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Generation Palestine

Generation Palestine

Rich Wiles


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Book Details


The unique model of apartheid, colonisation and military occupation that Israel imposes on the Palestinians, along with myriad violations of international law, have made Palestine the moral cause of a generation. Yet many people continue to ask, 'what can we do?'

Generation Palestine helps to answer this question by bringing together Palestinian and international activists in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. The movement aims to pressure Israel until it complies with International Law, mirroring the model that was successfully utilised against South African apartheid.

With essays written by a wide selection of contributors, Generation Palestine follows the BDS movement’s model of inclusivity and collaboration. Contributors include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Ken Loach, Iain Banks, Ronnie Kasrils, Professor Richard Falk, Ilan Pappe, Omar Barghouti, Ramzy Baroud and Archbishop Attallah Hannah, alongside other internationally acclaimed artists, writers, academics and grassroots activists.

'Essential reading for all who believe in changing this world for the better. Never again should we ask 'What can we do?' Rich Wiles' excellent book, and the BDS movement, provide us with the answers'
Stephane Hessel is a diplomat, writer, concentration camp survivor, former French resistance fighter, and editor of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
'The BDS movement is the most enlightened, imaginative, moral, fearless and dynamic blow for freedom I have known for many years. I believe it will be a vital factor in the liberation of Palestine. The inspiring voices in this book will help achieve that goal'
John Pilger
'Reading this book, talking about it and acting upon its ideas is a further political act against an injustice that has lasted a lifetime'
John Berger, author of Ways of Seeing

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Acknowledgements x
Foreword xii
Part I - BDS: The Historical Context 1
1. Palestine's Global Battle that Must be Won - Ramzy Baroud 3
2. Boycott, Bricks and the Four Pillars of the South African Struggle - Ronnie Kasrils 18
3. India's Freedom Struggle and Today's BDS Movement - Prabir Purkayastha and Ayesha Kidwai 34
4. The US Civil Rights and Black Liberation Movement: Lessons and Applications for the Palestinian Liberation Movement - Kali Akuno 47
Part II - The Palestinian Call for BDS 57
5. The 2005 Palestinian Call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions - Official Text of the BDS Call 59
6. Why Palestinians Called for BDS - Raji Sourani 61
7. Self-Determination and the Right of Return: Interlinked and Indivisible Rights - Nidal al-Azza 72
9. International Law, Apartheid and Israeli Responses to BDS - Professor Richard Falk 85
10. Towards a Just and Lasting Peace: Kairos Palestine and the Lead of the Palestinian Church - Archbishop Atallah Hanna 100
Part III - Economy, Academia and Culture 107
11. BDS: Perspectives of an Israeli Economist - Shir Hever 109
12. Colonialism, the Peace Process and the Academic Boycott - Ilan Pappe 124
13. Faithless in the Holy Land - A Musician's Journey to Boycott - David Randall 139
14. Our People - Iain Banks 149
15. Why We Back the Boycott Campaign - Ken Loach, Rebecca O'Brien and Paul Laverty 153
Part IV - Activists and Activism 157
16. Derailing Veolia - Adri Nieuwhof 159
17. The Case of the Edinburgh 5 - Mich Napier 168
18. Worker-to-Worker Solidarity: BDS in the Trade Union Movement -Rafeef Ziadah 179
19. The Derry versus Raytheon Struggle - Eamonn McCann 193
20. Israeli Apartheid Week: A Gauge of the Global BDS Campaign - Hazem Jamjoum 204
21. Palestine's South Africa Moment has Finally Arrived - Omar Barghouti 216
Notes on Contributors 233
Index 237