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Women's Rights At Work

Women's Rights At Work

Alison Clarke


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Book Details


Women’s Rights at Work is a comprehensive guide that begins with the point when a woman finds work right through to the end when she finishes a job through
dismissal or resignation. Starting from the premise that, while rights at work affect
all workers, there are many issues that affect women workers in very specific ways. Topics covered include unfair dismissal, discrimination, harassment, maternity rights, and health and safety in the workplace. A solicitor specialising in women’s
employment rights, Alison Clarke demystifies the subject and provides an up-to-date reference guide to employment law for the non-specialist. Free from legalistic jargon, this book explains any unfamiliar terms in detail in order to make the law accessible to all women who want to assert their rights in the workplace.

This handbook provides guidance on what to do if your employer:

• Asks discriminatory questions at an interview
• Changes your contract without consultation
• Pays you less than a man doing the same job
• Dismisses you because you are pregnant
• Discriminates against you because you work part-time
• Makes you redundant because you were one of the last to be hired
• Refuses to give you a reference

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements iv
Contents vii
List of Abbreviations x
Introduction 1
1. Finding a Job 5
2. Getting Started 26
The Contract of Employment 26
What is it? 26
What are the Express Terms of the Contract? 27
What are the Implied Terms of the Contract? 27
What are the Implied Terms which Place Obligations on the Employer? 28
What are the Implied Terms which Place Obligations on the Employee? 29
Is Custom and Practice an Implied Term? 29
What about Terms which Become Incorporated? 29
Are there any Terms which are Imposed by Legislation? 30
3. Equality in the Workplace 39
Equal Pay 40
What is the Relevant Legislation? 40
What is the EOC Code of Practice? 40
How does the Equal Pay Act Work? 41
Who Can You Have as Your Comparator? 41
Who is Entitled to Claim and what Can Be Claimed? 42
How Long Can you Backdate your Claim for? 42
What does the Concept of ‚Like Work™ Mean? 42
What does the Concept of ‚Work Rated as Equivalent™ Mean? 43
What is an Analytical JES? 44
Is your Case Scuppered if you Score Less Points than a Man under a JES? 44
What does the Concept of ‚Equal Value™ Mean? 44
What Procedure do you Have to Follow in an Equal Value Claim? 45
What is a Material Factor Defence? 45
What does the Employer Have to Prove? 46
When does the Employer Have to Justify Objectively the Difference in Pay? 46
Discrimination in Pay Systems 47
What about Seniority and Service- related Benefits? 47
What about Bonuses and Performance- related Pay? 48
What about Overtime and Shift Premiums? 48
Maternity Rights 48
What Statutory Protection is there? 48
What Maternity Rights do Women Have? 49
What does a Woman Have to Tell her Employer and When? 49
When Can a Woman Start her Maternity Leave? 50
What about Women with at Least One Year™s Service? 50
What Rights do Women Have on Return to Work after Additional Leave? 51
What Happens if the Woman does Not Comply with the Notice Requirements? 52
What Happens to Holidays during Maternity Leave? 52
Who Has the Right to Statutory Maternity Pay? 52
What do you Receive under SMP? 53
What Happens if you do Not Return to Work? 53
Who Has the Right to Maternity Allowance? 53
What Happens to your Occupational Pension? 54
What about a Right to Time Off for Ante- natal Care? 54
What about Time Off for Fertility Treatment? 54
What General Health and Safety Rules Apply? 54
Are there Any Health and Safety Rules for the Protection of Women? 55
What if your Employer does Not Carry Out an Adequate Assessment? 55
Are there Any Health and Safety Rules Relating to Breastfeeding? 56
What about Dismissal/ Selection for Redundancy? 56
Part- time Workers 57
Do you Have a Legal Right to Work Part Time? 57
What Protection do the Part- Time Workers Regulations Provide? 57
