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Green Alternatives to Globalisation

Green Alternatives to Globalisation

Michael Woodin | Caroline Lucas


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What are the Green alternatives to economic globalisation?

Written by leader of the Green Party, Caroline Lucas, this manifesto argues that globalisation increases poverty, undermines democracy, and destroys the environment, the authors demonstrate the urgent need for a new approach - economic localisation - that is based on the Green principles of equity, ecology and democracy. Applying their thesis to current international crises, including climate change, trade and development, agriculture, and international security, we see how economic localisation could be adopted and applied to positive ends.
'Essential reading for anyone wanting to move beyond critiques of economic globalisation to coherent and credible alternatives'
Dame Anita Roddick DBE
'We stand at a crucial point in history. One future leads to spiraling inequality, insecurity and environmental decline - another road heads toward sustainability. Most of our elected representatives know only one way ahead - the way of corporate globalisation. So here is the exception, not more anti-globalisation or pro-globalisation, but a genuine alternative that promotes policies for people and the planet. If more politicians thought like this, we would live in a far better world'
Tony Juniper, Executive Director, Friends of the Earth (UK)
'Policy makers are trying to make failed economic theory work, like farmers trying to milk a dead cow. Caroline Lucas and Mike Woodin know its time to move on and try something different. Here is proof that there are alternatives'
Andrew Simms, Policy Director, New Economics Foundation

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
1. Globalisation: The Economics of Insecurity 3
2. Democracy for Sale 17
3. A World in Decline 33
4. Globalising Poverty, Inequality and Unemployment 46
5. Economic Localisation 67
6. Connecting Hearts and Minds 107
7. Learning From History 117
8. Storming the Citadels: Sacking Bretton Woods and the WTO 129
9. Local Food: The Global Solution 145
10. Localising Money 174
11. A New Context for Multilateralism 200
Conclusion 214
Notes 216
Bibliography 238
Index 251
Tables, Figures and Boxes 78
5.1 Creating a General Agreement of Sustainable Trade ( GAST) 78
9.1 Average Energy Use of Different Forms of Transport 150
Box 1.1 Greens and Growth 12
Box 2.1 GATS 24
Box 3.1 The State of the World: a summary of GEO 3 34
Box 9.1 Supermarkets 155
Box 9.2 The 'Development Box' 168
Box 9.3 GM Crops - Myths and Reality 169
Box 10.1 An Underground Currency for London 196
1.1 An environmental Kuznets curve, showing a supposed relationship within any one country between environmental degradation and average income 13
2.1 International trade and the percentage of US and UK voters participating in elections in an era of globalisation 31
3.1 Humanity's growing global footprint 36
3.2 Transport of goods in the EU by mode of transport, 1970 - 99 (aviation not included) 40
4.1 Unemployment in the EU and US 58
4.2 UK per capita GDP and ISEW (1950 - 96) 62
4.3 US per capita GDP and GPI 63
4.4 Personal income and satisfaction in the US 63
5.1 Percentage change in household income under Desai's CI proposal 93