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City Visions

City Visions

Frank Gaffikin | Mike Morrissey


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This collection considers the role of long-term urban planning in the development of cities, covering a range of North American and European cities, and focusing on Belfast's social, economic and political developments.

The major cities of the West are characterised by division, uneven development and unequal distribution of jobs. In Belfast these general Western urban characteristics are extended and heightened by association with a long-standing political crisis and low-intensity conflict.

The authors integrate global debates on urban development and summarise contemporary theories on cities and their future. An assortment of interventions and delivery mechanisms are considered, and among the key topics covered are urban economies and social exclusion; the planning of city regions; the sustainable city; urban regeneration; the role of culture in remaking cities; and the future governance of cities.
'A complex and multifaceted study of the development, regeneration and management of cities'
Books Ireland

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vi
Foreword viii
Introduction x
Visioning Beyond Division: The Case of Belfast xii
The Source of this Book xvi
Notes xvii
1 Understanding the Contemporary City 3
The End of Keynes 4
Welfarism Under Threat 6
A New Production System 7
Post-Industrialism: 'From Welders to Waiters'? 10
Disorganised Capitalism 13
The Urban and Post-modernity 14
Implications for the Social Production of Space 17
The Particularity of Place 25
Researching the Urban in Northern Ireland 27
Notes 27
2 The Urban Economy and Social Exclusion: The Case of Belfast 34
The Belfast Urban Economy: Regional Context 36
3 The Future Planning of City Regions 61
From the 1960s to the 1990s: How Much is Different? 64
Deconcentration: A Fact of Urban Life 66
The Nonplace Urban Realm: Here at Last? 67
A Global Urban Hierarchy 69
Flows, Corridors and Blue Bananas 71
The Central Contradiction of Regional Planning 72
The Relevance for Belfast 74
Notes 76
4 The Just City and the Efficient City 79
City Neighbourhoods 84
Notes 89
5 Sustainable Cities 90
The Difficult Goal of Sustainable Cities 92
Defining the Sustainable City 94
The Sustainable City: The US experience 96
Locating the Urban in a Regional Context 98
Conclusion 100
Notes 101
6 Urban Regeneration: Lessons from Europe and the UK 104
Lessons from Europe - the Rise of the Entrepreneurial City 104
European Cities Towards 2000 106
Lessons from Urban Regeneration in the UK 109
The New Urban Entrepreneurialism 1979-92 110
The Impact of Urban Entrepreneurialism 111
Future Policy Issues 113
7 Urban Regeneration: The New Policy Agenda 116
Changes in the Policy Context: The Urban Problem: Changes in Definition 117
Competitive Bidding 118
The Single Regeneration Budget 119
Revision of the Single Regeneration Budget 122
City Pride: An Initiative for Strategic Thinking? 122
Changes in Funding 123
Alternative Agendas in Britain 123
The View from Scotland 124
The European Dimension 125
Urban Trends in Europe 127
The Europeanisation of Urban Policy 130
The US Experience 1950s-1990s 132
Similarities Between UK and US Urban Policy 136
US Urban Policy Now 140
Urban Policy: What Way Forward? 140
Notes 142
8 The Role of Culture in Remaking Cities 151
The Interlocking Crises of Cities 152
Cities Cannot Think in Nineteenth-Century Forms about Twenty-first-Century Contexts 154
The Sources of Visioning 155
Five Models of Visioning 157
How to Vision? 159
Recruit, Recognise and Renew Leadership 162
Notes 163
9 The Role of Culture in the Regeneration of a Divided City: The Case of Belfast 164
Creating the Post-Industrial Belfast? 164
Social and Sectarian Division 165
A Tale of Two Cities: Downtown versus Neighbourhoods? 167
Consumption Over Investment? 168
The Role of Arts and Culture in Belfast's Regeneration 169
Culture in a Divided City 177
Notes 179
10 The Future Governance of Cities 183
The Broad Context 183
Rethinking Urban Governance: Three Models 184
Three Examples from North East England 189
Building Urban Institutional Capacity 192
Notes 192
11 Belfast: A Partnership Approach to Local Governance 194
Northern Ireland and Belfast: The Government Context 195
The Partnership Approach in Belfast 199
Variety of Partnerships in Belfast 201
Common Features of Belfast Partnerships 202
Problems with Belfast's Partnerships 203
The Future of the Partnership Approach in Local Governance 204
Notes 206
12 Conclusion: The Development of Cities and the Future of Belfast 207
Changed Times: Changed Theory 207
The Urban Problem 208
Urban Regeneration: Contradictions and Dilemmas 211
Alternative Principles 215
Conceptualisation 217
Process and Implementation 221
The European Context 226
Final Comments 229
Notes 231
Notes on Contributors 236
Index 238
accessible city, concept of, 216 216
accountability, in traditional governance model, 184-5 184
Action for Cities [DoE][ 104
Action for Cities [DoE][ 104 104
Action for Cities [DoE][ 118 118
active citizenship 208 208
Adelaide 158 158
agency 229