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A Marxist History of the World

A Marxist History of the World

Neil Faulkner


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This magisterial analysis of human history - from 'Lucy', the first hominid, to the current Great Recession - combines the insights of earlier generations of Marxist historians with radical new ideas about the historical process.*BR**BR*Reading history against the grain, Neil Faulkner reveals that what happened in the past was not predetermined. Choices were frequent and numerous. Different outcomes - liberation or barbarism - were often possible. Rejecting the top-down approach of conventional history, Faulkner contends that it is the mass action of ordinary people that drives great events.*BR**BR*At the beginning of the 21st century - with economic disaster, war, climate catastrophe and deep class divisions - humans face perhaps the greatest crisis in the long history of our species. The lesson of A Marxist History of the World is that, if we created our past, we can also create a better future.
'This book will make you stop and think and give you a taste of what it must have felt like to be a firebrand buoyed up by righteous revolutionary zeal in October 1917. If you like your blood boiled, this is the history for you'
Guy de la Bédoyère, historian and author of Roman Britain: A New History (2006).
'Enlightening and apocalyptic in equal measure'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Introduction: Why History Matters ix
1. Hunters and Farmers c. 2.5 million - 3000 BC 1
The Hominid Revolution 2
The Hunting Revolution 4
The Agricultural Revolution 7
The Origins of War and Religion 9
The Rise of the Specialists 12
2. The First Class Societies c. 3000 - 1000 BC 15
The First Ruling Class 16
The Spread of Civilisation 18
Crisis in the Bronze Age 21
How History Works 23
Men of Iron 25
3. Ancient Empires c. 1000 - 30 BC 28
Persia: the Achaemenid Empire 29
India: the Mauryan Empire 31
China: the Qin Empire 33
The Greek Democratic Revolution 36
The Macedonian Empire 38
Roman Military Imperialism 41
The Roman Revolution 43
4. The End of Antiquity c. 30 BC - AD 650 46
The Crisis of Late Antiquity 47
Huns, Goths, Germans, and Romans 50
Mother-Goddesses and Power-Deities 52
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam 54
Arabs, Persians, and Byzantines 57
5. The Medieval World c. AD 650 - 1500 60
The Abbasid Revolution 61
Hindus, Buddhists, and the Gupta Empire 63
Chinese History's Revolving Door 66
Africa: Cattle-Herders, Ironmasters, and Trading States 68
New World Empires: Maya, Aztec, and Inca 70
6. European Feudalism c. AD 650 - 1500 74
The Cycles and Arrows of Time 75
The Peculiarity of Europe 77
The Rise of Western Feudalism 79
Crusade and Jihad 81
Lord, Burgher, and Peasant in Medieval Europe 83
The Class Struggle in Medieval Europe 85
The New Monarchies 87
The New Colonialism 89
7. The First Wave of Bourgeois Revolutions 1517 - 1775 92
The Reformation 93
The Counter-Reformation 96
The Dutch Revolution 99
The Thirty Years War 101
The Causes of the English Revolution 104
Revolution and Civil War 107
The Army, the Levellers, and the Commonwealth 109
Colonies, Slavery, and Racism 111
Wars of Empire 114
8. The Second Wave of Bourgeois Revolutions 1775 - 1815 117
The Enlightenment 118
The American Revolution 121
The Storming of the Bastille 124
The Jacobin Dictatorship 126
From Thermidor to Napoleon 129
9. The Rise of Industrial Capitalism c. 1750 - 1850 132
The Industrial Revolution 133
The Chartists and the Origins of the Labour Movement 135
The 1848 Revolutions 138
What is Marxism? 141
What is Capitalism? 143
The Making of the Working Class 146
10. The Age of Blood and Iron 1848 - 1896 149
The Indian Mutiny 150
The Italian Risogimento 152
The American Civil War 154
Japan's Meiji Restoration 157
The Unification of Germany 159
The Paris Commune 162
The Long Depression, 1873-96 165
11. Imperialism and War 1873 - 1918 168
The Scramble for Africa 169
The Rape of China 172
What is Imperialism? 174
The 1905 Revolution: Russia's Great Dress Rehearsal 177
The Ottoman Empire and the 1908 'Young Turk' Revolution 179
1914: Descent into Barbarism 182
Reform or Revolution? 185
The First World War 188
12. The Revolutionary Wave 1917 - 1928 191
1917: The February Revolution 192
Dual Power: The Mechanics of Revolution 195
February to October: The Rhythms of Revolution 197
1917: The October Insurrection 200
1918: How the War Ended 202
The German Revolution 205
Italy's 'Two Red Years' 208
World Revolution 209
The First Chinese Revolution 212
Revolts against Colonialism 214
Stalinism: The Bitter Fruit of Revolutionary Defeat 217
13. The Great Depression and the Rise of Fascism 1929 - 1939 220
The Roaring Twenties 221
The Hungry Thirties 224
1933: The Nazi Seizure of Power 226
State Capitalism in Russia 229
June 1936: The French General Strike and Factory Occupations 233
The Spanish Civil War 235
The Causes of the Second World War 238
14. World War and the Cold War 1939 - 1967 242
The Second World War: Imperialism 243
The Second World War: Barbarism 246
The Second World War: Resistance 248
The Cold War 250
The Great Boom 253
Maoist China 255
End of Empire? 258
Oil, Zionism, and Western Imperialism 261
1956: Hungary and Suez 263
Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution 266
15. The New World Disorder 1968 - Present 269
The Vietnam War 270
1968 273
1968 - 75: The Workers' Revolt 275
The Long Recession, 1973 - 92 278
What is Neoliberalism? 281
1989: The Fall of Stalinism 284
9/11, the War on Terror, and the New Imperialism 287
The 2008 Crash: From Bubble to Black Hole 290
The Second Great Depression 292
Conclusion: Making the Future 296
The Beast 297
Revolution in the Twenty-First Century? 301
Whose Apocalypse? 302
Timeline 304
Sources 332
Bibliographical Notes 333
Select Bibliography 338