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Israel and Palestine - Out of the Ashes

Israel and Palestine - Out of the Ashes

Marc H. Ellis


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Book Details


As the world watches with horror the unfolding events in Palestine and Israel, Marc Ellis, a Jewish American scholar, examines what he sees as a crisis point in Jewish identity. In this book, Ellis offers a vision of Judaism that testifies to an ethical life in our era, based on the principles of justice and community upon which the Jewish faith was founded.

Only by addressing the way in which those original principles are being squandered by a miltarised state of Israel and a complicit Jewish establishment in America, he argues, can there be hope for peace in the future.

Israel and Palestine: Out of the Ashes is a deeply personal, philosophical account of contemporary Jewish identity. Looking beyond the legacy of the Holocaust and beyond the portrayal of Jews as either victims or persecutors, Ellis forges a new vision of what it means to be Jewish today.
'A brilliant writer, a deeply thoughtful and courageous mind'
Edward Said
'A vital contribution to solving one of the few remaining intractable problems of our time'
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
'Underlying the book is a deep and powerful conviction and faith in the essence of Judaism and a determination to define and revive this essence. It demands to be finished - and re-read'
Jewish Quarterly
'Marc Ellis has demonstrated great courage, integrity, and insight in the very important work he has been doing for years. It has been an inspiration for all of us'
Noam Chomsky

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
Preface vii
Introduction: A Bully in Christchurch 1
1 Jewish Memory in the Post- Holocaust Era 15
Memory, destruction and resistance 16
The 615th Commandment 33
Helicopter gunships at the heart of Jewish history 41
2 Innocence, Settlers and State Policy 53
The arrival of Constantinian Judaism 69
Indigenous minority rights, citizenship and the new Jerusalem 73
Mapping the Holocaust and Israel 86
3 The Prophetic in the Post- Holocaust Era 94
The prophetic in the contemporary world 113
The evolving covenant within history 124
The prophetic today 137
4 A Jewish Witness in Exile 141
The boundaries of our destiny 143
Reinventing Judaism and Jewish life 149
On revolutionary forgiveness 153
A Jewish witness in exile 165
Epilogue: Out of the Ashes 172
Notes 183
Introduction 183
Chapter 1 183
Chapter 2 185
Chapter 3 187
Chapter 4 188
Index 190
Aaron 99