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Open Borders

Open Borders

Teresa Hayter


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Book Details


Assessing the impact of the increasing severity of border controls since they were first introduced, Teresa Hayter makes the controversial case for their abolition.

Focussing on postwar immigration controls, especially the use of such controls against the peoples of former European colonies and East Europeans, and their effects on asylum seekers, Hayter examines the recent history of European coordination of border controls and the notion of ‘Fortress Europe’.

The new edition brings this seminal work up to date with a lengthy preface exploring how the practices of the British government over the past few years has continued the process Hayter outlines in the main text – of abusive and irrational border controls and the criminalisation of entire communities. This second edition also updates the bibliography and list of campaigning groups, and ends with a new manifesto for a world without borders, declaring 'no one is illegal!'

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Introduction 1
1 Migration, and migratory myths 8
World migration 8
Postwar migration to industrialised countries 10
Migration to Britain 13
2 Border controls 21
Racism 21
Early history of British immigration controls 36
Controls on Commonwealth immigration 43
Fortress Europe 57
3 Refugees: Tightening the screw 64
The debasing of refugee rights 64
Legislation and legal processes in Britain 76
The criminalisation of refugees 95
Destitution 105
Detention 112
Campsfield immigration detention centre 123
4 Resistance 134
Resistance in Britain 134
The sans- papiers movement 142
5 Re- open the borders 149
Immigration controls and human rights 149
Immigration controls do not work 152
Immigration and jobs, wages and conditions 155
Immigration and public expenditure 161
Immigration controls and racism 163
Migration and the Third World 166
Free Movement 171
Appendix 173
Bibliography 184
List of organisations and campaigns 189
Index 193
Tables 10
1.1 Foreign population as a percentage of total resident population in European countries, 1997 10
1.2 Estimated net immigration from the new Commonwealth from 1953 to the introduction of controls in mid- 1962 19
1.3 Net migration to/ from Britain, 1871-1991 20
3.1 Asylum applications in Britain in the 1990s 70