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Community Ecology

Community Ecology

Mark Gardener


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Book Details


Interactions between species are of fundamental importance to all living systems and the framework we have for studying these interactions is community ecology. This is important to our understanding of the planets biological diversity and how species interactions relate to the functioning of ecosystems at all scales. Species do not live in isolation and the study of community ecology is of practical application in a wide range of conservation issues.

The study of ecological community data involves many methods of analysis. In this book you will learn many of the mainstays of community analysis including: diversity, similarity and cluster analysis, ordination and multivariate analyses. This book is for undergraduate and postgraduate students and researchers seeking a step-by-step methodology for analysing plant and animal communities using R and Excel.

Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet is virtually ubiquitous and familiar to most computer users. It is a robust program that makes an excellent storage and manipulation system for many kinds of data, including community data. The R program is a powerful and flexible analytical system able to conduct a huge variety of analytical methods, which means that the user only has to learn one program to address many research questions. Its other advantage is that it is open source and therefore completely free. Novel analytical methods are being added constantly to the already comprehensive suite of tools available in R.

Mark Gardener is both an ecologist and an analyst. He has worked in a range of ecosystems around the world and has been involved in research across a spectrum of community types. His knowledge of R is largely self-taught and this gives him insight into the needs of students learning to use R for complicated analyses.

Mark Gardener ( is an ecologist, lecturer, and writer working in the UK. His primary area of research was in pollination ecology and he has worked in the UK and around the word (principally Australia and the United States). Since his doctorate he has worked in many areas of ecology, often as a teacher and supervisor. He believes that ecological data, especially community data, is the most complicated and ill-behaved and is consequently the most fun to work with. He was introduced to R by a like-minded pedant whilst working in Australia during his doctorate. Learning R was not only fun but opened up a new avenue, making the study of community ecology a whole lot easier. He is currently self-employed and runs courses in ecology, data analysis, and R for a variety of organizations. Mark lives in rural Devon with his wife Christine, a biochemist who consequently has little need of statistics.

Without a doubt there is a challenge here since Gardener seeks to enlighten the reader about both community ecology as a topic (although he admits in the foreword that this is not exhaustive) and the analytical techniques needed to successfully study it. This is a feat which I felt that he managed reasonably well. I find his style easy-going and he does well at not assuming the reader has expert knowledge. The book follows a logical path and is packed with reassuring screen shots and coding advice. The fact that it is written by an ecologist makes the data relevant to biologists and it all seems easy to follow, specimen data are again provided on the website. Gardener offers alternative analyses for each type of data, explains clearly when he thinks a particular analysis is most useful and then encourages the reader to ‘have a go’.

Mark Edwards

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
About the author iii
Acknowledgements iii
Software used iii
Support material iii
Reader feedback iv
Publish with Pelagic Publishing iv
Contents v
Introduction viii
What you will learn in this book viii
How this book is arranged viii
Support files x
1. Starting to look atcommunities 1
1.1 A scientific approach 1
1.2 The topics of community ecology 2
1.3 Getting data – using a spreadsheet 4
1.4 Aims and hypotheses 5
1.5 Summary 5
2. Software tools forcommunity ecology 8
2.1 Excel 8
2.2 Other spreadsheets 9
2.3 The R program 10
2.4 Summary 15
2.5 Exercises 15
3. Recording your data 16
3.1 Biological data 16
3.2 Arranging your data 18
3.3 Summary 19
3.4 Exercises 19
4. Beginning data exploration:using software tools 20
4.1 Beginning to use R 20
4.2 Manipulating data in a spreadsheet 28
4.3 Getting data from Excel into R 60
4.4 Summary 62
4.5 Exercises 63
5. Exploring data: choosingyour analytical method 64
5.1 Categories of study 64
5.2 How ‘classic’ hypothesis testing can be usedin community studies 66
5.3 Analytical methods for community studies 70
5.4 Summary 73
5.5 Exercises 74
6. Exploring data: gettinginsights 75
6.1 Error checking 75
6.2 Adding extra information 78
6.3 Getting an overview of your data 80
6.4 Summary 104
6.5 Exercises 104
7. Diversity: species richness 106
7.1 Comparing species richness 108
7.2 Correlating species richness over time or against anenvironmental variable 119
7.3 Species richness and sampling effort 123
7.4 Summary 148
7.5 Exercises 149
8. Diversity: indices 151
8.1 Simpson’s index 151
8.2 Shannon index 160
8.3 Other diversity indices 168
8.4 Summary 194
8.5 Exercises 195
9. Diversity: comparing 196
9.1 Graphical comparison of diversity profiles 197
9.2 A test for differences in diversity based on the t-test 199
9.3 Graphical summary of the t-test for Shannon andSimpson indices 212
9.4 Bootstrap comparisons for unreplicated samples 227
9.5 Comparisons using replicated samples 252
9.6 Summary 269
9.7 Exercises 270
10. Diversity: sampling scale 272
10.1 Calculating beta diversity 272
10.2 Additive diversity partitioning 299
10.3 Hierarchical partitioning 303
10.4 Group dispersion 306
10.5 Permutation methods 309
10.6 Overlap and similarity 315
10.7 Beta diversity using alternative dissimilarity measures 325
10.8 Beta diversity compared to other variables 327
10.9 Summary 331
10.10 Exercises 333
11. Rank abundance ordominance models 334
11.1 Dominance models 334
11.2 Fisher’s log-series 358
11.3 Preston’s lognormal model 360
11.4 Summary 363
11.5 Exercises 365
12. Similarity and cluster analysis 366
12.1 Similarity and dissimilarity 366
12.2 Cluster analysis 382
12.3 Summary 416
12.4 Exercises 418
13. Association analysis:identifying communities 419
13.1 Area approach to identifying communities 420
13.2 Transect approach to identifying communities 428
13.3 Using alternative dissimilarity measures foridentifying communities 431
13.4 Indicator species 436
13.5 Summary 444
13.6 Exercises 445
14. Ordination 446
14.1 Methods of ordination 447
14.2 Indirect gradient analysis 449
14.3 Direct gradient analysis 490
14.4 Using ordination results 505
14.5 Summary 520
14.6 Exercises 522
Appendices 524
Appendix 1: Answers to exercises 524
Appendix 2 Custom R commands in this book 535
Bibliography 542
Index 547