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Stimmt! 2 Pupil Book

Stimmt! 2 Pupil Book

Rachel Hawkes | Michael Spencer


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Book Details


Stimmt! Pupil Books engage your pupils right from the start with topics they will want to learn plus lots of insight into the German-speaking world.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents – Inhalt 3
Kapitel 1: Ich liebe Ferien! 6
1: Innsbruck – früher und heute 8
Comparing places ‘then’ and ‘now’ 8
Describing in the past using war, hatte and es gab 8
2: Was hast du in den Ferien gemacht? 10
Talking about what you did on holiday 10
Using the perfect tense with haben 10
3: Wie bist du gefahren? 12
Talking about how you travelled 12
Using the perfect tense with sein 12
4: Wie ist das Wetter? 14
Talking about the weather 14
Combining the present and past tenses 14
5: Speaking Skills: Ein Interview 16
Talking about holidays 16
Asking and answering questions 16
6: Extension: Katastrophe! 18
Talking about problems on holiday 18
Writing a hotel review using past tenses 18
Lernzieltest 20
Wiederholung 21
Grammatik 22
Wörter 24
Projektzone: Fantasievoll! 26
Researching unusual holiday experiences 26
Designing a holiday homepage 26
Kapitel 2: Bist du ein Medienfan? 28
1: Kinoklub 30
Talking about film preferences 30
Asking questions in the perfect tense 30
2: Guck mal! 32
Talking about programmes you watch 32
Using the modal verb wollen 32
3: Leseecke 34
Talking about your reading preferences 34
Using prepositions with the dative case 34
4: Bist du süchtig? 36
Discussing screen time 36
Using modal verbs sollen, dürfen, können 36
5: Reading Skills: Rezensionen 38
Understanding opinions and media reviews 38
Reading for gist 38
6: Extension: Ich kann Deutsch 40
Talking about speaking different languages 40
Using and understanding different tenses 40
Lernzieltest 42
Wiederholung 43
Grammatik 44
Wörter 46
Projektzone 1: Fremdsprachen sind wichtig! 48
Discussing why learning languages is important 48
Understanding how useful languages are to people 48
Projektzone 2: Stellen im Ausland! 50
Looking at jobs that require German 50
Applying for a job 50
Kapitel 3: Bleib gesund! 52
1: Zum Frühstück 54
Talking about typical breakfasts 54
Using the verb essen 54
2: Was nimmst du? 56
Discussing traditional German food 56
Using the verb nehmen 56
3: Kannst du kochen? 58
Understanding and using recipes 58
The du form of the imperative 58
4: Im Training 60
Talking about healthy lifestyles 60
Using the verb müssen 60
5: Listening Skills: Iss dich fit! 62
Understanding and responding to longer texts 62
Developing note-taking skills 62
6: Extension: Das perfekte Abendessen 64
Describing and comparing dinner parties 64
Using language creatively in a new context 64
Lernzieltest 66
Wiederholung 67
Grammatik 68
Wörter 70
Projektzone: Ein typisch britisches Abendessen! 72
Preparing to give a dinner party 72
Planning and explaining a menu 72
Kapitel 4: Klassenreisen machen Spaß! 74
1: Willkommen in der Jugendherberge! 76
Understanding rules 76
Using dürfen and müssen 76
2: Mein Tagesablauf 78
Discussing daily routine 78
Using refl exive and separable verbs 78
3: Wir gehen auf Schatzsuche 80
Understanding and giving directions 80
Using imperatives in the du, ihr and Sie forms 80
4: Auf einem Fest 82
Describing a festival 82
Using adjectives to describe nouns 82
5: Writing Skills: Wir feiern! 84
Learning and writing about festivals in Switzerland 84
Describing a festival you have visited 84
6: Extension: Im Aktivurlaub 86
Describing an activity holiday 86
Using reflexive and separable verbs in the perfect tense 86
Lernzieltest 88
Wiederholung 89
Grammatik 90
Wörter 92
Projektzone: Komm nach Hamburg! 94
Learning about destinations for a class trip 94
Using persuasive language 94
Kapitel 5 Wir gehen aus 96
1: Ich mag meinen Stil! 98
Discussing clothes and style 98
Using wenn clauses 98
2: Mein erstes Date! 100
Talking about plans for a date 100
Using the future tense 100
3: Ich mache mich fertig 102
Talking about getting ready to go out 102
Asking questions using a variety of verbs 102
4: Wie war’s? 104
Talking about how the date went 104
Using past, present and future tenses 104
5: Speaking Skills: Pro und kontra 106
Talking about uniforms 106
Preparing for a debate 106
6: Extension: Öko-freundliche Mode für alle 108
Researching Fairtrade labels 108
Creating publicity material 108
Lernzieltest 110
Wiederholung 111
Grammatik 112
Wörter 114
Projektzone 1: adidas – früher und heute 116
Learning about a famous German brand 116
Preparing a short presentation 116
Projektzone 2: Modenschau 118
Preparing for a fashion show 118
Giving a spontaneous spoken commentary 118
Extra (Lesen/Schreiben) 120
Verbtabellen 130
Strategien 132
German key sounds 133
Wortschatz (Deutsch–Englisch) 134
Anweisungen 144
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