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The Islamophobia Industry

The Islamophobia Industry

Nathan Lean


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This book uncovers those who deal in the spread of the hatred of Muslims. From Donald Trump and his allies Steve Bannon and Newt Gingrich, to the rise of the Front National in France, websites like Breitbart and ‘liberal’ anti-Muslim campaigners such as Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins.

Revealing a world of conservative bloggers, right-wing talk show hosts, evangelical religious leaders and politicians, The Islamophobia Industry uncovers their scare tactics, traces their sources of funding and exposes the ideologies that drive their lucrative propaganda machine.
'In the months after 9/11, Americans took pride in defending Muslim neighbors in their own communities. Political leaders boasted about liberating Muslims overseas. So why are the politics of fear more intense a decade after the murders at the twin towers? Lean pins the blame on an Islamophobia industry in a lucid and detailed examination of the dark side of our politics.'
Richard Wolffe, MSNBC political analyst and author of Renegade: The Making of a President
'Islamophobia is not only about ignorance and fear. Some people purposefully nurture it and use it as a political strategy. Nathan Lean’s The Islamophobia Industry shows what is happening behind the scenes. It is an essential book for anyone who wants to understand the rationale and objectives behind those who foster this new racism against Muslims.'
Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University and author of The Quest for Meaning
'Nathan Lean has written an eye-opener — the most comprehensive book to date on a new and dangerous cycle of minority persecution in American society. Lean’s book exposes the key players, funders and enablers of Islamophobia in America and the destructive effect of their politics on our national fabric. It is worth every minute of reading.'
Nihad Awad, National Executive Director, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
'In this provocative and engaging book, Nathan Lean meticulously untangles the dense web of fear merchants who have made Muslim-bashing a cottage industry. He reveals the connections between them and the motives that animate their machine of propaganda. Lean's is a battle against Islamophobia, one that he wages with a seamless and compelling narrative.'
Juan Cole, author of Engaging the Muslim World
'This concise, accessible and illuminating book meets one of the most urgent needs of our time. Lean has provided a compelling counter-narrative that reveals the vested interests and highly organised networks of those who preach the virulent Islamophobia that is not only endangering world peace but is also corroding the tolerance and egalitarian ethos that should characterise Western society'
Karen Armstrong, author of A History of God, Islam: A Short History and Muhammad
'The spike in anti-Muslim sentiment didn't fall from the sky - it was manufactured by a shadowy network of bloggers, funders, pundits, preachers and politicians. In a tightly written, fast-paced narrative that feels like a thriller backed by the research of a doctoral thesis, Lean shows just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Essential reading for anyone who wants a window into the origins of contemporary Islamophobia.'
Eboo Patel, author of Acts of Faith and Sacred Ground
'Nathan Lean has written a book of immense importance for our times. By lifting the veil on the multi-million-dollar Islamophobia Industry, Lean shines a light on the nefarious network of business, political, and religious organizations and individuals who employ rank bigotry to promote their interests. A must-read.'
Reza Aslan, author of No God But God and Beyond Fundamentalism
'Lean's meticulous study is a convincing demonstration of the threat Islamophobia poses to a pluralistic society and democratic values. Rationalizing hatred of Muslims, well-funded ideologues also negatively impact civic discourse and push conservative politics into the orbit of right-wing extremism. This is an important resource for all who wish to understand the forces that manipulate our political process and discourse.'
Ingrid Mattson, Chair in Islamic Studies, Huron University College
'So many of America's mistakes and bad acts over the past decade are due to Islamophobia, and Nathan Lean's new book traces the phenomenon's genesis and its culprits. Those who have been spawning this all-too-familiar demonization campaign have been hiding in the dark for too long. This book is so valuable because it drags them out into the light and thus performs a true service for the nation.'
Glenn Greenwald, columnist for Salon and author of Liberty and Justice For Some
'The climate of fear and cultural mistrust is one grim aspect of present-day society, but it doesn't happen by accident. As this readable and well-researched book demonstrates, hatred sells; it can provide both money and power to those who profit from it. This book exposes the dirty secrets of those who try to manipulate public opinion against Muslims. It should be read by policymakers, concerned citizens, and everyone who values truth and intercultural understanding.'
Mark Juergensmeyer, Professor of Global Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and author of Terror in the Mind of God: The Global Rise of Religious Violence

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Acknowledgments viii
Foreword x
Introduction 1
1. Monsters Among Us: A History of Sowing Fear in America 16
2. A Web of Deception: Fomenting Hate Online 41
3. Media Mayhem: Broadcasting Anti-Muslim Madness 66
4. We Come Bearing Crosses: The Christian Right's Battle for Eternity 78
5. Of Politics and Prophecy: The Alliance of the Pro-Israel Right 119
6. To Washington and Beyond: Islamophobia as Government Policy 137
7. Across the Pond: The Deadly Effects of Hate in Europe 156
Conclusion 181
Notes 185
Bibliography 211
Index 214