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People Power

People Power

Howard Clark


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Across the world, nonviolent movements are at the forefront of resistance against repression, imperial aggression and corporate abuse. However, it is often difficult for activists in other countries to know how best to assist such movements.

The contributors to People Power place nonviolent struggles in an international context where solidarity can play a crucial role. Yet they also warn that good intentions are not enough, solidarity has to listen to local movements.

Examining movements from Zimbabwe to Burma and Palestine, the contributors assess various forms of solidarity, arguing that a central role of solidarity is to strengthen the counter-power of those resisting domination and oppression.
'Timely and stimulating'
Professor Paul Rogers, Department of Peace Studies, Bradford University
'One of the world's most knowledgeable practitioners of the technique of non-violent civil resistance is the British activist-intellectual, Howard Clark. Based on his own broad experience from several decades of assisting local or national unarmed movements, he has gathered into one bracing volume a well-organised series of essays by seasoned observers or participants from across the globe'
Professor Mary E. King, UN-affiliated University for Peace, and prize-winning author of Freedom Song: A Personal Story of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr: The Power of Nonviolent Action, A Quiet Revolution: The First Palestinian Intifada and Nonviolent Resistance, and The New York Times and Democratic Transitions in Eastern Europe, 1977-2005.
'These cases are excellent analyses on how to generate non violent global transformation by working and acting locally'
Professor Kevin P Clements, Director National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, The University of Otago Dunedin New Zealand.
'Without shying from the difficult debates, this book gives great insight into unarmed resistance movements. Highlighting their empowerment, diversity, and creativity, it shows how these movements provide solidarity and hope for all.
Carmen Magallón,  Vice-president, Spanish Association for Peace Research

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
List of photographs, figures and tables viii
Acknowledgements ix
Abbreviations xi
Introduction by Howard Clark 1
Section I: Resisting Repression, Civil War and Exploitation, 2000–2008: Analyses of Unarmed Struggle 21
Editorial introduction 23
1. Serbia - Nonviolent struggle for democracy: The role of Otpor by Danijela Nenadic and Nedad Belcevic 26
1a. Serbia eight years after by Ivana Franovic 35
2. Burma - Dialogue with the Generals: The sound of one hand clapping by Yeshua Moser-Puangsuwan 39
3. Zimbabwe - Unarmed resistance, civil society and limits of international solidarity by Janet Cherry 50
4. Columbia - Nonviolent movement for peace and international solidarity by Mauricio Garcia-Duran 64
5. India - Macro violence and micro resistance: Development violence and unarmed grassroots resistance by Moses (Anand) Mazgaonkar 76
Section II: Nonviolent Citizens' Intervention Across Borders 87
Editorial introduction 89
6. Making accompaniment effective by Brian Martin 93
7. Developing strategy for accompaniment by Luis Enrique Eguren 98
7a. With Peace Brigades International in Columbia by Louise Winstanley 108
8. Civilian peacekeeping: Providing protection without sticks and carrots? by Christine Schweitzer 112
8a. Making peace practical: With Nonviolent Peaceforce in Sri Lanka by Rita Webb 122
9. Cross-border nonviolent advocacy during the second Palestinian intifada: The International Solidarity Movement by Veronique Dudouet 125
9a. The work of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) by Ann Wright 135
9b. International Women's Peace Service in Palestine by Angie Zelter 138
10. Voices in the wilderness: Campaigning against sanctions on Iraq, 1995-2005 by Kathy Kelly and Milan Rai 143
Section III: Bases of Solidarity: Shared Identities, Interests and Beliefs 151
Editorial Introduction 153
11. Women in Black: The Stony path to 'solidarity' by Cynthia Cockburn 156
12. Transnational solidarity and war resistance: The case of Turkey by Andreas Speck 164
13. Solidarity based on sexual orientation: Regional organising in Africa by Chesterfield Samba 171
14. Diasporas: Potential partners in struggle by Andrew Rigby 177
15. Global movements and local struggles: The case of World Social Forum by Stellan Vinthagen 184
16. Worker solidarity and civil society cooperation: Blocking the Chinese arms shipment to Zimbabwe, April 2008 by April Carter and Janet Cherry 191
Section IV: Controversies in Transnational Action 193
Editorial introduction 195
17. External financing of opposition movements by Jargen Johansen 198
18. Nonviolence training and charges of Western imperialism: a guide for worried activists by George Lakey 206
Afterword: The chain of nonviolence by Howard Clark 214
Works cited 219
Notes on contributors 228
Index 232