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Revolutionary Learning

Revolutionary Learning

Sara Carpenter | Shahrzad Mojab


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Revolutionary Learning explores the Marxist and feminist theorisation of dialectics, praxis and consciousness in education and learning. Moving beyond previous books on Marxism and education, which tend to focus on the reproductive nature of educational institutions, this groundbreaking text draws upon work by leading feminist, anti-racist and anti-colonial scholars in its exploration of the key philosophical concepts that build the Marxist analysis of learning.

Alongside chapters dealing with adult education, institutional ethnography and the promotion of civic engagement, the authors also reassess the contributions of Marx, Gramsci and Freire to educational theory. Adopting an innovative and explicitly feminist perspective, they relocate these theorists' Marxist analyses of education into a more complex relation to patriarchal and imperialist capitalism.

With significant implications for critical education scholarship, research and practice, Revolutionary Learning's importance lies not only in its contribution to theory, but its extension into pedagogical practice with special attention to how a revolutionary critique of ideology is taken up by educators in their daily work.
'A tremendously insightful, compelling book which promises to revolutionise thinking around adult learning and education'
Aziz Choudry, Associate Professor, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University
'Addresses the totality of capitalist social relations through a theoretical and historical lens, offering a fresh analysis of abstraction, ideology and critical consciousness'
Kumkum Sangari, William F. Vilas Research Professor of English and the Humanities, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
'Superbly written and invites the reader into an engaging exchange on the most important theoretical development in our field today'
John Holst, Associate Professor, Leadership, Policy and Administration, University of St Thomas

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
Dedication vi
Acknowledgements vii
1. Introduction: Revolutionary Feminist Praxis 1
2. What is 'Critical' About Critical Educational Theory? 27
3. Learning and the 'Matter' of Consciousness in Marxist Feminism 45
4. Centring Marxist Feminist Theory in Adult Learning 72
5. Institutional Ethnography: A Marxist Feminist Analysis 92
6. Capitalist Imperialism as Social Relations: Implications for Praxis, Pedagogy and Resistance 111
7. Learning by Dispossession: Democracy Promotion and Civic Engagement in Iraq and the United States 129
Index 150