Who Can the Part- timer Compare Herself With? 58
What are the Principles Underlying the Regulations? 58
What Protection do the SDA and EqPA Provide? 59
How do the Regulations Improve on Existing Legislation? 60
What about Time Limits for Bringing a Claim? 60
Job Sharers 61
Sex and Race Discrimination 61
What is Direct Discrimination under the SDA and RRA? 61
Who does the Woman Compare herself with? 62
Was the Woman Treated Less Favourably because of her Sex/ Race? 62
Whom Can you Bring a Claim against? 63
What Defences Can Employers Use? 64
What is Indirect Discrimination? 65
What Constitutes a Requirement or Condition? 65
Is there a Disproportionate Impact on Women? 66
How do you Get the Information you Need? 67
How do you Work Out the Proportions? 67
Has the Woman Suffered a Disadvantage because she Cannot Comply with the Requirement? 69
Can the Employer Justify the Requirement or Condition? 69
What Arguments by the Employer are Likely to Succeed? 70
How do the Victimisation Provisions Work? 70
How do the Victimisation Provisions Operate? 70
Is Post- employment Victimisation Lawful? 71
Do you Have to Have Direct Evidence of Discrimination to Prove your Case? 72
4. Conduct and Rights at Work 92
Contract of Employment 92
Can your Employer Vary your Contract? 92
Does your Contract Stipulate a Notice Period? 94
Deductions from Wages 94
Who Can Claim? 94
When Can an Employer Make a Deduction? 95
What are Wages? 95
What are Deductions as Far as the Law is Concerned? 96
What Deductions are Excluded from the Employment Rights Act? 97
What Happens if your Employer Overpays you? 98
National Minimum Wage Act 1998 98
Who is Covered? 98
How is it Calculated? 99
What about Overtime Payments? 99
How do you Work Out your Gross Salary? 99
How Many Hours Have you Worked? 100
What Type of Work do you Do ΠIs it Time Work? 101
What Type of Work do you Do ΠIs it Salaried Hours Work? 102
What Type of Work do you Do ΠIs it Output Work? 102
What Type of Work do you Do ΠIs it Unmeasured Work? 104
How do you Get Hold of Information you May Need? 104
What Can you Do if your Employer Refuses to Pay you the Proper Rate? 105
What do you Do if your Employer Takes Action against you? 105
Trade Union Rights 105
Do Trade Unions Have a Statutory Right of Recognition? 105
What about an Individual Right to Representation? 106
Can your Employer Dismiss you for your Trade Union Activities? 106
What is Interim Relief? 106
Can your Employer Take Action Short of Dismissal against you? 107
What Can you Do if you are Refused a Job on Union Grounds? 107
What Time Off are you Entitled to for Trade Union Duties and Activities? 108
What Constitutes Trade Union Duties? 108
What about Time Off for Training for Union Officials? 109
What Constitutes Trade Union Activities? 109
What Constitutes a Reasonable Amount of Time Off? 110
What about Payment for Time Off? 111
What Can you Do if your Employer Refuses to Give you the Time Off? 112
Other Public Duties 112
Are you Entitled to Time Off for Public and Other Duties? 112
How Much Time Off are you Entitled to? 113
What Can you Do if your Employer Refuses the Time Off? 113
How do Tribunals Decide what is Reasonable? 113
5. Health and Safety at Work 136
The Common Law 136
What is your Employer™s Duty to you under the Common Law? 137
Can you Sue your Employer under the Common Law? 137
Domestic Legislation 137
What are the Obligations on Employers under the Health and Safety At Work Act 1974? 137
What are the Obligations on Employees under the Health and Safety At Work Act? 138
European Legislation 138
The Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations 1992 138
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 140
Personal Protective Equipment At Work Regulations 1992 142
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992 143
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 143
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 144
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 1994 145
Working Time Regulations 146
Who is Covered by the Regulations? 146
How do you Know if you are Excluded or Included? 146
How is Working Time Defined under the Regulations? 146
What are Workforce Agreements? 147
