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Murdoch's Politics

Murdoch's Politics

David McKnight


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Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation is the most powerful media organisation in the world. Murdoch's commercial success is obvious, but less well understood is his successful pursuit of political goals, using News Corporation as his vehicle.

In Murdoch's Politics David McKnight tracks Murdoch's influence, from his support for Reagan and Thatcher, his deal with Tony Blair and attacks on Barack Obama. He examines the secretive corporate culture of News Corporation: its private political seminars for editors, its support for think tanks and its global campaigns on issues like Iraq and climate change.

Including analysis of the phone hacking crisis, possible bribery charges and Murdoch's appearance at the Leveson enquiry, this book is a highly topical study of one of the most influential and controversial figures of the modern age.
'This is not a traditional biography, but it is an excellent brief alternative. Highly recommended'
'An anatomy and record of the reign of Murdoch which is brave and valuable. One day, when Murdoch is gone, it will help explain why so many obeyed him'
The Guardian
'A timely and hard-hitting account of the career of the world's first and greatest global media baron'
Brian McNair, Professor of Journalism, Media & Communication at Queensland University of Technology, author of News and Journalism in the UK

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Foreword - Robert W. McChesney vii
Introduction 1
1. Crusading Corporation 13
2. The Outsider 38
3. At the Barricades of the Reagan Revolution 62
4. Gatecrashing the British Establishment 84
5. Orthodoxy in the Blood 106
6. Outfoxing the Liberals 127
7. The Reign of the 'Sun' King 149
8. The Road to Baghdad 172
9. False Dawn on Climate Change 194
Epilogue: The Once and Future Murdoch Dynasty? 212
Acknowledgements 221
Notes 223
Index 252