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The Dutch Atlantic

The Dutch Atlantic

Kwame Nimako | Glenn Willemsen


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This book interrogates the Dutch involvement in Atlantic slavery and assesses the historical consequences of this for contemporary European society.

Kwame Nimako and Glenn Willemsen show how the slave trade and slavery intertwined economic, social and cultural elements, including nation-state formation in the Netherlands and across Europe. They explore the mobilisation of European populations in the implementation of policies that facilitated Atlantic slavery and examine how European countries created and expanded laws that perpetuated colonisation.

Addressing key themes such as the incorporation of the formerly enslaved into post-slavery states and contemporary collective efforts to forget and/or remember slavery and its legacy in the Netherlands, this is an essential text for students of European history and postcolonial studies.
'A fundamental addition to a distinguished genealogy of work - from Ottobah Cugoano to Eric Williams and Jean Casimir - a genealogy in which scholarship and experientia Africana meet'
Walter Mignolo, William H Wannamaker Distinguished Professor in Literature and Romance Studies at Duke University
'This erudite history of Dutch slavery, revolts, abolition efforts, and emancipation is told from the underside of Dutch life. ... [It is] a breathtaking portrait of an uncomfortable history, an agonising story to be told and never forgotten'
Lewis R. Gordon, Laura H. Carnell Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies and Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of Race and Social Thought and the Center for Afro-Jewish Studies at Temple University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Acknowledgements ix
Foreword xii
Preface xix
1. Introduction, Goals and Issues 1
Introduction and Goals 3
Context and Concepts 4
Importance and Relevance 6
Overview of Chapters 8
2. Transatlantic Slavery and the Rise of the European World Order 13
The Age of Banditry (1492-1648) 14
Sovereignty and Chattel Slavery (1648-1789) 20
Citizenship, Slavery and the 'Free Soil Ideology' 29
Science and Chattel Slavery 41
3. Chattel Slavery, Sugar and Salt 52
Slavery and the Making of Global Economy 52
Slavery and Sugar 60
Sugar and Suriname 64
Pacification and Resistance 77
4. Abolition without Emancipation 87
European and Systemic Context 87
From Regulation to Intervention 90
Modalities of Abolition: Progressive Control Versus Transformative Change 97
Abolition and Citizenship 112
5. Trajectories of Emancipation: Religion, Class, Gender and Race 123
Religion and Emancipation 125
Class and Emancipation 128
Gender and Emancipation 131
Race and Emancipation 134
The Immediate Aftermath of Abolition 147
6. The Legacy of Slavery: The Unfinished Business of Emancipation 149
Memory and Dignitarianism 150
Commemorators and Commemoration 158
Integration and Multiculturalism 164
Ninsee as a Contested Project 170
Museums and Galleries 175
Reparations 178
Anniversaries and Apologies 181
7. Conclusion: Parallel Histories and Intertwined Belonging 184
Some Conclusions 184
A Final Note 189
Bibliography 191
Index 201