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Sharing the Land of Canaan

Sharing the Land of Canaan

Mazin B. Qumsiyeh


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Book Details


There is no more compelling and dramatic unfolding story, with more profound international ramifications, than the conflict in the Middle East.

Sharing the Land of Canaan is a critical examination of the core issues of the conflict that dares to put forward a radical but logical solution: that a shared state is the best way to achieve justice and peace for Israelis and Palestinians. Mazin B. Qumsiyeh, offers an overview of the issues at stake, and outlines his vision for a lasting peace based on upholding the principles of human rights for all. Tackling taboo subjects, myths and obstacles, he argues convincingly that apartheid in the form of a two-state solution is no longer a feasible way to achieve enduring peace.

At this critical time, when the 'road map' to peace looks more uncertain than ever, this book provides a refreshing counterpoint to the failed strategies of the past. It is a direct and accessible account of the history - and mythology - of the fabled 'Land of Canaan', which lays out hopeful ideas for the future of this truly multiethnic and multicultural region.
'Brings to light many forgotten and wilfully buried facts about the origins of the Israel-Palestinian conflict'
Dr. Norman Finkelstein
'A tour-de-force by a brilliant scientist who debunks entrenched myths standing in the way of the only logical and compassionate peace'
Dr. Naseer Aruri, Professor Emeritus and author of Dishonest Broker
'An erudite work of extensive scholarship, enormous scope, searing honesty, and intellectual audacity'
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi
'Scholarly and thought-provoking new insights into the Israeli-Palestinian struggle. This book is 'must-reading' for those who are interested in the Arab-Israeli conflict'
Norton Mezvinsky, CSU University Professor, Central Connecticut State University, co-author of Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel
'Covering lots of ground concisely, this is a rewarding book for those trying to unravel the myths and misconceptions involved'
Beccy Reese, Bookmarks Review of Books
'A breath of fresh air. The author, a well-known human rights activist, defies all odds and proposes a scheme of coexistence'
Dr. Salman Abu Sitta

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents v
1. Introduction 1
2. People and the Land 5
Ancient Peoples and Culture 5
The Nabateans 9
Cultural and Religious Symbiosis in Canaan 11
A 'Melting-Pot' Origin of Native People 13
Palestinians 14
3. Biology and Ideology 18
Eugenics, Population Genetics, and Political Ideology 20
Genetics and the Bible 24
Genetics versus Zionist Mythology 28
4. Palestinian Refugees and Their Right to Return 31
Early Proposals for Population Removal 32
Why Did the Palestinians Leave? 35
Intention, Rhetoric, and Reality 39
The Consequences of Al-Nakba 41
Continued Ethnic Cleansing versus Justice and Repatriation 43
The Desirability and Feasibility of Return 46
5. Jerusalem (Ur-Salem, Jebus, Yerushalaym, Al-Qods): A Pluralistic City 56
Jebusites and Jerusalemites 56
Changing Powers, Eternal People 58
Jerusalem under Islamic Rule 60
Twentieth-century Nationalism 61
Reunification or Apartheid and Exclusion 63
The Future: A City of Peace 65
6. Zionism 67
Christian Zionism and Colonialism 67
Zionism Taking Root among European Jewish Communities 70
Zionism after 1948 72
Is Zionism the Mirror Image of Anti- Semitism? 76
A Post-Zionist Discourse 81
7. Is Israel a Democracy? 85
A Basic Analysis of the 'Basic Laws' 85
The 'Absentee Laws' 89
Institutionalized Discrimination 92
8. Violence and Terrorism 97
The Seeds and Roots of Terrorism 97
Fear 100
Terrorism in the Land of Canaan 101
Resistance versus Terrorism 103
Justice Brings Peace, Injustice Perpetuates Violence 107
9. Human Rights 113
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 113
Torture 115
Targeting Civilians 117
Human Rights as the Cornerstone for Peace 118
10. The Conflict and Sustainable Development 130
The Palestinian and Israeli Economies and Societies: Separate and Unequal 130
Changes since 1991 133
Water 137
Environmental Degradation 139
Prosperity with Equality and Sustainability 141
11. The Political Context 144
Natives and Zionists: An Inevitable Clash? 144
Britain and France and the Zionist Program 146
Britain Hands the Torch to the US 151
Israeli Political Discourse 153
An Era of Peace? 155
Palestinian Political Discourse 159
The Oslo Accords 161
Might Makes Right? 169
12. The International Context and International Law 175
Early International Failures 175
An Illegal Partition 179
The Fourth Geneva Convention 182
UNSC Resolutions 242, 338, and More 185
13. Peace Can be Based on Human Rights and International Law 191
Zionist Discourse 193
Reality is not Conducive to a Two- State Solution 197
The Politics of Justice 199
Altruism is Pragmatic 202
We Have Been There, Done That 204
The Power of Coexistence and Non-violent Direct Action 208
Psychological and Physical Apartheid 210
An Inevitable Solution 213
Notes 220
Index 233