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Stolen Youth

Stolen Youth

Catherine Cook | Adam Hanieh | Adah Kay


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Book Details


Stolen Youth is the first book to explore Israel's incarceration of Palestinian children. Based on first-hand information from international human rights groups and NGO workers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it also features interviews with children who have been imprisoned. The result is a disturbing and often shocking account of the abuses that are being carried out by Israel.

The book presents a critical analysis of the international legal framework and the UN system, arguing that a major failure of these instuitutions is their appeal to neutrality while ignoring the reality of power. The book attempts to address the inadequacy of these institutions by placing the issue of Palestinian child prisoners within the framework of Israeli strategy and the overall system of control.

Stolen Youth outlines Israel's system of institutionalized discrimination and state torture, challenges the legitimacy of Israel's 'security' argument, and argues that Israel's treatment of Palestinian detainees forms one pillar of a policy designed to quash resistance to the occupation.
'No other book has concentrated so clearly on the issue of Palestinian children in this context and it provides a chilling insight into childhood as experienced by Palestinians'
Peace News
'A crucial informative synopsis of an issue that has been regrettably neglected for a long time and for that reason deserves to be read.'
Cairo Times
'Meticulously documented and carefully researched, it is crystal clear and truly damning indictment of an abominable practice'
'The first book ever totally devoted to the subject of Israel's imprisonment of Palestinians under the age of 18, and it covers the issue meticulously, yet concisely'
The Jordan Times
'A remarkable testament of how evil can become routinised, and of the impact of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on one of the most vulnerable segments of Palestinian society'
Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies, Middle East Institute, Columbia University

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
List of Figures and Tables vii
Preface viii
Glossary xii
Part I: Framework and Context 1
1 Introduction 3
Child Prisoners: a Map through the System 5
Child Detention: Context and Logic 7
2 The Political Context 12
Phases of Control 14
History Foretold 15
Setting the Scene - Seven Years of 'Remote' Control 17
The September 2000 Intifada 19
3 Israel's System of Control 23
Military Orders 23
The Military Court System 25
Court Sentencing 29
Information Gathering, Collaborators and Informants 30
4 International Law and Child Detention 35
The Legal Instruments 39
Definitions of Torture 45
Part II: Arrest through Incarceration 49
5 Arrest and Transfer 51
How Israel Arrests Children 52
Transfer to Detention and Interrogation Facilities 62
6 Interrogation and Detention 65
Detention Centres 67
Interrogation and Detention Testimonies 73
Access to Legal Assistance 76
The Systematic Violation of Children's Rights 77
7 Imprisonment 83
Trends in Sentencing 84
Setting the Scene: The Prisons 85
Conditions of Detention 86
Family and Lawyer Visits 97
Collective Action in Prisons 100
A History of Abuse: The First Intifada and the Oslo Years 102
Part III: Analysis and Conclusions 107
8 State Violence and Discrimination 109
International Law and Institutionalised Discrimination 109
A System of State- Sanctioned Violence 120
9 Psychological and Social Impacts of Prison and Torture 124
Trauma and Torture 126
Children Facing Extreme Violence and Conflict 128
Coping Strategies 132
Returning to Society 135
10 Myths and Politics - The Foundation of Israel's Impunity 142
Applicability of International Law in the OPT 143
The Security Discourse 148
Problems in the Human Rights Framework 158
11 Conclusion 162
Israel's Human Rights Record 162
Moving Past Rhetoric Towards Enforcement 164
Resisting Occupation 168
Notes 171
Index 191