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Struggle in a Time of Crisis

Struggle in a Time of Crisis

Nicolas Pons-Vignon | Mbuso Nkosi


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Book Details


This is a collection of essays by an array of contributors from the Global Labour Column, which highlights and examines class struggle as the core of resistance against capitalism today.

It provides insights into the dynamics of neoliberalism and its persistence and stimulates debates about the continued impact of the economic crisis, focusing on labour as both a victim and a crucial social force which can push for an alternative.

Examples of the subjects it covers include the Indonesian Sportswear Industry, Chinese construction companies in Africa, mining in South Africa, job quality in Europe, globalised 'T-shirt economics' and the marketisation and securitisation of UK international aid, amongst many others.

The Global Labour Column, managed by the Corporate Strategy and Industrial Development research programme at the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, is part of the Global Labour University.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Cover Cover
Contents vii
List of Figures x
Acknowledgements xi
Introduction - Nicolas Pons-Vignon and Mbuso Nkosi xii
Section 1: Understanding the Crisis 1
1. Planet Earth is Wage-led! A Simultaneous Increase in the Profit Share by 1 Per Cent-point in the Major Developed and Developing Countries Leads to a 0.36 Per Cent Decline in Global GDP - Özlem Onaran 3
2. From Financial Crisis to Stagnation: The Destruction of Shared Prosperity and the Role of Economics - Thomas I. Palley 8
3. State Funding of Research and the Narrowing of Economics in the United Kingdom - Frederic Sterling Lee 14
4. Globalisation and Taxation: Trends and Consequences - Ilan Strauss 18
5. T-shirt Economics: Labour in the Imperialist World Economy - Tony Norfield 23
Section 2: Europe in Turmoil 29
6. Greece in the Deadlock of the Troika's Austerity Trap - Giorgos Argitis 31
7. The ECB's Misleading Understanding of the Euro Crisis - Carlo D'Ippoliti 36
8. Europe's Lost Decade: Paths out of Stagnation - Hansjorg Herr 42
9. The Crisis, Structural Reform and the Fortification of Neoliberalism in Europe - Christoph Hermann 47
10. The Economic Crisis and Job Quality in Europe: Some Worrying Trends and Worse May be to Come - Janine Leschke and Andrew Watt 52
Section 3: Exploring Alternatives 59
11. Tackling Unemployment and Growing Public Debt - Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury 61
12. Tax for Equity (T4E): Getting Wages Back on Track - Frank Hoffer 66
13. The State as the Employer of Last Resort - Cédric Durand and Dany Lang 71
14. 'We are Steaming Ahead': NUMSA's Road to the Left - An Interview with Karl Cloete 75
15. Alternatives to Neoliberalism: Towards a New Progressive Consensus - João Antônio Felício 80
Section 4: Resisting Exploitation and Neoliberalism 87
16. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Outcome? - Carol Jess 89
17. Right to Work and Michigan Labour - Roland Zullo 94
18. A Site of Struggle: Organised Labour and Domestic Worker Organising in Mozambique - Ruth Castel-Branco 99
19. Constructing an anti-Neoliberal Analysis to Arrive at Truly Alternative Alternatives - Salimah Valiani 103
20. The 2012 Strike Wave, Marikana and the History of Rock Drillers in South African Mines - Paul Stewart 108
Section 5: Good Samaritans? Institutional Responses to Labour Right Abuses 115
21. Where is Decent Work in DfID Policy? Marketisation and Securitisation of UK International Aid - Phoebe V. Moore 117
22. The National Pact to Eradicate Slave Labour in Brazil: A Useful Tool for Unions? - Lisa Carstensen and Siobhán McGrath 121
23. Better WOrk or 'Ethical Fix'? Lessons from Cambodia's Apparel Industry - Dennis Arnold 127
24. Putting Workers' Agency at the Centre in the Indonesian Sportswear Industry - Karin A. Siegmann, Jeroen Merk and Peter Knorringa 132
25. Rana Plaza: Private Governance and Corporate Power in Global Supply Chains - Tandiwe Gross 136
Section 6: 'Workers of the World, Unite': Challenges and Opportunities of Transnational Solidarity 143
26. Rank and File Participation and International Union Democracy - Vasco Pedrina 145
27. Trade Unions, Free Trade and the Problem of Transnational Solidarity - Andreas Bieler 150
28. Modelling a Global Union Strategy: The Arena of Global Production Networks, Global Framework Agreements and Trade Union Networks - Michael Fichter 155
29. Trade Unions, Globalisation and Internationalism - Ronaldo Munck 160
30. Chinese Construction Companies in Africa: A Challenge for Trade Unions - Eddie Cottle 165
Notes on Contributors 171
Index 176