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The Myths of Zionism

The Myths of Zionism

John Rose


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Book Details


Ancient, medieval and modern, this book is a critical account of the historical, political and cultural roots of Zionism.

Scrutinising the roots of the myths of Zionism and mobilising recent scholarship, John Rose shows how many of these stories, as with other mythologies, have no basis in fact. However, because Zionism is a living political force and these myths have been used to justify very real and political ends - namely, the expulsion and continuing persecution of the Palestinians. John Rose separates fact from fiction presenting a detailed analysis of their origins and development. This includes a challenge to Zionism's biblical claims using very recent and very startling Israeli archaeological conclusions.

This book shows clearly how Zionism makes many false claims on Jewish religion and history.
'An impressive work of deconstruction with many crucial new insights and written in such an accessible way, despite the very complicated issues with which the author deals'
Ilan Pappe

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 4
Introduction 1
1 'The Bible is our Mandate' 7
2 'The Distinguishing Characteristic of the Jews has been their Exile' 26
3 '. . . Eighteen Centuries of Jewish Suffering' 43
4 'Us' Jews, 'Them' Arabs I: A Message from a Cairo Synagogue, a Thousand Years Ago 63
5 'A Land without People. . .' 80
6 '. . . for a People without Land' 98
7 Plucky Little Israel or Great Power Protégé? I: Britain and the Zionist Colony in Palestine 117
8 'The Nazi Holocaust Proved the Urgency for a Jewish State' 135
9 Plucky Little Israel or Great Power Protégé? II: How Israel became the Strategic Asset for the United States 154
10 'Us' Jews, 'Them' Arabs II: The Lost Jewish - Arab Symbiosis - In Search of the 'Spark of Hope in the Past' 174
Conclusion: Out of the Ashes 201
Notes 206
Bibliography 216
Index 222