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White Identities

White Identities

Simon Clarke | Steve Garner


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Book Details


This book guides students as they explore how white identities are forged using both sociological and psycho-social ideas.

Whiteness has traditionally been seen as 'ethnically transparent' - the marker against which other ethnicities are measured. Only recently have scholars moved away from focusing on ethnic minorities and instead oriented their studies around the construction of white identities.

Including an excellent survey of the existing literature and original research from the UK, this book will be an invaluable guide for sociology students taking modules in race and ethnicity.
'A brilliantly nuanced analysis of white racial identity in the 21st century'
Woody Doane, University of Hartford. Co-Editor of White Out: The Continuing Significance of Racism

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Acknowledgements vii
1. Researching 'Whiteness': An Introduction 1
2. Whiteness Studies in the Context of the USA 15
3. Empirical Research into White Radicalised Identities in Britain 37
4. Britishness 60
5. Whiteness and Post-Imperial Britain 85
6. Psycho-Social Interpretations of Cultural Identity: Constructing the White 'We' 110
7. Media Representations: Constructing the 'Not White' Other 133
8. Whiteness, Home and Community 153
9. Researching Whiteness: Psycho-Social Methodologies 176
10. Conclusion 200
Notes 212
References 218
Index 237