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Cruel and Unusual

Cruel and Unusual

Brian Jarvis


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Book Details


From the excesses of Puritan patriarchs to the barbarism of slavery and on into the prison-industrial complex, punishment in the US has a long and gruesome history.

In the post-Vietnam era, the prison population has increased tenfold and the death penalty has enjoyed a renaissance. Cruel and Unusual offers an exploration of the history of punishment as mediated in American culture. Grounding his analysis in Marxist theory, psychoanalysis and Foucault's influential work on discipline, Brian Jarvis examines a range of cultural texts, from seventeenth century execution sermons to twenty-first century prison films, to uncover the politics, economics and erotics of punishment.

This wide-ranging and interdisciplinary survey constructs a genealogy of cruelty through close reading of novels by Hawthorne and Melville, fictional accounts of the Rosenberg execution by Coover and Doctorow, slave narratives and prison writings by African Americans and the critically neglected genre of American prison films.
'This wide-ranging and interdisciplinary survey constructs a genealogy of cruelty'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
1. The Birth of a Prison Nation 1
2. The Scarlet Letter and the Long Forever of Puritan Punishment 15
The 'Body of Liberties' 17
The prison door, the rose- bush and the wilderness within 21
The 'strange joy' of Puritan punishment 25
Mrs Hutchinson, Friends and the penitentiary system 33
The headless Hawthorne on the gentle sex 42
Ms Prynne and the New Puritans 48
3. Reading the Rosenbergs: The Public Burning and The Book of Daniel 55
Plagues, panopticons and the permanent arms economy 58
Theme parks, concentration camps and carnivals of cruelty 64
From the chair to the bomb ( and back) 72
4. Punishment, Resistance and the African-American Experience 78
From the passage to the plantation prison 79
Plantation punishments 84
'A small piece of hell': chain gangs, lynching and the reconstruction of slavery 92
Beating the Bad Nigger: from Bigger Thomas to Rodney King 102
White punishment, black resistance 118
5. The Whip, the Noose, the Cell and their Lover: Melville and Masochism 126
White-Jacket and the necessity of discipline 128
Benito Cereno and the performance of punishment 136
'Bartleby' and the carceral society 143
Billy Budd and the perfection of punishment 155
6. Inside the American Prison Film 164
Law/genre 164
Land of the Free, or S&M culture? 170
The escape film ( 1): Cool Hand Luke 179
The execution film ( 1): The Green Mile 187
The escape film ( 2): The Shawshank Redemption and Escape from Alcatraz 196
The execution film ( 2): Dead Man Walking and The Last Dance 207
Prison films and postmodernism: Down by Law, Natural Born Killers and Oz 222
Science fiction prison films: 3
and The Truman Show 232
7. Image Burn: A Minority Report on the Future of US Punishment 246
Notes 255
Bibliography 274
Index 280