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Erasing Iraq

Erasing Iraq

Michael Otterman | Richard Hil | Paul Wilson


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Book Details


For nearly two decades, the US and its allies have prosecuted war and aggression in Iraq. Erasing Iraq shows in unparalleled detail the devastating human cost of the war in Iraq.

Western governments and the mainstream media continue to ignore or play down the human costs of the war on Iraqi citizens This has allowed them to present their role as the benign guardians of Iraqi interests. The authors deconstruct this narrative by presenting a portrait of the total carnage in Iraq today. From Iraqi refugees in Syria, Jordan and the West, to civilians left behind, and other witnesses, this the story of the war told by those who experienced it firsthand.
'If I could only recommend one book that provides a comprehensive overview of both the situation in Iraq today, and the decades of US-backed policy it took to create this nightmare scenario, Erasing Iraq is it'
Dahr Jamail, independent journalist

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Untitled cover
Erasing Iraq cover
Contents 5
Foreword 9
Acknowledgments 15
Introduction: Hearts of Stone 17
1. Iraqis Under Siege 30
Everything is Destroyed 30
Interests Inimical to our own 35
Mouths Open Swallowing Bombs 40
The Price of Sanctions 44
Fear and Flight 50
Online Witnesses 53
2. Refugee Voices 70
Exodus 71
Three Waves of Suffering 78
In Jordan 83
In Syria 91
In Transit 95
In Australia 99
3. Censoring Civilians 104
Favorable Objectivity 104
Managing Grenada, Panama, and Gulf War I 107
A Double-Edged Sword 111
Embedded Perspectives 120
Collective Self-Censorship 123
Carry Our Water 128
Shaping Falluja 134
4. Dead Bodies Don’t Count 146
Neither Time Nor Inclination 147
We May Never Know 149
Conflicting Counts 155
The Six-Figure Fight 161
The Lesser of Two Evils? 166
Still Counting 168
Opening the Vault 173
5. Iraqi Sociocide 178
Childhood Lost 179
Women at Risk 184
Gay Life and Death 189
End of Faith 195
Pushed Out 197
Looting is Liberating 199
Year Zero 204
Lost Antiquity 212
Iraqi Sociocide 220
Postscript: People of No Moment 222
Notes 230
Index 254