclusion 93
References 95
6 “Anti-genderismus”: German angst? 99
General background: The situation in Germany 101
Early articulations: Journalistic neoconservatism and lay Catholic/Christian voices 102
The current situation: Anti-genderism as a missing link between heterogeneous constellations 108
Conclusion 112
References 114
7 Anti-gender discourse in Hungary: A discourse without a movement? 117
The history of a discourse 118
Why is there no movement? Discouraging factors 123
Why we could expect the emergence of a movement 125
Conclusion 127
References 129
8 Defending Catholic Ireland 133
A Catholic nation for a Catholic people 134
Abortion and Catholicism in Ireland 135
The Irish Catholic Church and homosexuality 139
The 2015 same-sex marriage campaign 140
Conclusion 144
References 147
9 Italy as a lighthouse: Anti-gender protests between the “anthropological question” and national identity 151
From nothing to all: The emergency of gender in Italian politics 153
Gender as a federating rallying cry with a make-up effect 154
Protecting “our children” to defend the human and safeguard national identity 160
Italy as a fertile ground for “gender ideology” 165
References 171
10 “Worse than communism and Nazism put together”: War on gender in Poland 175
Key actors and strategies in the Polish war on gender 176
Main themes and developments 178
Anti-genderism as an intellectual project 183
Interpretations of anti-gender mobilization: Polish exceptionalism reconsidered 184
Conclusion 188
References 190
11 Russia as the saviour of European civilization: Gender and the geopolitics of traditional values 195
The Russian context 195
“Gender ideology” discourse in Russia 199
Academic homophobia: Moscow State University 200
The World Congress of Families 203
Politicians, political networking and the Russian Orthodox Church 206
Conclusion 208
References 209
12 Changing gender several times a day: The anti-gender movement in Slovenia 215
A civil initiative of concerned citizens 216
The anti-gender movement and the Catholic Church 218
The interpretations and framings of “gender theory” 222
The success of the anti-gender movement 223
Conclusion 228
References 230
13 From the pulpit to the streets: Ultra-conservative religious positions against gender in Spain 233
Religion, society and politics 234
The emergence of the discourse on “gender ideology” 236
Anti-gender actors and their strategies 236
Explaining the low impact of high mobilization 243
References 247
14 The anti-gender movement in comparative perspective 253
Overview of the anti-gender movement in Europe 255
An uneven development in Europe 265
Europe in a global picture 269
References 272
Biographies 277
Index 283