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Stimmt! 3 Grun Pupil Book

Stimmt! 3 Grun Pupil Book

Rachel Hawkes


Additional Information

Book Details


Stimmt! 3 is split into parallel differentiated Pupil Books – Grün and Rot to ensure the resources are at the right level for the whole ability range.

  • Packed with topics that your pupils will enjoy learning plus lots of insight into the German-speaking world.
  • A tried-and-tested approach to progression.
  • Build skills to facilitate progression to Key Stage 4.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents – Inhalt 3
Kapitel 1: Vorbilder 6
1: Beweg dich! 8
Learning parts of the body 8
The present tense (irregular verbs) 8
2: Mein Vorbild 10
Talking about role models 10
Using weil 10
3: In meinem Leben ... 12
Talking about experiences 12
Using the perfect tense 12
4: Zukunftspläne 14
Discussing future plans and aspirations 14
Using werden to form the future tense 14
5: Was ist passiert? 16
Talking about injuries 16
More on the perfect tense 16
6: Extension Reading Skills: Ich hab’s geschafft! 18
Learning about achievements 18
Tackling a longer reading text 18
Lernzieltest 20
Wiederholung 21
Grammatik 22
Wörter 24
Projektzone: Stars und die Medien 26
Discussing celebrities in the media 26
Creating a magazine page 26
Kapitel 2: Musik 28
1: Wild auf Musik! 30
Talking about types of music 30
Using subject pronouns 30
2: Musiker gesucht! 32
Talking about playing or singing in a band 32
Using seit (for/since) 32
3: Bandwettbewerb! 34
Discussing different bands 34
Making comparisons 34
4: Auf einem Musikfestival 36
Describing a music festival 36
Using a variety of verbs in the perfect tense 36
5: Speaking Skills: Wie war’s auf dem Festival? 38
Interviewing at a music festival 38
Asking and answering questions spontaneously 38
Asking and answering questions spontaneously 3
6: Extension Reading Skills: SchoolJam! 40
Understanding a range of written texts 40
Coping with different types of texts 40
Lernzieltest 42
Wiederholung 43
Grammatik 44
Wörter 46
Projektzone 1: Wir schreiben Songs! 48
Getting to know a well-known German band 48
Creating song lyrics 48
Projektzone 2: Eine neue Band 50
Researching German-speaking bands 50
Presenting and promoting a band 50
Kapitel 3: Meine Ambitionen 52
1: Wahnsinn! 54
Discussing crazy ambitions 54
Using the conditional 54
2: Mein Job 56
Talking about part-time jobs 56
Using man with modal verbs (darf, kann, muss) 56
3: Ich möchte … 58
Discussing what you would like to be or do 58
Using correct word order 58
4: Im Skiort 60
Talking about working in a ski resort 60
Using in and auf with the dative 60
5: Listening Skills: Eine Nachricht 62
Understanding and responding to telephone messages 62
Transcribing and decoding language 62
6: Extension Reading Skills: Ich möchte Künstler werden 64
Understanding and responding to a range of texts 64
Exploring an artist and painting in detail 64
Lernzieltest 66
Wiederholung 67
Grammatik 68
Wörter 70
Projektzone: Der beste Job der Welt 72
Finding out about an amazing job 72
Applying for a dream job 72
Kapitel 4: Die Kindheit 74
1: Meine Kindheit 76
Talking about your childhood 76
Using hatte and war 76
2: Erinnerungen 78
Talking about childhood activities 78
Using konnte, durfte and musste 78
3: Sekundarschule oder Grundschule? 80
Comparing secondary school and primary school 80
Using present and past tenses 80
4: Er war der Beste! 82
Talking about primary school friends 82
Using the superlative 82
5: Writing Skills: Es war einmal ... 84
Writing about fairy tales 84
Recognising perfect and imperfect tenses 84
6: Extension Reading Skills: Erzähl mir was! 86
Telling stories 86
Understanding detail in longer texts 86
Lernzieltest 88
Wiederholung 89
Grammatik 90
Wörter 92
Projektzone: Mein Leben in Wort und Bild 94
Discussing childhood memories 94
Creating a ‘baby book’ 94
Kapitel 5 Rechte und Pflichten 96
1: Darf man das? 98
Talking about age limits 98
Using correct word order 98
2: Was ist dir wichtig? 100
Discussing what is important to us 100
More practice of word order after weil 100
3: Ein neues Leben 102
Comparing life now and in the past 102
Understanding and using past, present and future tenses 102
4: Eine bessere Welt 104
Discussing how we can raise money for good causes 104
Using a variety of modal verbs (wir form) 104
5: Speaking Skills: Jeder kann was tun! 106
Describing small changes that make a big difference 106
Participating in a debate 106
6: Extension Reading Skills: Was ist Glück? 108
Discussing what is important for happiness 108
Reading and responding to authentic and literary texts 108
Lernzieltest 110
Wiederholung 111
Grammatik 112
Wörter 114
Projektzone 1: Rekorde 116
Exploring world records and unusual facts 116
Comparing facts and figures 116
Projektzone 2: Ländersteckbriefe 118
Exploring countries in detail 118
Creating your perfect country 118
Extra (Lesen/Schreiben) 120
Verbtabellen 130
Strategien 133
German key sounds 134
Wortschatz (Deutsch–Englisch) 135
Anweisungen 144
Back Cover Back Cover