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BTEC Nationals Construction Student Book + Activebook

BTEC Nationals Construction Student Book + Activebook

Simon Topliss | Mike Hurst | Simon Cummings | Sohrab Donyavi


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The Student Book and ActiveBook has clearly laid out pages with a range of supportive features to aid learning and teaching:

  • Getting to know your unit sections ensure learners understand the grading criteria and unit requirements
  • Getting ready for Assessment sections focus on preparation for external assessment with guidance for learners on what to expect. Hints and tips will help them prepare for assessment and sample answers are provided for a range of question types including, short and long answer questions, all with a supporting commentary. Learners can also prepare for internal assessment using this feature. A case study of a learner completing the internal assessment for that unit covering 'How I got started', 'How I brought it all together' and 'What I got from the experience'. 
  • Pause Point features provide opportunities for learners to self-evaluate their learning at regular intervals. Each Pause Point point feature gives learners a Hint or Extend option to either revisit and reinforce the topic or encourage independent research or further study skills.
  • Case Study and Theory in Practice features enable development of problem-solving skills and place the theory into real life situations learners could encounter.
  • Assessment Activity/Practice features provide scaffolded assessment practice activities that help prepare learners for formative assessment. Within each assessment practice activity, a Plan, Do and Review section encourages supports learners’ formative assessment by to making sure they fully understand what they are being asked to do, what their goals are and how to evaluate the task and consider how they could improve.
  • Dedicated Think Future pages provide case studies from the industry, with a focus on aspects of skills development that can be put into practice in a real work environment and further study.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Front Cover Front Cover
Contents iii
Introduction iv
Chapter 1: Construction Principles 1
A: Construction materials 3
A1: Properties of materials 3
A2/A3: Properties of construction materials and their manufacture and processing 7
A4: Degradation of construction materials 16
A5: Effects of temperature changes on construction materials 21
A6: Behaviour of structural members under load 21
B: Solving practical construction problems 24
B1: Application of mathematical and statistical methods and techniques used in practical construction contexts 24
C: Human comfort 60
C1: Heat 60
C2: Acoustics 66
C3: Lighting 71
Getting ready for assessment 76
Sample answers 76
Chapter 2: Construction Design 79
A: The construction design process 82
A1: Stages and tasks involved in the design process 82
A2: Factors that influence the design process 83
B: Project information and building design production 98
B1: Project information 98
B2: Initial project brief 102
B3: Design production 103
B4: Computer-aided design 104
C: Construction methods and techniques 107
C1: Forms of low- and medium-rise structures 107
Types, characteristics and application of construction techniques 109
C2/C3: Substructure and superstructure construction 115
C4: Sustainability 116
Getting ready for assessment 130
Sample answers 130
Chapter 3: Tendering and Estimating 135
A: Commercial risk 137
A1: Action on receipt of tender documentation 137
A2: Tendering considerations and strategies 142
A3: Contractual arrangements 145
A4: Supply chain 146
A5: Commercial risk analysis 149
A6: Commercial intelligence 153
B: Estimating 154
B1: Materials and subcontract quotations 155
B2: Site visit 156
B3: Completion of the estimate 156
B4/B5: Analysis of the estimate 166
C: Commercial decisions 167
C1: Application of risk analysis to make commercial decisions 168
C2: Use of commercial intelligence 169
C3: Tender adjudication and settlement meetings 169
C4: Communication skills 171
Getting ready for assessment 173
Chapter 4: Construction Technology 177
A: Understand common forms of low-rise construction 180
A1: Forms of low-rise construction 180
B: Examine foundation design and construction 191
B1: Subsoil investigation 191
B2: Subsoil improvement 198
B3: Design principles 199
B4: Types of foundation 201
C: Examine superstructure design and construction 203
C1: Walls 203
C2: Floors 206
C3: Roofs 209
C4: Internal finishes 211
D: Examine external works associated with construction projects 213
D1: Foul and surface water drainage 213
D2: Utility services 214
