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God Willing?

God Willing?

David Domke


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Book Details


The political fundamentalism, offered up by the Bush administration after 9/11, capitalised upon the fear felt by many Americans. In essence, it is a conservative-religious ideology, but via strategic communication choices, it was transformed into a policy agenda that feels political rather than religious. These communications dominated public discourse and public opinion for months on end and came at a significant cost for democracy.

The administration had help spreading its messages. The mainstream press consistently echoed the administration's communications - thereby disseminating, reinforcing and embedding the administration's fundamentalist worldview and helping to keep at bay Congress and any substantive public questioning.

This book analyzes hundreds of administration communications and news stories from September 2001 to Iraq in spring 2003 to examine how this occurred and what it means for U.S. politics and the global landscape.
'Not merely a work of great analytical insight, it is a book of moral precision, even courage'
Robert M. Entman, Author, Projections of Power: Framing News, Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy
'An original and timely examination of contemporary US politics and the role of the media in permitting grave assaults on democratic practices and values. Domke brilliantly dissects the rhetoric and reality of what he terms 'political fundamentalism''
Robert W. McChesney, Professor, Institute of Communication Research University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Author, The Problem of the Media

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents iii
1 Religion, politics, and the Bush administration xiii
Modern political fundamentalism: a conceptual framework xviii
An overview of the evidence and implications xxxvi
2 Marking boundaries xlii
Fundamentalism, binaries, and strategic communication xliii
Binary discourse and an echoing press xlvii
Analysis of discourse xlix
Binaries: the evidence lii
Comfort and familiarity, at great cost lxviii
3 A \"mission\" and a \"moment,\" time and again lxxiii
Fundamentalism, time, and strategic communication lxxiv
Analysis of discourse lxxviii
An obsession with time: the evidence lxxxiii
No time for others, or for democracy xcviii
4 The universal gospel of freedom and liberty ciii
Fundamentalism, freedom and liberty, and strategic communication civ
Analysis of discourse cvi
A universal gospel of freedom and liberty: the evidence cix
Freedom and liberty, rhetoric versus reality cxxvii
5 Unity, or else cxxx
Fundamentalism, dissent, and strategic communication cxxxi
Analysis of discourse cxxxv
An intolerance for dissent: the evidence cxxxviii
Dissent, authoritarianism, and the news echo clviii
6 Political fundamentalism, the press, and Democrats clxiii
The strategic communications of the Bush administration clxvi
An echoing press clxxiv
The Democrats' language clxxxi
7 Renewing democracy clxxxix
Notes cxcviii
Bibliography ccxxv
Index ccxlvi