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No Way to Run an Economy

No Way to Run an Economy

Graham Turner


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Book Details


In The Credit Crunch, Graham Turner predicted that banks would be nationalised and interest rates would be reduced too slowly to halt the crisis. His predictions were correct. His new book, No Way to Run an Economy, is the essential guide to the turbulent times ahead.

Turner recommended radical measures, such as quantitative easing, in early 2008 but argues that action has been taken too late and been too timid to make a real difference. He dissects the policy mistakes of the last 12 months including Obama's doomed market-led response to the crisis and the obsession of central banks with the red herring of inflation.

There is no doubt the economy is still in serious trouble, but Turner shows that learning from the mistakes made so far can prevent a situation worse than that of the 1930s crisis.
'Turner argues that we urgently need a thorough rethink of the shareholder model that blindly chases short-term profit and denies a voice to workers - and, indeed, to small investors'
New Statesman

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
List of Tables and Figures vi
Glossary ix
GFC Economics xiii
Acknowledgements xiv
Introduction 1
1. From Bear Sterns to Recession 12
2. Learning from the Great Depression 43
3. Policy Mistakes in the 2008/09 Bear Market 63
4. Globalisation and the Race to the Bottom 97
5. Structural Causes of the Recession 112
6. A Flawed Economic System? 140
7. Obama's Crisis? 148
8: Breaking with the Past 163
Notes 178
Index 213