What do the Regulations Say about How Long you Can Work Each Week? 147
Are there Exceptions to the Limit? 148
Can you Ignore the Weekly Maximum Limit? 148
What Happens if you Have More than One Job? 148
What Records does the Employer Have to Keep? 148
How do you Work Out your Average Weekly Working Time? 149
Are there Similar Restrictions for Night Work? 149
Can these Restrictions Be Removed? 150
What is the Definition of a Night Worker? 150
What is Compensatory Rest? 151
How do you Calculate the Number of Hours Worked at Night? 151
What Records does your Employer Have to Keep? 152
Do Employers Have to Provide Free Health Assessments for Night Workers? 152
How Much Daily Rest is a Worker Entitled to? 153
How Much Weekly Rest is a Worker Entitled to? 153
How Much of a Rest Break is a Worker Entitled to? 154
What Annual Leave is the Worker Entitled to? 154
When do you Start to Accrue Holiday Entitlement? 154
When does the Leave Year Start? 155
What Pay are you Entitled to? 155
Can Statutory Holiday Entitlement Be Carried Over? 155
What Notice do you Have to Give? 155
How do you Enforce your Rights under the Working Time Regulations? 156
What Happens if your Employer Discriminates against you? 156
What Happens if your Employer Dismisses you? 157
6. Dismissal 169
7. Post-employment Problems 196
Claims and Representation 196
What Claims Can Be Heard by Tribunals? 196
Do you Need Someone to Represent you? 196
Making a Claim 197
Does your Employer Have an Internal Procedure? 197
What Time Limits do you Need to Be Aware of? 198
How do you Know when Time Starts to Run? 199
What is the Difference Between Continuous Discrimination and a Single Act? 200
Can you Make a Claim Out of Time? 200
What Complaint/ s do you Want to Make? 201
Can you Ask Why you Have Been Dismissed? 201
Will you Need Other Documentation? 201
What Basic Information do you Need to Put on the Application Form? 202
What Other Information do you Need to Put on the Application Form? 202
Where do you Lodge the Application Form? 202
Are you Allowed to Amend your ET1? 202
What Happens Once you Send in your Application Form? 203
What is the Questionnaire Procedure? 203
When Should you Send the Questionnaire? 204
Does your Employer Have to Reply to the Questionnaire? 204
What Questions Should you Ask? 204
What are Further and Better Particulars of the ET3? 205
What are Interrogatories? 206
How do you Get Hold of Documents that you Need? 206
Can you Bring Witnesses? 206
Will you Need Witness Statements? 207
Do you Need an Agreed Bundle of Documents? 207
What is a Pre- trial Directions Hearing/ Interlocutory Hearing? 208
What is a Preliminary Hearing? 208
What is a Pre- hearing Review? 208
What Role does the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) Play? 208
What about Costs and Legal Aid? 209
At the Hearing 209
Will there Be Publicity? 209
What is the Order of Events? 209
What is the Standard of Proof? 210
Can you Appeal Against the Decision of a Tribunal? 210
Remedies and Compensation 211
Should you Settle the Claim with the Help of ACAS? 211
What is a Compromise Agreement? 211
What Compensation are you Entitled to for Unfair Dismissal? 212
Can you Claim your Pay for the Notice Period? 213
What Compensation are you Entitled to for Redundancy? 213
What Compensation are you Entitled to for Discrimination? 214
What Compensation are you Entitled to for a Reason Related to Pregnancy? 214
What Compensation are you Entitled to in an Equal Pay Claim? 215
What are the Consequences if you Fail to Mitigate your Loss? 215
8. General 216
Useful Addresses 216
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) 216
Employment Tribunals 216
Commission for Racial Equality 217
Disability Rights Commission 217
Equal Opportunities Commission 217
Health and Safety Executive 217
Incomes Data Services 218
Industrial Relations Services 218
Maternity Alliance 218
New Ways to Work 218
Rights of Women 218
Trades Union Congress 218
References 219
Table of Cases 219
Table of Statutes 223
Table of Regulations 224
Index 225
ACAS [Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service] 208
208 208
211 211
Accident Legal Advice Service 159 159
adverse inference 18