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The Assault on Universities

The Assault on Universities

Michael Bailey | Des Freedman


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Book Details


With funding cuts well under way and many institutions already promising to charge the maximum 9,000 pounds yearly tuition fee, university education for the majority is under threat. This book exposes the true motives behind the government's programme and provides the analytical tools to fight it.

Widespread student protests and occupations, often supported by staff, unions and society at large, show the public's opposition to funding cuts and fee increases. The contributors to this sharp, well-written collection, many of whom are active participants in the anti-cuts movement, outline what's at stake and why it matters. They argue that university education is becoming increasingly skewed towards vocational degrees, which devalues the arts and social sciences - subjects that allow creativity and political inquiry to flourish.

Released at the beginning of the new academic year, this book will be at the heart of debates around the future of higher education in the UK and beyond, inspiring both new and seasoned activists in the fight for the soul of our universities.
'Universities are the new front line in the battle between the market and society. Students are being groomed for a life of debt on a learn-to-earn treadmill. Campuses are being commercialised at every turn. The Assault on Universities tells the story of what's happening to higher education, why and what we do about it'
Neal Lawson, chair of Compass and author of All Consuming
'This is an essential book. The future of our universities is up for grabs and the manifesto will play a huge role in providing alternatives at a time when the government says there aren't any'
Clare Solomon, President of the University of London Union (ULU) and editor of Springtime (2011)
'A valuable contribution to ongoing global conversations about the possibilities of social, political and economic justice and the central role of cultural institutions and practices, especially education, in them'
Lawrence Grossberg, Morris Davis Distinguished Professor of Communication Studies and Cultural Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
'The corporatising of universal education is one of the most insidious and dangerous attacks on the very notion of human rights. This book calls us to arms. Every student, every educator who cares should read it'
John Pilger
'A timely and astute defence of the university that breaks free from the unimaginative pattern that can see education as only either a corporate or a private good. The manifesto shows what can be done to revive and expand our universities restoring their social mission'
Professor Paul Gilroy, London School of Economics

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
1. An Introduction to Education Reform and Resistance -Des Freedman 1
Part I: The Changing Idea of the University 13
2. The Idea of the University -John K. Walton 15
3. What is a University Education For? -Neil Faulkner 27
4. Fighting for the University's Life -Nick Couldry 37
Part II: Current Challenges and Future Visions 47
5. Economic Alternatives in the Current Crisis -Aeron Davis 49
6. Re-Imagining the Public Good -Jon Nixon 59
7. The War Against Democracy and Education -Nick Stevenson 71
Part III: Critical Pedagogy 79
8. The University as a Political Space -Alberto Toscano 81
9. The Academic as Truth-Teller -Michael Bailey 91
10. Impoverished Pedagogy, Privatised Practice -Natalie Fenton 103
Part IV: Student Politics 111
11. Student Revolts Then and Now -John Rees 113
12. The Politics of Occupation -Feyzi Ismail 123
13. Achievements and Limitations of the UK Student Movement -Ashok Kumar 132
Part V: International Perspectives 143
14. Beyond the Swindle of the Corporate University -Henry A. Giroux 145
15. Education Reforms in a European Context -Marion von Osten 157
16. International Students and the Globalization of Higher Education -Kirsten Forkert 168
Part VI: The Manifesto 177
Demands on Government 179
Demands on Universities 179
Signatories to the Manifesto 180
Notes on Contributors 183
Index 186