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Weapon of the Strong

Weapon of the Strong

Jon Bailes | Cihan Aksan


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The term ‘terrorism’ is often applied exclusively to non-state groups or specific ‘rogue states’. Far less attention is given to state terrorism carried out or sponsored by democracies, most notably the United States. History shows that this state terrorism has been responsible for the deaths of millions of people.

Weapon of the Strong analyses the forms of US state terrorism through exclusive, never before published interviews with leading commentators and theorists, including Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Richard A. Falk, Judith Butler, Ted Honderich, Norman Finkelstein and Gilbert Achcar. The interviews explore the different aspects of state terrorism: its functions, institutional supports and the legal and moral arguments surrounding it, and consider specific case studies in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.

Weapon of the Strong makes an indispensable contribution to contemporary debates on terrorism and constructs a damning critique of US foreign policy from World War Two to the present day.
'Nuanced and uncompromising, the interviewers have posed some of the most penetrating and important questions of our time. The answers received will change forever the way we think about terror'
Professor Penny Green, King's College London, Director of the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) and co-author of State Crime: Governments, Violence and Corruption (Pluto 2004)
'A wide range of compelling topics are expertly explored by leading academics. Each is skilfully interviewed by Cihan Aksan and Jon Bailes who also provide an excellent introduction. A job well done'
Michael Parenti

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Acknowledgements ix
1. Introduction 1
2. Noam Chomsky: Thte Definition of Terrorism 32
3. Richard A. Falk: International Law and Human Rights 47
4. Marjorie Cohn: Torture as Terrorism 63
5. Ted Honderich: Morality, Justification, and Responsibility 77
6. Edward S. Herman: The Media Image of Terrorism 95
7. Judith Butler: The Discourse of Terror 109
8. Richard Jackson: Terrorism Studies and Academia 118
9. Patrick Bond: International Financial Institutions and the Economics of Terrorism 132
10. Ismael Hossein-zadeh: The Guiding Force of US Militarism 151
11. Gilbert Achcar: The United States in the Middle East 173
12. Norman G. Finklestein: US Support for Israeli State Terror 193
13. Greg Grandin: The United States in Latin America 205
14. Daniele Ganser: NATO's Secret Armies in Europe 219
Notes on Contributors 234
Index 237