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Genetically Modified Food

Genetically Modified Food

Andy Rees


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Book Details


Written by a leading campaigner for GM Watch, one of the world's leading lobbying groups, this book reveals the huge issues that are at stake.

Genetically modified food has been headline news for years, but it's difficult to know how far the genetic revolution has affected our lives. Is the food on our shelves free of genetically engineered ingredients? How much power do food corporations wield? Andy Rees provides the answers. He shows that, while corporations that produce genetically modified food have met with resistance in Europe, their hold on the US market is strong. They're also expanding operations in less-regulated countries in Africa, Asia and the former Soviet bloc.

The US has launched a legal suit to attempt to force the European market open to genetically modified food. What does the future hold? This brilliantly readable book tells us all we need to know.
'Highly recommended!'
Dr Arpad Pusztai, the world's leading expert on plant lectins
'A precise and accessible guide to the biotech industry's destructive control over our food'
Green Shopping Catalogue
'Lies and spin are dissected and then pulverised in this copiously documented exposé. Rees unmasks the biotech industry's horrific tactics in their race to take over our food supply and the devastation that their GM crops will inflict if we don't act quickly'
Jeffrey M. Smith, international best-selling author, Seeds of Deception
'The book reveals evidence and proof against the claims that GM food is beneficial for people, and, rather, illuminates the advantages for big businesses of GM food, seed patenting, and agribusiness'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 4
1 Introduction 11
2 An Overview 13
Setting the scene 13
A brief recent history 14
What is Genetic Engineering and who will benefit? 18
Does anyone want GM? 19
How far has it gone? 22
Have GMOs been tested? 23
Are GMOs well regulated? 26
3 The Players 31
Industry and its lobby groups 31
International bodies and governments 42
4 Exposing the Wild Claims Made by the Biotech Lobby 55
Genetic Engineering is the same as natural processes 55
Genetic Engineering is precise and sophisticated 56
GM Crops have been adequately tested 57
GM crops are adequately regulated 57
GM crops are safe 57
GM crops will help feed the hungry millions 59
GM crops will increase farmers' incomes 60
GM crops will be higher yielding 61
GM crops will reduce pesticide usage 62
GM crops must be successful as they are widely grown 64
GM crops will help the environment 65
GM crops will help farmers use marginal land 66
GM golden rice will solve vitamin A deficiency 67
The GM 'Protato' will solve protein deficiency 68
5 The Risks and Dangers of GMOs 69
Problems growing GM crops 69
GMOs in food 78
More problems for farmers 89
GMOs in the environment 101
Genetic pollution is forever 104
6 The Biotech Lobby's Dirty Tricks Department - Part 1 105
The corporate takeover of government - mechanisms 105
The corporate takeover of government - results 128
7 The Biotech Lobby's Dirty Tricks Department - Part 2 141
The corporate takeover of science 141
The Corporate Takeover of the Media 156
Other dirty tricks 166
8 Setbacks for the Biotech Lobby 175
GM- free areas 176
Attacks on field trials 177
People unite against GM crops 178
Financial problems for the biotech industry 179
GM wheat rejected 180
A word of caution 181
9 A More Constructive Way Forward 183
At a macro level 183
What you can do 186
10 A Last Word 190
Notes to the Text 192
Resources 244
Index 249