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Rethinking 'Mixed Race'

Rethinking 'Mixed Race'

David Parker | Miri Song


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Book Details


One of the fastest growing ethnic populations in many Western societies is that of people of mixed descent. However, when talking about multicultural societies or ‘mixed race’, the discussion usually focuses on people of black and white heritage. The contributors to this collection rectify this with a broad and pluralistic approach to the experiences of 'mixed race' people in Britain and the USA.

The contributors argue that people of mixed descent reveal the arbitrary and contested logic of categorisation underpinning racial divisions. Falling outside the prevailing definitions of racialised identities, their histories and experiences illuminate the complexities of identity formation in the contemporary multicultural context. The authors examine a range of issues. These include gender; transracial and intercountry adoptions in Britain and the US; interracial partnering and marriage; ‘mixed race’ and family in the English-African diaspora; theorising of ‘mixed race’ that transcends the black/white binary and includes explorations of 'mixtures' among non-white minority groups; and the social and political evolution of multiracial panethnicity.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents iii
Introduction: Rethinking 'Mixed Race' 1
From Pathologisation to Celebration 3
Towards a Complex Ontology 4
An Agenda for Rethinking Mixed Race 12
Notes 17
1. How Sociology Imagined 'Mixed Race' 23
White Racial Fears 26
The Marginal Man 27
Anglo- American Cross-Fertilisation of Ideas 30
Holding the Line 35
Notes 39
2. Re-Membering 'Race': On Gender, 'Mixed Race' and Family in the English-African Diaspora 42
Beginnings: The Problematics of Race 42
'Hybridity' and the Paradoxes of Race 43
Englishness and Normalised Whiteness 46
The English- African Diaspora and Essentialised Blackness 48
Scattered Belongings and the 'Half-Life' of the 'Mixed Race' Subject 49
Parting Thoughts 58
Acknowledgements 59
Notes 60
3. Same Difference: Towards a More Unified Discourse in Mixed Race Theory 65
Notes 75
4. The Subject is Mixed Race: The Boom in Biracial Biography 76
The Black Person in a White Body 77
A Tragic Mulatto Still 81
Celebration of Mixedness 82
Monoracialist Reaction 83
Not Everyone is Part Black 87
Interpretations 90
Multiplicity in a Postmodern Context 93
Notes 94
5. Triples - The Social Evolution of a Multiracial Panethnicity: An Asian American Perspective 99
The Arbitrariness of Race 99
Fractional Representation of Mixed Race People 100
Asian American Panethnicity 102
6. Colour, Culture and Class: Interrogating Interracial Marriage and People of Mixed Racial Descent in the USA 117
Patterns of Racialised Dating, Marriage and People of Mixed Origins 118
The Discursive Terrains of Race Mixture 120
Race Purity 121
Economism and Bureaucracy 122
Consumerism 122
Carnal Delight 124
Individualism and Personal Rights 125
'Race Mixture' and the Social Fabric of the USA 126
A Way Forward 128
Conclusion 130
Acknowledgements 131
Notes 131
7. 'Mixed Race' in Official Statistics 134
Official Statistics 136
The 1991 Census Question 138
How The 1991 Census Handled Mixed Parentage 140
What We Know about Mixed Parentage from the 1991 Census 143
The 2001 Census Question 146
Conclusions 149
Acknowledgements 151
Notes 151
8. Learning to Do Ethnic Identity: The Transracial/ Transethnic Adoptive Family as Site and Context 154
The Essentialist Concept of Ethnic Identity 155
Ethnic Identity as Learned Culture 159
The Mixed- Race/ Mixed- Ethnic Adoptive Family as Site and Context 162
Conclusion 166
Acknowledgements 168
Notes 168
9. 'I'm a Blonde-haired, Blue-eyed Black Girl': Mapping Mobile Paradoxical Spaces among Multi-ethnic Women in Toronto, C 173
Discourses on the Multiethnic Experience 175
Methodology 177
Gillian Rose: Paradoxical Space 178
Elspeth Probyn: Outside Belongings 182
Mapping Mobile Paradoxical Spaces 185
Conclusion 187
Notes 188
Contributors 191
Index 194
adoption 154
age at time of 154 154
age at time of 156 156
age at time of 157 157
age at time of 166 166
and learning ethnic identity, 159-62 159
centrality of families to, 162-6 162
centrality of families to, 167 167
essentialist models of ethnic identity in, 15 15
essentialist models of ethnic identity in, 154 154
essentialist models of ethnic identity in, 155-9 155
essentialist models of ethnic identity in, 167 167
intercountry, 157-8 157
intercountry, 167 167
advertising, mixed race in 122