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Juha Suoranta | Tere Vadén


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Book Details


Wikiworld explores a revolution in the world of education. The way we learn is changing: institutionalised learning is transforming into new forms of critical learning and open collaboration. This book offers a historical and political framework to think about the future of learning and educational media.

The authors provide an overview of the use of new technologies and learning practices, and assess how the changing nature of education can lead to a more socially just future. At the same time, they place their analysis of education within a wider social and economic framework of contemporary capitalism.
'Provides the kind of theoretical grounding many of us have been missing. The tension between technology and society is presented with reference to Marx, Heidegger, Nietzsche and Marcuse'
Nick Jankowski, Associate Professor, Department of Communication, University of Nijmegen

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
List of Tables viii
Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
1. A Critical Paradigm of Education 7
2. Digital Literacy and Political Economy 29
3. Radical Monopolies 50
4. The World Divided in Two 72
5. Edutopias and Active Citizenship 110
6. Stages of Freedom: From Social to Socialist Media 136
Conclusion, or Towards Educational Superabundance 168
References 179
Index 193