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Revolution in Rojava

Revolution in Rojava

Michael Knapp | Anja Flach | Ercan Ayboga


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Book Details


A new kind of society is being built in Syria, but it's not one you would expect. Surrounded by deadly bands of ISIS and hostile Turkish forces, the people living in Syria's Rojava cantons are carving out one of the most radically progressive societies on the planet today. Western visitors have been astounded by the success of their project, a communally organised democracy which considers women's equality indispensable and rejects reactionary nationalist ideology whilst being fiercely anti-capitalist.

The people of Rojava call their new system democratic confederalism. An implementation of the recent ideology of the imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan, it boasts gender quotas of 40 percent, bottom-up democratic structures, deep-reaching ecological policies and a militancy which is keeping ISIS from the gates.

Revolution in Rojava is the first full-length study of this ongoing social and political transformation in Syrian Kurdistan. It is the first authentic insight into the complex dimensions of the revolution. Its authors use their own experiences of working and fighting in the region to construct a picture of hope for Middle-Eastern politics and society, and reveal an extraordinary story of a battle against the odds.

'Gives a profound insight'
Firat News Agency
'The Kurdish revolution of Democratic Autonomy is of enormous importance for the future of the world. It points a possible way forward out of the tragedy of the Middle East, and more than that: a possible way forward out of the catastrophe that is capitalism. This book is of great help... A careful and detailed account that is filled with personal narrative, it is both easily accessible and very informative'
John Holloway, Professor of Sociology, Autonomous University of Puebla, author of Crack Capitalism (Pluto, 2010)
'Provides excellent background information about this important but little understood struggle'
The Monthly
'A deeply insightful contribution to understanding the Kurdish movement's achievements in Rojava'
'A comprehensive and readable guide to the complex situation. This hugely exciting and important book has wider lessons for feminists, ecosocialists and others who want to create an anti-capitalist alternative'
Green Left Weekly
'Written by long-time activists of the Kurdish freedom movement, this book is the first authentic insight into the complex dimensions of Rojava's radical revolution'
Dilar Dirik, author and activist of the Kurdish Women's Movement

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents v
List of Figures ix
Translator's Note xi
Foreword - David Graeber xii
Introduction xxiii
1. Background 1
2. Rojava's Diverse Cultures 18
3. Democratic Confederalism 36
4. The Liberation 47
5. A Women's Revolution 61
6. Democratic Autonomy in Rojava 84
7. Civil Society Associations 122
8. Defense: The Theory of the Rose 133
9. The New Justice System 164
10. The Democratization of Education 175
11. Health Care 185
12. The Social Economy 192
13. Ecological Challenges 211
14. Neighbors 222
15. Prospects 250
Afterword: The Philosophy of Democratic Autonomy - Asya Abdullah 262
Glossary 268
About the Authors 272
Index 273