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Snails on rocky sea shores

Snails on rocky sea shores

John Crothers


Additional Information


The snails found living on rocky sea shores are among the most rewarding invertebrate animals to study. Species such as dog-whelks, topshells and winkles are easy to find, capture, identify, measure and mark. This book provides a key to common species, background ecology, an overview of rocky shore habitats and the techniques required for anyone to study this fascinating and accessible fauna.

This is an excellent addition to an excellent series of naturalists’ handbooks and should be part of the equipment for any field trip to the seashore.

Ian Lancaster

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents iv
Preface v
Acknowledgements vi
About the author vii
1 Introduction 1
2 The biology of marine snails 4
3 Limpets 9
4 Common topshells 17
5 Dog-whelks 23
6 Winkles 38
7 Identification 45
8 The rocky shore environment 58
9 Techniques and approaches to original work 66
10 References and further reading 83
11 Index 87
12 Pictorial key 90
Plates 98