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Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, Global Edition

Marketing: Real People, Real Choices, Global Edition

Michael R. Solomon | Greg W. Marshall | Elnora W. Stuart


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For undergraduate Principles of Marketing courses.

Real people making real choices

Marketing: Real People, Real Choices is the only text to introduce marketing from the perspective of real people, who make real marketing decisions, at leading companies every day. Timely, relevant, and dynamic, this reader-friendly text shows students how marketing concepts are implemented, and what they really mean in the marketplace. The 9th Edition presents more information than ever on the core issues every marketer needs to know, including value, analytics and metrics, and ethical and sustainable marketing. And with new examples and assessments, the text helps students actively learn and retain chapter content, so they know what’s happening in the world of marketing today.


MyLabTM Marketing not included. Students, if MyLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson rep for more information.

MyLab Marketing is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Title Page 3
Copyright Page 4
Brief Contents 6
Contents 7
Preface 13
Part 1 Understand the Value Proposition 26
Chapter 1: Welcome to the World of Marketing: Create and Deliver Value .......... 26
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 27
Marketing: What Is It? 28
“Marketing Is the Activity, Institutions, and Processes . . .” 28
“. . . for Creating, Communicating, Delivering, and Exchanging: The Marketing Mix . . .” 29
“ . . . Offerings . . .”: What Can We Market? 31
“ . . . Value for Customers . . .” 33
When Did Marketing Begin? The Evolution of a Concept 35
The Production Era 36
The Sales Era 36
The Relationship Era 36
The Triple-Bottom-Line Orientation 37
What’s Next in the Evolution of Marketing? 38
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 39
The value of Marketing and the Marketing of value 40
Value from the Customer’s Perspective 40
Value from the Seller’s Perspective 40
Value from Society’s Perspective 46
Marketing as a Process 48
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 49
Chapter Questions and Activities 51
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Coca-Cola 52
Chapter 2: Global, Ethical, and Sustainable Marketing ........................ 54
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 55
Take a Bow: Marketing on the Global Stage 56
World Trade 57
Should We Go Global? 58
Consider Your Competitive Advantage 58
Understand International, Regional, and Country Global Trade Controls 59
Initiatives in International Cooperation and Regulation 59
Protected Trade: Quotas, Embargoes, and Tariffs 60
Economic Communities 60
Analyze the External Marketing Environment 61
The Economic Environment 61
The Competitive Environment 65
The Technological Environment 67
The Political and Legal Environment 67
The Sociocultural Environment 70
How “Global” Should a Global Marketing Strategy Be? 72
Company-Level Decisions: The Market Entry Strategy 73
Marketing Mix Strategies 74
Ethics is Job One in Marketing Planning 77
Ethical Philosophies 77
Codes of Business Ethics 78
Is Marketing Unethical? 79
When Is a Bribe Not a Bribe? Ethical Issues for Global Business 80
Sustainability: Marketers Do Well by Doing Good 81
Sustainability Is a Sensible Business Decision 81
Developing a Sustainable Marketing Mix 81
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 82
Sustainable Customer Behavior 83
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 84
Chapter Questions and Activities 86
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Ford 88
Chapter 3: Strategic Market Planning ..................................................... 90
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 91
Business Planning: Compose the Big Picture 92
The Three Levels of Business Planning 93
Strategic Planning: Frame the Picture 95
Step 1: Define the Mission 95
Step 2: Evaluate the Internal and External Environment 95
Step 3: Set Organizational or SBU Objectives 96
Step 4: Establish the Business Portfolio 97
Step 5: Develop Growth Strategies 99
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 101
Market Planning: Develop and Execute Marketing Strategy 101
Step 1: Perform a Situation Analysis 102
Step 2: Set Marketing Objectives 102
Step 3: Develop Marketing Strategies: Target Markets and the Marketing Mix 102
Step 4: Implement and Control the Marketing Plan 104
Action Plans 105
Operational Planning: Day-to-Day Execution of Marketing Plans 108
Make Your Life Easier! Use the Market Planning Template 108
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 109
Chapter Questions and Activities 110
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Amazon 112
Supplement: Build a Marketing Plan 114
Part 2 Determine the Value Propositions Different Customers Want 116
Chapter 4: Market Research ....... 116
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 117
Knowledge Is Power 118
The Marketing Information System 119
Customer Insights and Marketing 124
Steps in the Market Research Process 124
Step 1: Define the Research Problem 125
Step 2: Determine the Research Design 126
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 129
Step 3: Choose the Method to Collect Primary Data 130
Step 4: Design the Sample 138
Step 5: Collect the Data 140
Step 6: Analyze and Interpret the Data 141
Step 7: Prepare the Research Report 141
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 142
Chapter Questions and Activities 143
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at GetFeedback 146
