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Israel and Palestine

Israel and Palestine

Mike Berry | Greg Philo


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Book Details


This is a concise guide to the Israel-Palestine conflict. There are many different, competing histories of the conflict, however, this book collects those which are based on the most considered historical research.

The book covers key events in chronological order, in each case examining the varied historical accounts and presenting the beliefs of key thinkers across the ideological spectrum, from Edward Said to Binyamin Netanyahu.

Starting the with emergence of the Zionist movement in the nineteenth century, and the figures who shaped it, the authors go on to cover the founding of Israel and its subsequent history, up to and including the 'roadmap for peace', the construction of the wall, the death of Arafat and the withdrawal from Gaza.
'Definitely a must for those who want a short introduction to the conflict. Even for those who are well versed in the events and issues involved, it is useful to have the whole history in such a short space'
Jordan Times
'A highly recommendable and much-needed brief introductory reading on the complex Palestinian-Israeli conflict'
Moshe Machover
'A key resource. The authors have produced a very readable, coherent and well-sourced account - giving both the Palestinian and Israeli viewpoints'
Palestine News

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 3
Zionist Roots and the First Wave of Jewish Immigration into Palestine 7
Theodor Herzl and the Emergence of Political Zionism 9
The Second Wave of Jewish Immigration into Palestine 11
The Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate 12
American Politics and the Settlement of the Holocaust Survivors 25
The End of the Mandate 29
The United Nations Debates the Future of Palestine 30
The Unofficial War 34
The First Arab - Israeli War 36
Post- War Negotiations: Peace Treaties, Borders and Refugees 42
1956: The Suez Conflict 47
1967: The Six- Day War 49
Resolution 242 and the War of Attrition 58
Settlement- Building, Economic Integration and the Occupation 59
Military Occupation/ Administration 65
Nationalism and the Rise of the Opposition Movements 67
1973: The October War/ The Yom Kippur War 72
Conflict in Lebanon 73
Diplomacy and the Camp David Accords 78
1982: The Invasion of Lebanon 80
1987: The First Intifada 88
The Beginning of the Oslo Process 95
The Declaration of Principles 97
The Cairo Agreement, Oslo II and the Israel - Jordan Peace Treaty 101
The Netanyahu Administration 106
The Barak Administration 111
The Camp David Final- Status Talks 115
September 2000: The Second Intifada 120
The Sharon Administration 125
Notes 143
References 157
Index 164