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Popular Resistance in Palestine

Popular Resistance in Palestine

Mazin B. Qumsiyeh


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Book Details


Armed resistance, suicide bombings, and rocket attacks, populate the Western media's depiction of Palestinian resistance. Synthesising data from hundreds of original sources, Dr Mazin Qumsiyeh provides the most comprehensive study of the always creative, often peaceful, civil resistance in Palestine.

Successes, failures, missed opportunities and challenges are chronicled through hundreds of stories from over 100 years of Palestinian resistance. The book critically and comparatively surveys uprisings under Ottoman rule, against the Balfour Declaration and the Oslo Accords, all the way up to the Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions movement.

The compelling human stories told in this book will inspire people of all faiths and political backgrounds to chart a better and more informed direction for a future of peace with justice.
'Qumsiyeh's inspiring accounts of both the everyday and the most extraordinary acts of Palestinian indigenous resistance to colonialism expose the misguided claims that Palestinians have never tried nonviolence; in fact, they are among the experts, whose courage, creativity, and resilience are an inspiration to people of conscience everywhere'
Anna Baltzer, author of Witness in Palestine
'This is a timely and remarkable book written by the most important chronicler of contemporary popular resistance in Palestine'
Nur Masalha
'Written with conviction and supported by extensive notes, this book should be required reading for the politicians who deal with peace in Palestine and the citizens who vote for them'
'This sweeping account belongs on the bookshelves of Israelis who are fearful, Palestinians who are unsure of next steps, and a global community that has yet to take a meaningful stand for peace with justice. Anyone concerned about the future for all the peoples of the Middle East will take encouragement from his invigorating analysis'
Mary Elizabeth King, professor of peace and conflict studies, University for Peace, and author, A Quiet Revolution: The First Palestinian Intifada and Nonviolent Resistance

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
Preface and Acknowledgments viii
1. Introduction 1
2. What We Want: Plurality, Justice, Human Rights 12
3. The Logic of Popular Resistance 20
4. The Local Context of Popular Resistance 30
5. Popular Resistance during Ottoman Rule 36
6. Balfour, Al-Buraq and the Zionist Build-up, 1917–35 48
7. The Great Revolt of 1936 77
8. Devastation to Nakba, 1939–48 90
9. From Nakba to Naksa, 1948–67 98
10. One State of Oppression, 1967–86 109
11. Intifadet Al-Hijara, 1987–91 134
12. Madrid, Oslo and the Al-Aqsa Intifada 163
13. Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions 206
14. Conclusions and Outlook for the Future 227
Appendix: Local Civil Resistance Nonviolent Struggle Groups 249
Notes 251
Index 286