Chapter 5: Marketing Analytics: Welcome to the Era of Big Data! .............. 148
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 149
Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A Key Decision Tool for Marketers 150
Customer-Related Metrics 153
Big Data: Terabytes Rule 155
Big Data Creation, Sources, and Usage 157
Data Mining 160
Primary Data Types For Data Mining 161
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 161
Data Mining: Applications for Marketers 163
Data Scientists: Transforming Big Data into Winning Information 164
Marketing Analytics 165
Connect Digital Marketing Channels to Marketing Analytics 165
Make Marketing Accountable: Determine the Value of Digital Marketing Investments across Channels 170
Marketing Accountability within Nondigital Marketing Channels 172
Predictive Analytics 173
Metrics for Marketing Control 174
Margin on Sales 176
Churn Rate 176
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 177
Chapter Questions and Activities 178
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at novartis 180
Chapter 6: Understand Consumer and Business Markets .............................. 182
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 183
The Consumer Decision-Making Process 184
Not All Decisions Are The Same 185
Step 1: Problem Recognition 186
Step 2: Information Search 187
Step 3: Evaluation of Alternatives 188
Step 4: Product Choice 188
Step 5: Postpurchase Evaluation 189
Internal Influences on Consumers’ Decisions 190
Perception 190
Motivation 192
Learning 194
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 194
Attitudes 195
Personality and the Self: Are You What You Buy? 196
Age 196
Lifestyle 197
Situational and Social Influences on Consumers’ Decisions 198
Situational Influences 198
Social Influences on Consumers’ Decisions 199
Business Markets: Buying and Selling When the Customer is Another Organization 203
Types of Business-to-Business Customers 204
Factors That Make a Difference in Business Markets 206
B2B Demand 208
Business Buying Situations and the Business Buying Decision Process 210
The Buyclass Framework 210
Professional Buyers and Buying Centers 211
The Business Buying Decision Process 213
B2B E-Commerce and Social Media 216
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 219
Chapter Questions and Activities 221
Marketing in Action Case Real Choices at Airbus 224
Chapter 7: Segmentation, Target Marketing, and Positioning ..................... 226
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 227
Target Marketing: Select and Enter a Market 228
Step 1: Segmentation 229
Segment Consumer Markets 229
Segment B2B Markets 240
Step 2: Targeting 241
Phases of Targeting 241
Step 3: Positioning 245
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 245
Steps in Positioning 246
Bring a Product to Life: Brand Personality 248
Chapter Questions and Activities 251
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 250
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Sprig 254
Part 3 Develop the Value Proposition for the Customer 256
Chapter 8: Product I: Innovation and New Product Development ...................... 256
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 257
Build a Better Mousetrap—and Add Value 258
Layers of the Product Concept 259
How Marketers Classify Products 261
How Long Do Products Last? 261
How Do Consumers Buy Products? 262
How Do Businesses Buy Products? 264
“New and Improved!” The Process of Innovation 265
Types of Innovations 266
New Product Development 268
Phase 1: Idea Generation (Ideation) 268
Phase 2: Product Concept Development and Screening 269
Phase 3: Marketing Strategy Development 269
Phase 4: Business Analysis 270
Phase 5: Technical Development 270
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 270
Phase 6: Market Test 271
Phase 7: Commercialization 272
Adoption and Diffusion of New Products 273
Stages in Consumers’ Adoption of a New Product 273
Adopter Categories 276
Product Factors That Affect the Rate of Adoption 278
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 280
Chapter Questions and Activities 282
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Facebook 284
Chapter 9: Product II: Product Strategy, Branding, and Product Management ............................................ 286
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my\rproblem 287
Product Planning: Develop Product Objectives and Product Strategy 288
Getting Product Objectives Right 288
Objectives and Strategies for Individual Products 289
Objectives and Strategies for Multiple Products 290
Product Mix Strategies 292
Quality as a Product Objective: TQM and Beyond 292
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 293
Marketing Throughout the Product Life Cycle 295
Introduction Stage 295
Growth Stage 297
Maturity Stage 297
Decline Stage 298
Branding and Packaging: Create Product Identity 298
What’s in a Name (or a Symbol)? 298
Why Brands Matter 299
Branding Strategies 301
Packages and Labels: Branding’s Little Helpers 304
Organize for effective Product Management 308
Manage Existing Products 308
Organize for New Product Development 309
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 309
Chapter Questions and Activities 311
Marketing in Action Case Real Choices at Blue Diamond 313
Chapter 10: Price: What Is the Value Proposition Worth? ................................... 314
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my\rproblem 315
“Yes, but What Does It Cost?” 316
What Is Price? 316
Costs, Demand, Revenue, and the Pricing Environment 320
Step 2: Estimate Demand 320
Step 3: Determine Costs 324
Step 4: Examine the Pricing Environment 329
Identify Strategies and Tactics to Price the Product 332