D3: Roads and footpaths 216
D4: Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) 219
Chapter 5: Health and Safety in Construction 223
A: Understand how health and safety legislation is applied to construction operations 226
A1: The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 226
A2: Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 228
A3: Management of Health and Safety at WorkRegulations 1999 232
A4: Work at Height Regulations 2005 232
A5: Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 236
A6: Training and education 237
B: Carry out the development of a safe system of work for construction operations 241
B1: Health and safety preparation 241
B2: Construction phase health and safety 243
B3: Health and safety file 245
C: Understand the need for the review of safety systems for construction operations 246
C1: Accident reporting procedures 246
C2: Reviewing safety systems 248
C3: Changes to systems and procedures 251
C4: Skills, knowledge and behaviours 253
Chapter 6: Surveying in Construction 257
A: Understand the methods and technologies that underpin surveys 260
A1: Linear, levelling and angular measurements 260
A2: Equipment used to perform fieldwork surveys 269
A3: Sources of systematic errors 276
B: Undertake fieldwork surveys to collect data for drawings 280
B1: Linear surveys 281
B2/B3/B4: Levelling surveys, read and record horizontal angles of closed traverse and basic arithmetic operations 282
B5: Application of appliedmathematical techniques 288
C: Develop drawings from completed fieldwork surveys 293
C1: Conventions used in survey drawings 293
C2: Production of survey drawings 294
C3: Corrected closed traverse drawing 296
Chapter 7: Graphical Detailing in Construction 301
A: Understand the resources required to produce construction drawings 304
A1: Manual methods 304
A2: Computer-aided design (CAD) 314
A3: Comparison of manual and CAD methods of drawing 322
B: Develop construction drawings for a given construction brief 324
B1: Construction drawings 324
Types of construction drawing 325
C: Undertake production of two-dimensional and three dimensional freehand construction sketches 332
C1: Principles, techniques and conventions 332
C2: Freehand sketches 336
C3: Skills, knowledge and behaviours 338
Chapter 8: Building Regulations and Control in Construction 343
A: Understand the requirements of the Building Regulations 346
A1: The Building Regulations 346
A2: Control and implementation of the Building Regulations 347
B: Examine the requirements of the Building Regulations 351
B1: Approved Documents 351
B2: Alternative methods of achieving compliance 359
C: Undertake a Building Regulations application 360
C1: Types of application 360
C2: Preparing a Building Notice application 361
C3: Preparing a Full Plans application 361
Chapter 9: Management of a Construction Project 367
A: Understand the principles and application of management in construction 370
A1: Principles of management 370
A2: Application of construction management techniques 381
B: Understand purchasing and cost management techniques 389
B1: Application of purchasing methods 389
B2: Cost management techniques 394
C: Develop a programme of activities for construction works 398
C1: Production control systems 398
Chapter 10: Building Surveying in Construction 405
A: Understand the impact of the methods used to construct existing buildings on current and future maintenance requirements 408
A1: Different styles and types of residential property 408
A2: Traditional methods of construction 410
A3: Modern methods of construction 420
B: Explore different defects and methods of repair for low-rise residential properties 424
B1: Defects to the external envelope 424
B2: Internal defects 428
B3: Methods of repair and remediation 429
C: Undertake a building survey of a low-rise residential property 432
C1: Types of survey 432
C2: Undertaking a building survey 433
C3: Undertaking measured surveys 434
C4: Skills, knowledge and behaviours 436
Chapter 13: Measurement Techniques in Construction 439
A: Examine the measurement rules for building and civil engineering 442
A1: Introduction to taking off quantities 442
A2: Standard methods of measurement 444
B: Undertake the production of quantities for substructure and superstructure elements 448
B1: Processes in the production of quantities 448
B2: Production of substructure quantities for a building 450
B3: Production of superstructure quantities for a building 453
B4: Production of quantities for a civil engineering project 456
C: Undertake the production of bills of quantities 459
C1: Abstraction of quantities 459
C2: The production of a bill of quantities for a building or civil engineering project 460
Glossary 465
Index 469