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Corporate Complicity in Israel's Occupation

Corporate Complicity in Israel's Occupation

Asa Winstanley | Frank Barat


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Book Details


The Russell Tribunal on Palestine is a people's tribunal in the spirit of the Tribunal on Vietnam that was set up by Bertrand Russell in the 1960s. This book contains a selection of the most vital evidence and testimonies presented at the London session. It includes the papers submitted to the tribunal, written by expert witnesses, based on their detailed research into the companies that prop-up Israeli occupation.

Examining the involvement of corporations in the illegal occupation of Palestinian land by Israel, the tribunal of 2010 generated widespread media coverage. The book identifies companies and corporations participating in such illegality and possibilities for legal action against them are discussed.

Released to coincide with the South Africa session at the end of 2011, Corporate Complicity in Israel's Occupation is a vital resource to lawyers, journalists and activists hoping to take informed action against Israeli war crimes and occupation.
'It is vitally important to pursue the complicity of any corporations which aid or abet human rights violations in any country in the world. The Russell Tribunal is to be commended for calling to account those who share responsibility for the continuing devastation of Gaza'
Julie Christie, actress, activist and patron of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign
'This excellent book presents compelling evidence of corporate complicity in Israel's violations of international law'
Mairead Maguire, Nobel Peace laureate
'The Russell Tribunal unpicks the tangled but systematic corporate collusion that cements it all together. Walls have a history of tumblin' down'
Paul Laverty, screenwriter
'This Tribunal surely helps prevent the crime of silence in the pressing case of Palestine'
Tony Simpson, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
'An important, practical tool in the non-violent struggle against apartheid in the Holy Land'
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
'The Russell Tribunal on Palestine' brings together vital documentation for understanding how big business supports illegal Israeli practices. A very important book'
Ghada Karmi
'This report from the Russell Tribunal is essential reading. Many of the corporations that trade with Israel have manifestos and Human Rights commitments that, they claim, inform their business decisions. The Tribunal tests these claims and finds them wanting. We hope the shareholders and customers of these companies, whether individuals or institutions, will look at the conclusions of the Tribunal and demand that integrity replaces unprincipled greed'
Ken Loach
'Like the landmark Russell Tribunal on Vietnam, this examination of the forces that maintain the epic injustice in Palestine is timely and critically necessary'
John Pilger
'A compelling and urgent read for anyone concerned about corporate complicity in Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people'
Omar Bargouti, co-founder of the Palestinian Civil Society BDS Movement
'A weapon for those who are compelled by human decency to mobilise solidarity in order to overcome one of the greatest injustices of modern times. It speaks out against the crime of silence - one of Bertrand Russell's immortal injunctions!'
Ronnie Kasrils, writer, activist, former South African government minister

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
List of Figures ix
Acknowledgements x
Foreword xi
Introduction 1
1. The Legal Framework Relevant to Corporate Conduct 5
International Law and the Complicity of Business in Human Rights Abuses -Hocine Ouazraf 5
Redress for Palestinian Victims of Human Rights Abuses in the Courts of England and Wales -Richard Hermer QC 13
Principles and Mechanisms to Hold Business Accountable in US Courts -Yasmine Gado 37
The French Courts -William Bourdon 46
2. Corporate Activities in and Around Israeli Settlements 53
The Settlement Industry and Corporate Involvement in the Occupation -Dalit Baum 53
Business Practices in Relation to Settlements and the Settlement Industry -Hugh Lanning 59
The Reality of Israeli Settlements in Palestine -Fayez al-Taneeb 70
The Situation in the Jordan Valley -Wael Natheef 74
Veolia Environnement SA -Adri Nieuwhof 78
The Actions of Cement Roadstone Holdings (CRH) in Israel/Palestine -John Dorman 85
3. Trade and Labelling of Israeli Settlement Goods 95
Production and Trade of Settlement Produce: Unlawful Exploitation of Natural Resources in the Occupied Palestinian Territories -Salma Karmi-Ayyoub 95
Agrexco Agricultural Export Ltd -Christophe Perrin 103
Ahava Dead Sea Products in Israel/Palestine -Nancy Kricorian and Rae Abileah 107
Trade and Labelling of Settlement Goods -Phon Van Den Biesen 111
Sodastream -Genevieve Coudrais 113
4. The Financial Services Sector 116
The Israeli Financial Sector and the Occupation -Merav Amir 116
The Financing of Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories by the Belgian-French Financial Group Dexia -Mario Franssen 120
PFZW - The Case of a Pension Fund Complicit in International Law Violations -Saskia Müller 123
War-Profiteering and SWIFT Sanctions: a Civil Society Imperative -Terry Crawford-Browne 127
5. The Security Industry and the War Industry 133
The Israeli Arms Trade and the Apparatus of Repression -John Hilary 133
Caterpillar's Involvement in the Occupied Palestinian Territories -Maria LaHood 136
US Government Complicity in the Supply of Caterpillar Bulldozers to Israel -Josh Ruebner 139
G4S and the Occupation -Merav Amir and Dalit Baum 142
General Information About the Company 148
The Cases of EDO/ITT and Raytheon -Paul Troop 155
The Campaign Against EDO/ITT -Chris Osmond 161
Eruropean Union R&D Subsidises for Israeli Security Actors -Ben Hayes 165
6. Witness Recall 170
7. The Jury's Findings 179
Afterword 184
Appendix I 186
Appendix II 188
Notes 198
Index 209