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Stimmt! 1 Pupil Book

Stimmt! 1 Pupil Book

Michael Spencer | Rachel Hawkes


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Book Details


German pupils will want to learn!


Stimmt! is a new fully-differentiated Key Stage 3 German course packed with content pupils will enjoy learning and which opens the window to the German-speaking world. 


With a strong focus on developing language learning skills, Stimmt! encourages students to manipulate language independently, helping to prepare them for KS4 and beyond.


Stimmt! 1 Pupil Book


-    One book for the whole ability range, with inbuilt differentiation.

-    Full coverage of the 2014 National Curriculum.

-    Fully integrated grammar explanations and practice ensure logical and rigorous progression.

-    Skills spreads in each Module focus on building language skills in each of the four skills.

-    Project opportunities for the end of each half term offer new and fun contexts for practising the language.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents – Inhalt 3
Kapitel 1: Meine Welt und ich 6
1: Hallo! 8
Introducing yourself 8
Learning how to pronounce German words 8
2: Eins, zwei, drei … 10
Counting to 19 10
Using the verb sein (to be) 10
3: Ich wohne in Deutschland 12
Using the German alphabet 12
Using the verb wohnen to say where you live 12
4: Meine Welt ist wunderbar! 14
Describing your character 14
Using mein(e) and dein(e) 14
5: Meine Sachen 16
Asking and answering questions about your belongings 16
Using the verb haben + the indefinite article 16
6: Writing Skills: Ich über mich 18
Preparing a poster presentation 18
Checking your work 18
Lernzieltest 20
Wiederholung 21
Grammatik 22
Wörter 24
Projektzone: Supertrumpf 26
Learning about famous people 26
Creating ‘super trumps’ cards 26
Kapitel 2: Familie und Tiere 28
1: Extreme Haustiere 30
Talking about pets 30
Using pronouns 30
2: Supertiere 32
Talking about ‘superpets’ 32
Using kann + infinitive 32
3: Meine Familie 34
Talking about family members and age 34
More practice of present tense verbs 34
4: Die Farben der Welt 36
Describing family members 36
Using adjectives with nouns 36
5: Alles Gute! 38
Talking about birthdays 38
Using ordinal numbers (first, twentieth, and so on) 38
6: Speaking Skills: Eine Superfamilie 40
Developing speaking skills 40
Practising asking and answering questions 40
Lernzieltest 42
Wiederholung 43
Grammatik 44
Wörter 46
Projektzone 1: Frohe Weihnachten! 48
Learning about Christmas 48
Finding out about German traditions 48
Projektzone 2: Prost Neujahr! 50
Learning about New Year celebrations 50
Giving a presentation 50
Kapitel 3: Freizeit – juhu! 52
1: Bist du sportlich? 54
Talking about which sports you play 54
Using gern with the verb spielen 54
2: Freizeit ist toll! 56
Talking about leisure activities 56
Giving your opinion 56
3: In meiner Freizeit 58
Talking about how often you do activities 58
Using correct word order 58
4: Ich bin online 60
Talking about mobiles and computers 60
Talking about the future using the present tense 60
5: Listening Skills: Wir sind Freunde 62
Developing prediction strategies 62
Understanding longer listening texts 62
6: Writing Skills: Brieffreunde 64
Making your writing interesting and varied 64
Writing about your free time 64
Lernzieltest 66
Wiederholung 67
Grammatik 68
Wörter 70
Projektzone: Ich sammle! 72
Learning about collections 72
Researching and describing an unusual collection 72
Kapitel 4: Schule ist klasse! 74
1: Ich mag Deutsch! 76
Talking about school subjects 76
Using weil to give reasons and opinions 76
2: Was und wann? 78
Talking about days and times 78
More about word order 78
3: Lehrer und Lehrerinnen 80
Describing your teachers 80
Using sein (his) and ihr (her) 80
4: Im Klassenzimmer 82
Talking about school facilities and rules 82
Using the prepositions in , an , auf , neben 82
5: Reading Skills: Mein Lieblingstag 84
Understanding longer reading texts 84
Looking up words you don’t know 84
6: Speaking Skills: Meine Traumschule 86
Talking at length about a topic 86
Improving your pronunciation 86
Lernzieltest 88
Wiederholung 89
Grammatik 90
Wörter 92
Projektzone: Sonne, Mond und Erde 94
Finding out about the solar system 94
Making a display about the solar system 94
Kapitel 5: Gute Reise! 96
1: In der Stadt 98
Saying what there is/isn’t in a town 98
Using es gibt + ein/kein 98
2: Wir gehen einkaufen! 100
Saying what souvenirs you want to buy 100
Using ich möchte to say what you would like 100
3: Mmm, lecker! 102
Buying snacks and drinks 102
More practice with euros and cents 102
4: In den Sommerferien 104
Talking about holiday plans 104
Using werden to form the future tense 104
5: Listening Skills: Auf geht’s! 106
Understanding longer, more varied spoken texts 106
Focusing on high-frequency words 106
6: Writing Skills: Willkommen! 108
Writing at length about a topic 108
Adapting a model 108
Lernzieltest 110
Wiederholung 111
Grammatik 112
Wörter 114
Projektzone 1: Infos für Touristen 116
Researching German-speaking places 116
Creating a tourist brochure 116
Projektzone 2: Lass uns spielen! 118
Using familiar language in a new context 118
Creating your own board game 118
Extra (Lesen/Schreiben) 120
Verbtabellen 130
Wortschatz (Deutsch–Englisch) 132
In der Klasse 143
Anweisungen 144
Back Cover Back Cover