Step 5: Choose a Pricing Strategy 332
Pricing Strategies Based on Cost 332
Step 6: Develop Pricing Tactics 336
Pricing and Electronic Commerce 339
Dynamic Pricing Strategies 340
Internet Price Discrimination 340
Online Auctions 340
Freemium Pricing Strategies 341
Pricing Advantages for Online Shoppers 341
Psychological, Legal, and Ethical Aspects of Pricing 341
Psychological Issues in Setting Prices 342
Psychological Pricing Strategies 343
Legal and Ethical Considerations in B2C Pricing 344
Legal Issues in B2B Pricing 345
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 347
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 347
Chapter Questions and Activities 349
Marketing in Action Case Real Choices at Disney 352
Part 4 Deliver and Communicate the Value Proposition 364
Chapter 11: Deliver the Goods: Determine the Distribution Strategy ............... 364
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 365
Types of Distribution Channels and Wholesale Intermediaries 366
Functions of Distribution Channels 366
The Evolution of Distribution Functions 368
Types of Distribution Channels 372
Distribution Channels and the Marketing Mix 376
Ethics in the Distribution Channel 377
Develop a Channel Strategy 378
Step 1: Develop Distribution Objectives 378
Step 2: Evaluate Internal and External Environmental Influences 378
Step 3: Choose a Distribution Strategy 379
Step 4: Develop Distribution Tactics 383
Logistics and the Supply Chain 384
The Lowdown on Logistics 385
Place: Pulling It All Together through the Supply Chain 389
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 391
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 392
Chapter Questions and Activities 393
Marketing in Action Case Real Choices at Target 396
Chapter 12: Deliver the Customer Experience: Goods and Services via Bricks and Clicks ..................................... 398
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 399
Retailing, Twenty-First-Century Style 400
Retailing: A Mixed (Shopping) Bag 400
The Evolution of Retailing 401
The Evolution Continues: What’s “In Store” for the Future? 402
Ethical Problems in Retailing 406
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 406
Types of Brick-and-Mortar Retailers 407
Classify Retailers by What They Sell 407
Classify Retailers by Level of Service 408
Major Types of Retailers 409
E-Commerce and Other Types of Nonstore Retailers 414
B2C E-Commerce 414
Direct Selling 418
Automatic Vending 419
Retailing What Isn’t There: Services and Other Intangibles 419
Marketing What Isn’t There 419
Physical Elements of the Service Encounter: Servicescapes and Other Tangibles 422
How We Provide Quality Service 422
Strategic Issues When We Deliver Service Quality 423
Marketing People, Places, and Ideas 424
The Future of Services 426
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 428
Chapter Questions and Activities 429
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Alibaba 432
Chapter 13: Promotion I: Advertising and Sales Promotion ................................. 434
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 435
Communication Models in a Digital World That is “Always On” 436
The Communication Model 438
The Traditional Promotion Mix 440
Mass Communication: The One-to-Many Model 440
Personal Communication: The One-to-One Model 442
Overview of Promotion Planning 442
Step 1: Identify the Target Audience(s) 442
Step 2: Establish the Communication Objectives 442
Step 3: Determine and Allocate the Marketing Communication Budget 445
Step 4: Design the Promotion Mix 446
Step 5: Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Communication Program 447
Multichannel Promotion Strategies 447
Advertising 448
Types of Advertising 449
Who Creates Advertising? 450
User-Generated Advertising Content 451
Ethical Issues in Advertising 452
Develop the Advertising Campaign 453
Where to Say It: Traditional Mass Media 460
Where to Say It: Branded Entertainment 463
Where to Say It: Support Media 463
Where to Say It: Digital Media 464
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 466
When and How Often to Say It: Media Scheduling 467
Sales Promotion 469
Sales Promotion Directed toward Consumers 469
Trade Sales Promotion: Targeting the B2B Customer 472
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 474
Chapter Questions and Activities 477
Marketing in Action Case: Real Choices at Domino’s 480
Chapter 14: Promotion II: Social Media Marketing, Direct/Database Marketing, Personal Selling, and Public Relations ...... 482
Real People, Real Choices: Here’s my problem . . . 483
Social Media Marketing 484
Social Media 485
Social Networks 485
Mobile Apps and Location-Based Social Networks 488
The Internet of Things 489
Direct Marketing 489
Mail Order 490
Direct Mail 490
Telemarketing 490
Direct-Response Advertising 491
M-Commerce 491
Personal Selling: Adding the Personal Touch to the Promotion Mix 492
The Role of Personal Selling in the Marketing Mix 492
Technology and Personal Selling 494
Types of Sales Jobs 496
Two Approaches to Personal Selling 497
The Creative Selling Process 498
Public Relations 501
Plan a PR Campaign 502
Ripped from the Headlines: Ethical/Sustainable Decisions in the Real World 504
PR Tactics 504
Buzz Marketing 507
Evaluation of a PR Campaign 509
Objective Summary • Key Terms • Apply 511
Chapter Questions and Activities 512
Marketing in Action Case Real Choices at Burger King 515
Appendix A Marketing Plan: The S&S Smoothie Company ............................................................................. 516
Appendix B Your Future in a Marketing Career ......... 529
Notes 540
Glossary 559
Name Index 577
Subject Index 583
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