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Amal Saad-Ghorayeb


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Hizbu'llah is the largest and most prominent political party in Lebanon, and one of the most renowned Islamist movements in the world. In this book, Amal Saad-Ghorayeb examines the organisation's understanding of jihad and how this, together with its belief in martyrdom, brought about the withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Lebanon in May 2000.

Saad-Ghorayeb explores the nature of the party's struggle against the West by studying its views on the use of violence against Westerners. Crucially, she also addresses the question of whether Hizbu'llah depicts this struggle in purely political or civilisational terms. The existential nature of the movement’s conflict with Israel is analysed and the Islamic roots of its anti-Judaism is unearthed.

The author explores the mechanics and rationale behind the party's integration into the Lebanese political system, and sheds light on how it has reconciled its national idenitity with its solidarity with the Muslim umma.
'The most detailed and scholarly analysis to date of the ideology of the Lebanese Shi'a radical Hizb'ullah'
'This is one of the very best works on the subject'
Middle East International
'A fine exposition of the evolution, the religious and political philosophy of one of the most important movements in the contemporary Middle East'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents vii
Acknowledgements x
Introduction 1
Background of the Study 1
Objectives and Methodology 3
The Politicisation of the Lebanese Shi'ites and Subsequent Rise of Hizbu'llah 7
1 Political Accommodation and Violence in Non- Islamic States 16
The Oppressors versus the Oppressed 16
Justifications for Political Violence and Accommodation in Relation to State Oppression 22
Political Accommodation with the Lebanese state 25
2 The Islamic State and Democracy 34
The Islamic State Ideal 34
The Endorsement of Democracy 46
3 The Concept of the Guardianship of the Jurisprudent 59
The Origins of the Concept of the Wilayat al- Faqih 59
Khumayni's Conceptualisation of the Wilayat al-Faqih 61
The Role of the Wilayat al-Faqih in the Political Thought of Hizbu'llah 64
4 Islamic Universalism and National Identity 69
The Pan-Islamic Concept of Hizbu'llah 69
The Universalism of the Wilayat al-Faqih and the Islamic Republic of Iran 71
The Pan-Islamic Dimension of the Palestinian Cause 72
Solidarity with the Muslim Umma 74
The Primacy of Islamic Identity 76
National Identity and Nationalism 78
5 The Struggle with the West 88
The origins of Hizbu'llah's Anti-Westernism 89
The Western Conspiracy Against Islam 90
The Double Standards of the West 93
Views on Political Violence as a Means of Confronting the West 95
The Rejection of Western Culture 102
The Struggle with the West as a Civilisational Dispute 106
6 The Resistance to the Israeli Occupation of South Lebanon 112
The Resistance Priority 112
The Logic of Resistance 118
The Resistance to Israel as a Defensive Jihad and as the Fulfilment of the Religious Legal Obligation 121
The Centrality of the Notion of Martyrdom 127
7 Anti- Zionism and Israel 134
The Excoriation of Israeli State and Society 134
The Zionist Essence of Israeli State and Society 138
Existential Dimensions of the Struggle with Israel 142
8 Anti-Judaism 168
The Identification of Zionism with Judaism 168
Anti-Zionism versus Anti-Judaism 171
The Islamic Roots of Hizbu'llah's Anti-Judaism 173
Judaism as a 'Deviation' from the Revelation of Moses 182
Conclusion 187
Appendix One: Miladi Equivalents to Hijri Years 192
Appendix Two: List of Hijri Months 193
Glossary 194
Notes 196
Introduction 196
Chapter 1 198
Chapter 2 203
Chapter 3 208
Chapter 4 211
Chapter 5 215
Chapter 6 222
Chapter 7 226
Chapter 8 232
Select Bibliography 235
Articles and Books 235
Daily and Weekly Newspapers 241
Interviews by Author 241
Televised Interviews 241
Televised Speeches 242
Television Programmes 242
Index 243
Abdu 'llah bin 'Abdul' Aziz, Crown Prince of Saudi 80 80
abductions, by Hizbu 'llah, 1